Author Topic: Starting routine to improve my gyno  (Read 9014 times)

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Hey everyone, im new here and I just wanted to say I am going into this with a little bit of skepticism.
Firstly, I have smoked Maryjane for several years, I always had boobies although it got worse in my twenties when I did two roid cycles, I looked great then but whats the point if I am going to end up with b cups?  :-\
My first plan is to get into the best shape of my life.
I am currently up to about 300 pushups and I am starting a routing where all I do is wide pushups and very inclined pushups including the spartan pushups.
My belly has fat too and so does my lower body. I figure that although I know that doing pec exercises will increase my chest and make it more apparent my ultimate goal is to reduce my bodyfat.

My second step is no more maryjane until I get to a low body fat of about 9-12%.
I dont care what people say, I have had days where I can actually feel my nipples tingling from smoking weed.
Build up my shoulders, arms and back and do situps until i feel like puking. Im also jogging everyday.

I am going to try the following diets:
1: Turmeric
2: I am taking DIM, which blocks estrogen receptors and balances hormones out(the dim iam taking also has green tea extract)
3: 3-4 proten shakes a day
4: Lots of eggs and avoid beef, unless its from argentina or grown without hormones(organic)
5: I am going to drink soymilk lightly since adding it to my protein powder adds more protein to my diet
6: Eating heavy amounts of broccolli.
7: Dirnking water with lemon 8-10 cups
8: When I am further along I plan to start taking aromatase inhibitors to block estrogen, same stuff roiders take
9: I have one of those compression vests that when I do wear it for a few hours and take it off, the gyno looks much better.

I dont care if my gyno is slightly apparent when I am done, if need be ill get the surgery, but from the post op pics I wonder how many people would have benefited from losing weight first?
Now for questions: I have seen some gyno op pictures where the nipple looks like it has been inverted inwards. It looks horrible, or with a little triangular edge to it on the side, also looks awkward.
Now for the questions:
Is there alternatives to the traditional surgery of making the nipple look like if it got butchered and just sucking out the fat instead of playing around with the nipple/areola?
--there are websites that advertise they can reduce the gyno with these pills
3w dot gynocure dot com/Articles/Man-Breasts-Eliminate-Them-Without-Expensive-Surgery.htm
3w dot getridofmymanboobs dot com/pills/ acutally rates various out there
-Supplement: Neogenix Regenesen, Havoc (Or one of the many clones)
Aromatase Inhibitor: Letrozole (Femara)
-Actual published study on improved gyno with tamoxifen
3w  dot ncbi.nlm dot nih dot gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=15998589&ordinalpos=15&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
-Preparation H? Known to tighten skin and used by pre-competition bodybuilders.

See I know some doctors like the fast solutions and western medicine philosophy, but my dad cured his prostate cancer going homeopathy and
has lived 15+ years after first being diagnosed with Prostate cancer(so don't go there)

I would resort to surgery but also would contemplate traveling outside the US for ULTRASOUND LIPOSUCTION, VASER, where the fat is loosened off the direct area without cutting.
3w dot vaser dot com/patients/
what do you guys think?

Other than that I am going to post some pictures later.

Anyone please willing to answer each or any question please help

Offline Paa_Paw

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Sounds like a good healthy program but I would be surprised if it had any significant effect on Gynecomastia.
Grandpa Dan

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Man you are a sourpuss.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I'm sorry to rain on your parade. But the truth is that everything you have listed has been tried many times without success.

Some of the things you listed (Like the Soy Shakes) are amont the things some people thought might have caused their Gynecomastia. I do not personally believe there is a significant effect either way.

MJ is an exception, I believe it does have an effect on Gyne, for some people, and that effect is not what we want.

I would consult a doctor before going on some kind of medication that blocks Estrogen. A small amount of Estrogen is needed for proper functioning of a male body too. Obviously if you have blood tests that show an elevated Estrogen level that should be treated. The point being that adjusting the hormones which control our reproductive physiology is a job for an Endocrinologist; This is not a DIY job.

