Author Topic: Sounds Too Good To Be True!!! **UPDATED**  (Read 4239 times)

Offline gyne8to18

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Okay, I'm 18 now and have been suffering from gyne since I was 8.  I was overweight back then but am now fairly thin. I went to my general doctor and he examined my chest(upon my request) and said that its probably gynecomastia. He  then had an appointment set up for me to see a surgeon. Then I had lab work done. My results were normal.

When I went to the surgeon, he very nonchalantly said that they could remove the breast tissue. He said that they would cut along the edges of the (nipple area) and that I would just be a little sore afterwards. He said that I just shouldn't "Go out and party the same night!"
He also said that I could get it done WHENEVER I wanted to. There wasn't even a need for a pre-op.

As far as expeneses are concerned, there was NO mention of it. My insurance company must cover the total cost.

I've heard many other guys here talk about taking a lot of steps before and after surgery. Now, I come along and it's just a simple "come whenever you want to and we'll take some tissue out and send you back home". Does this sound legit?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2006, 07:56:37 PM by gyne8to18 »

Offline camarojoe

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i know SEVERAL guys that had small glands (steriod inducted mostly) removed and did not wear compression vests and were back in the gym in a weeks time.

i think it depends alot on each case. I went to a surgeon who said I woul not need a vest, just the bandages for a while.

Offline STILLgotIT

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Your doc sounds a bit "knee-jerkish." Or, perhaps you didn't ask any questions?

Offline gyne8to18

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 Well, no I didn't really ask any quetions. I think I was a little overwhelmed. Billboy, the anwer to all of your questions is "no." And yes, this is a general surgeon. Maybe my case just isn't so bad. It's bad enough for people to notice though.  ???

Offline Tired

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Get a second opinion. I don't mean to burst your bubble here, but don't believ anything you hear, even from doctors. It did sound a little too good to be true. But i hope it isnt.

Good luck!

Offline Hypo-is-here

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He should be cautious and go and get second opinions as a standard practice.  He should do his homework and learn what questions to ask and how to interpret them.

All of the above is something that is in his interests before considering any surgical procedure.....


Graham you are scaremongering.  You do not known this surgeon, his ability or what results he typically gets so you post isn't remotely helpful as you're just making unsubstantiated comments to scare the lad.

Yes he has to be cautious as all considering surgery have to.  But there has been nothjing said that proves that he is not talking to a capable surgeon.  

gyne8to18 must try and ascertain himself as to whether this person is the right surgeon for him.  Hopefully by learning what questions to ask and getting second opinions he can settle on a surgeon that he has most faith in, whether it is this guy or another.

Offline gyne8to18

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 This is a very supportive community. I appreciate all of the responses. My surgery is supposed to be in 2 weeks, so maybe between now and then I can find someone else to give me a second opinion. Up until about 2 months ago, I never talked to ANY doc about my condition, so I do feel a little ignorant about what steps to take.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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It is very late here and I'm a little tired out, but your next post surely has to be;

What are the questions to ask a potential surgeon?

Ask that one, it it bound to help you.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 03:10:04 PM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline tonysoprano

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... and the saga continues

Offline Hypo-is-here

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gyne8to18 is asking for our opinion about his situation based on what he told us. He's not asking for irrefutable evidence based on reports confirmed in the latest peer-reviewed issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

As usual, you are here simply to usher and encourage everyone into having the surgery without properly contemplating the situation or its possible consequences.

What on earth are you talking about?

A) Graham I have not told gyne8to18 to get surgery.  That is a decision that he has clearly reached on his own.

B) The fact is you made statements regarding the quality of a surgeon despite the fact that you have not met this surgeon or in fact have any knowledge of them whatsoever or their record in this field.  He could be a very good surgeon, he could be a bad one, we don’t know, because and I reiterate in plainer language or you'

We don’t fucking know him or his record!!!  

This means you, me or anyone else who is not more informed can’t really pass comment on him or at least not anything serious or logical that is worth listening to!

Do you not understand that?

I fucking hope so because it is painfully tiring having to explain what is blatently obvious.

C) I have made no comments regarding medical journals in this thread, you off on a tangent.

D) You are the only one trying to influence peoples decisions in terms of whether to get surgery or not.  You do it in nearly every posts you make.  I have no interest whatsoever as to who has surgery and who does not.

E) Find me posts where I tell people to get surgery who have not expressed a wish to already have surgery or in fact show me where I tell people to get surgery where they have expressed a wish to live with the condition.

You wont find ANY posts of such nature!!! because I don't and never have done what you constantly suggest.

You are VERY illogical and when you behave like this VERY unhelpful to everyone you come across.

It isn't usual for me to get annoyed these days (i'm getting old for that) but you are a fucking time waster.  You can darn off now Graham and waste someone elses time, because you're not having any more of mine.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 09:57:12 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline gyne8to18

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8to18, you need to call the doc's office and ask how the MD plans on removing the glandular tissue and/or fat.  Will he go in through the nipple and make a small incision that follows the outline of the nipple or will he be making a generic cut across each pec to remove the tissue?  If the latter, cancel the procedure until you see pictures.  Really.

Again, your doc could be 100% the best surgeon EVER, but you need to ask him how he plans on performing the surgery.  Don't wait until the day of surgery, either.  Call his office monday and be forceful about speaking to his nurse or office manager.  This should be a common question they receive for this type of surgery....

...Definately need to verify if your insurance is going to pay for this at least a week before you have the surgery to avoid paying ANY fees.



Thanks for the advice, aquilius.
Before I left the doc, he said that they would cut along the areola. Also, my mom told me that our insurance covers all surgical procedures.


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