Author Topic: Sorry to bother  (Read 4500 times)

Offline dublin13

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Hello, I'm new, obviously.  I have a question and it seems that you all are the only ones, besides a doctor that can help.  I'm sorry if this is a bit long:
I'm 24 and I've been taking propecia for about 6 months.  I am 5'6, 140 and I workout and am in good shape.  Ever since I've been on prpecia I've noticed that my nipples tend to become erect a lot more frequently.  At times they even feel very chapped.  It is cold here and I do sometimes not wear an undershirt, so this may induce that.  I also have noticed that when I wear a tight t-shirt, to workout or whatever, my nipple and aereola are very noticable through my shirt.  I think it looks normal w/ shirt off though.  
Hello, I'm new, obviously.  I have a question and it seems that you all are the only ones, besides a doctor that can help.  I'm sorry if this is a bit long:
I'm 24 and I've been taking propecia for about 6 months.  I am 5'6, 140 and I workout and am in good shape.  Ever since I've been on prpecia I've noticed that my nipples tend to become erect a lot more frequently.  At times they even feel very chapped.  It is cold here and I do sometimes not wear an undershirt, so this may induce that.  I also have noticed that when I wear a tight t-shirt, to workout or whatever, my nipple and aereola are very noticable through my shirt.  I think it looks normal w/ shirt off though.  

I'm mainly asking if these are signs of Gyne?
What are some tell tale signs of Gyne?
Does Gyne always have a tissue lump associated w/ it?

My Dermatologist checked me out and said I looked fine to her.  But I have experienced these changes first hand.  I'm not neurotic.

Please help answer my questions.  You seem knowledgable and I am here for advice/thoughts.  Thanks in advance
My Dermatologist checked me out and said I looked fine to her.  But I have experienced these changes first hand.  I'm not neurotic.

Please help answer my questions.  You seem knowledgable and I am here for advice/thoughts.  Thanks in advance

Offline markashleigh1979

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Propecia, which is finasteride does cause gynecomastia s one of the many sife-effects.Without a pic we can't really say if you have it or you said....ITS COLD :)

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Propecia contains Finasteride.

Finasteride lowers the potent male hormone dihydrotestosterone.

Dihydrotestosterone is required for erections and libido.

So as you can imagine that isn't good  

Hypogonadism is termed as a deficiency of testosterone and/or its metabolites.  Dihydrotestosterone is a metabolite of testosterone.

In other words Finasteride can and does cause hypogonadism.

Finasteride is used as a treatment for prostate cancer. to chemically castrate men- instead of physical castration.

I know of a number of men who have developed hypogonadim as a result of taking propecia.

According to Eurgene Shippen one of the worlds leading authorities on hypogonadism and male hormones- propecia and other drugs containing small amounts of Finasteride can in a minority of men cause a form of hypogonadism that is very difficult to treat.

Here is one such person who has ended up with hypogonadism as a result of the use of propecia (story is on the testosterone deficiency Centre);  

Here is his website and a link to other men who have suffered as a consequence of using finasteride based products;

See the affects of propecia below

and view the comments of one top hormone doctor here;action=display;num=1139738214


Do not touch propecia or any product containing finasteride with a barge pole- avoid like the plague and use at your peril.

It you are suffering from a loss in libido or erections- contact an endocrinologist who specializes in reproductive endocrinology.

If you want help obtaining contact details of such just send me a pm.  

Offline dublin13

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Hypo, et al.  I really appreciate you taking the time to address this.  It seems that most of what you are talking about involves Erectile Dysfunction.  I have none of that.  I know Finasteride CAN cause Gyne, that is what has raised my awareness.  I was wondering what your opinions were on these questions.  I read the links you sent and while they are scary, they are quite informative.  Thanks again, and if you get time please address:

Are the symptoms I reported, signs of Gyne?  
What are some tell tale signs of Gyne?
Does Gyne always have a tissue lump associated w/ it?
Could I be over analyzing this, and actually be fine?

Offline Worrier

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The telltale signs of gyno are normally puffy nipples ,and pain around the nipple area. I didn't get pain there I got it just below the chest area. But I'm odd like that :P

You may feel a hard lump in or just below your nipple area .Alter natively you may have more of a diffuse kind where there is no hard lump but you get a breast lke shape.

There are no hard and fast rules and the best person to tell if it is gyno is a doctor (a GP preferably rather than a ps), know it's embarrassing though. If he says it's gyno I would see an endo  as you have been on propecia and need to rule anything else out .

On the bright side There is another possibility for your nipples being sore. I do quite a bit of running and working out in the gym and I had a prob with sore bleeding nipples .The doc said it was 'joggers nipple' and gave me some cream for it and it sorted it. Now I don't even need it due to the weather changing less rain etc. Wet cold weather is bad for your nipps .

But I would bear in mind what hypo said , personally from reading what he descrbed I would rather be bald the get that .Anyways skin is in ;D.


Offline dublin13

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I will leave you be after this, until I have anything further to report.  But, is it the nipple and Aereola that get bigger or the actual breast?  Right now, I don't have chest pain...just nipple irritation.  I also have no lump

Offline Hypo-is-here

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YES it causes gynecomastia in a great many men!

I have personnally seen dozens of men come through this site who developed gynecomastia after using Propecia and gynecomastia is also a listed side effect of the drug.

Gynecomastia is caused by a hormone imbalance whether temporary or more permanent- that is what I was getting at in my last post.


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I will leave you be after this, until I have anything further to report.  But, is it the nipple and Aereola that get bigger or the actual breast?  Right now, I don't have chest pain...just nipple irritation.  I also have no lump

as far as i no i starts in the nipple it did with me anyhow


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