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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How about gaining 10 lbs of muscle all around? Some guys here showing gyno look like they could improve their gyno by increasing the surface area of the body therefore stretching the skin. Also I know that  little estrogen is always needed, thats why I dont take DIM everyday, but every two or three days.
But sitting on my butt as most guys here feeling depressed wont help the gyno either. I am attacking it, as one would attack any other problem, head on. If I fail to lose any of my chest fat, which I cant believe I wont be able to, then at least I would have improved my overall physique, getting a wider back and bigger arms which always makes the bad parts look smaller and getting a little surgery is better than getting surgery and still looking like a softee around the rest of my body because of not working out. Although only slightly noticeable, my man boobs have improved and yes, I do have a small hard lump under my right nipple and smaller one under my left nipple. But im sure there is fat surrounding it too. Fat can be burned.

Your argument is solid for the culture where everyone believes a pill solves your problems.
If you feel depressed take a happy pill, if you want to quit smoking take chantix, if you want hair, pop a pill.
If I want to lose fat take a pill that accelerates the metabolism. BS!!!
If I gain 10 lbs of muscle, that is active tissue that will help me burn the calories and get me slimmer, without taking the fat burner.
I will also be producing more testosterone more naturally, and my chemistry will change.
If I gain twenty pounds of muscle, lose ten pounds of fat, gain 3 inches on my overall chest and lose 3 inches around my belly, guess what, I will be getting close to my best self.
Maybe it will be alot harder and I wont have the perfect results of getting surgery, but I will look a whole lot better and much more confident.
I will also be releasing my own happy hormones, like serotonin, which make me feel less depressed about anything.

Offline Raider Fan

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Your exercise routine will be great for you, there's no doubt about that.  But you titled this thread "Starting routine to improve my gyno," not "Starting routine to make me look better and put me in the best shape of my life."  I think that's all Paa_Paw was getting at.  He'd be the first to tell you to exercise and get in great shape.  But even though you may improve the looks of your chest with all that you're doing, as far as the gyne tissue itself, it will not change it. 

If faithful exercise/weight loss was all it took to deal adequately with gyne, there would be millions more men around who have corrected their problem themselves and gyne surgeons wouldn't be quite so in demand. 

That's not to say that getting in great shape is a waste of time for guys with gyne.  If you get in the best shape you can get in, you may get to the point where.....even if you do have some mild gyne left over, you may find that you are able to live with it and accept it, compared to where you were before all the exercise.  Overall, that's just a much better position to be in. 

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Raider fan, maybe the point should be reversed, if it were so easy to get in shape, which is not, then people wouldn't be worrying about gyno.
Yeah, the gyno tissue would still be there, but as you stated,it would be at least diminished and Im not helping it by getting fatter, and sitting on my butt all day.

Weight training is not easy, getting up the energy to jog, lift weights, and so on is not easy for anyone, especially in a society prone to trying to solve everything either with a pill or a surgery.

Offline sawyer

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Raider fan, maybe the point should be reversed, if it were so easy to get in shape, which is not, then people wouldn't be worrying about gyno.
Yeah, the gyno tissue would still be there, but as you stated,it would be at least diminished and Im not helping it by getting fatter, and sitting on my butt all day.

Weight training is not easy, getting up the energy to jog, lift weights, and so on is not easy for anyone, especially in a society prone to trying to solve everything either with a pill or a surgery.

i disagree, i think nowdays it is easy. well it is for me, i make it part of my life. i was in gyms from 16.. i'm 22 now, and when i had more muscle, i looked better, but fact is.. the gyne was still there, and i still looked wrong. i think even if you get down to 4% BF, you'll still have fat around your chest. i do actually believe that. do your strict routine for years and prove me wrong.
and theres also the point, why should i have to workout all the time just to essentially "hide" my gyne, when most people in the world don't have to? i wanna live a normal life :/ i don't wanna hide it with my clothes anymore.. so i'm getting surgery. weight loss won't hide it, trust me.

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Sawyer, as I explained once I get there to that point, then surgery will be a necessity. However, seeing people time and again get butchered and have additional problems after surgery because they already have swollen breasts.
I saw this website yesterday where this video showed a bodybuilder who had two egg shaped gynos. Except during the video the doctors commented on how little fat was present.
This aided in the recovery of the patient since less damage was done due to the minimizing of the problem area.
The patient had a good rock solid body and after a few weeks showed not even a hint of a scar.

I can attribute that to this:
1: The patient was in excellent shape.
2: The incision was smaller because the doctor didn't have to keep opening to go get more.
3: Minimal if no lipo was actually need since the doctor was able to easily remove fat stores.
4: The area affect was reduced because little fat was present.

