Author Topic: should i?  (Read 2002 times)

Offline nitrix17

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guys, its almost april, and being an avid surfer, im going to hit the beaches pretty soon. is there any chance i might be able to have the surgeory and be recovered by the end of june? please help me out...also, is there any age restrictions on the surgeory?

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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WHOA BROSEPH!  I thought you just had puffy nips?? You said they look normal when you're nippin? I'm a surfer myself, and if there's ONE place that I never, EVER worry about my puffy nips, it's surfin. The salt and sun stretch your skin, so it's WAY less noticeable, plus the tan hides it too. NOT TO MENTION you're in the water, so you're nippin. So you're not gonna wait to see if working out helps, huh?? I'm not real sure, but I'm sure SOME doctors out there would operate on someone your age, but I thought your case wasn't that bad?

Offline johndoe

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If you do have surgery in april you'll be good to go by May. Usually a month is all the recovery time you'll need.

Offline dav242

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i like that "nipple" has become a verb --> "nippin"
that's great - when did that happen? is this surfer lingo?

anyway, most docs say 2-3 months, although up to 6 months. if you get it now, you'll probably be OK by mid-late june, better by july, even better in august, etc.
but you'll have those scars to think about too.

my guess, from your previous posts, is that you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. i have to agree with Sir_Puffs again. i think the conditions in the water will help with the puffiness. i also think surgery should be a very very last resort (after AT LEAST a year of working out + doing research on doctors and your specific gyne problem).

that said, i almost feel like recommending that you just see a PS (board certified, one that does free consults), just so that you can hear from them what they think and get an expert opinion.

i'm thinking they'll say that you could have surgery if you wanted, but you don't need it and then they'll send you home (not all PS's are money hungry - they get enough as it is, they odn't have to worry about insurance, and in the grand scheme, an excision+lipo doesn't rake in as much as maybe a tummy tuck + breast aug for women).

i think you should just do it to appease your mind and ultimately set your mind at ease.

it's one thing to self-diagnose or solicit opinions from an internet forum where people can't actually see what's up. it's another thing to go to a board certified PS and to get his honest opinion. you'll probably feel better - mentally - after doing that.

but don't jump the gun and schedule surgery right then and there. still give it some thought and check back in here.

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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DUDE, CHECK IT OUT, so I was nippin to the store the other day...  ;D


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