I know I have a lump but I want to going in basically just showing the lump and little more.
Giving me the best looking chest that in the future even if I gain a little weight, it wont look as bad because I got two golf balled sized tissues out of my chest instead of showing untidy scars that would have even worse of an effect psychologically at least for me.

Offline sawyer

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Sawyer, as I explained once I get there to that point, then surgery will be a necessity. However, seeing people time and again get butchered and have additional problems after surgery because they already have swollen breasts.
I saw this website yesterday where this video showed a bodybuilder who had two egg shaped gynos. Except during the video the doctors commented on how little fat was present.
This aided in the recovery of the patient since less damage was done due to the minimizing of the problem area.
The patient had a good rock solid body and after a few weeks showed not even a hint of a scar.

I can attribute that to this:
1: The patient was in excellent shape.
2: The incision was smaller because the doctor didn't have to keep opening to go get more.
3: Minimal if no lipo was actually need since the doctor was able to easily remove fat stores.
4: The area affect was reduced because little fat was present.

I know I have a lump but I want to going in basically just showing the lump and little more.
Giving me the best looking chest that in the future even if I gain a little weight, it wont look as bad because I got two golf balled sized tissues out of my chest instead of showing untidy scars that would have even worse of an effect psychologically at least for me.

i think with the bodybuilding guy you mention, he may have given himself the gyno with steriods.. just a thought.
but yeah, i agree.. i don't understand people that hate their gyno, but don't do anything naturally about it.

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Yeah im sure he had it cause of roids, but i want to give the doctor nothing else but gyno and maybe a little fat, to operate on. I havent decided on the doctor, but looking at some surgeries, some of these guys look like butchers. I have been doing light research on surgery and prefer a doc who will make a small incision under the bottom quarter of the areolas, then cut out the gyno and what fat he/she can. The use that tight stitching to make it look good. No cutting around and resizing etc. not the side cut that looks like a sideways teardrop.

right on about guys just complaining and not doing anything. I hate my gyno, but i hate my body being out of shape probably more. We all want to be fit to feel good about ourselves and to attract attention. I just have to stick it out and know that once I overcome the hurdle, my life will achieve a paradigm shift. i hope these next 30 days are well received and i end up getting that big boost of growth i am working so hard on especially since I will be turning 37 next month in 34 days.
I want my whole body to look good, firm back, firm abdomen, firm legs and arms, and chest too.

gl sawyer and keep me posted too on your surgery.

Offline Mark102

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I commend you for not being one of the people to just complain about their gyne, give up, and go for surgery. You're actually doing something about it. Me too!

But you do know that you won't gain more than a pound or 2 of muscle in a month, right? Trust me, I've been working out for about 6 months seriously building muscle, and I've gained about 5 pounds of muscle.

Just letting you're talking about gaining 20lbs of muscle, I hope you're planning on seriously sticking to a good workout routine and nutrition for 2-3 years.

Anyway, is a great forum I use for fitness advice. You should join it, its really helpful

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Hey Mark, I remember last time a few years back, when i hit a dead on plateau. Looking back, I realized one thing, I wasnt gaining muscle. It all same down that I was stubborn and followed my own routine of trying to gain muscle while eating a normal diet.
Im now trying bulking up then slimming down diets, while still hitting the weights hard.

These are my results so far:

I have gained so far on my measurement circumference around my shoulders I am at almost 50, not taking a full breath, I came from a 44 1.5 months ago.
I have only gained half an inch on my waist line.
i didnt have these gains going normal diet cause I was always afraid in the back of my mind and not pounding down the food.
I am planning on gaining 1.5 lbs a week, mostly lean since my size growths are not on the belly. Plus I am not measuring my chest to not even focus on the gyno.
I think I am doing well so far. Im going to keep "bulking" until two weeks from my birthday, where it will be salads, oatmeal, canned tuna and sardines, and chicken breasts with plenty of broccolli and some sweet potato and nuts. I hope this proves to me that i can look better overall and improve the gyno aspect. my gyno is now this ball of fat and gyno, although a little more depleted, sitting on the side of solid chest coming from the top since my focus is upper chest and shoulders. I am still "fat" so like I said, I will only be concerned if I am leaning up and at least the fat around the boobs just stays. I would like to know if only the gyno will be apparent plus a little bf, then ill be ready for a surgeon.


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