Hey everyone, im new here and I just wanted to say I am going into this with a little bit of skepticism.
Firstly, I have smoked Maryjane for several years, I always had boobies although it got worse in my twenties when I did two roid cycles, I looked great then but whats the point if I am going to end up with b cups?
![Undecided :-\](https://www.gynecomastia.org/forum/Smileys/default/undecided.gif)
My first plan is to get into the best shape of my life.
I am currently up to about 300 pushups and I am starting a routing where all I do is wide pushups and very inclined pushups including the spartan pushups.
My belly has fat too and so does my lower body. I figure that although I know that doing pec exercises will increase my chest and make it more apparent my ultimate goal is to reduce my bodyfat.
My second step is no more maryjane until I get to a low body fat of about 9-12%.
I dont care what people say, I have had days where I can actually feel my nipples tingling from smoking weed.
Build up my shoulders, arms and back and do situps until i feel like puking. Im also jogging everyday.
I am going to try the following diets:
1: Turmeric
2: I am taking DIM, which blocks estrogen receptors and balances hormones out(the dim iam taking also has green tea extract)
3: 3-4 proten shakes a day
4: Lots of eggs and avoid beef, unless its from argentina or grown without hormones(organic)
5: I am going to drink soymilk lightly since adding it to my protein powder adds more protein to my diet
6: Eating heavy amounts of broccolli.
7: Dirnking water with lemon 8-10 cups
8: When I am further along I plan to start taking aromatase inhibitors to block estrogen, same stuff roiders take
9: I have one of those compression vests that when I do wear it for a few hours and take it off, the gyno looks much better.
I dont care if my gyno is slightly apparent when I am done, if need be ill get the surgery, but from the post op pics I wonder how many people would have benefited from losing weight first?
Now for questions: I have seen some gyno op pictures where the nipple looks like it has been inverted inwards. It looks horrible, or with a little triangular edge to it on the side, also looks awkward.
Now for the questions:
Is there alternatives to the traditional surgery of making the nipple look like if it got butchered and just sucking out the fat instead of playing around with the nipple/areola?
--there are websites that advertise they can reduce the gyno with these pills
3w dot gynocure dot com/Articles/Man-Breasts-Eliminate-Them-Without-Expensive-Surgery.htm
3w dot getridofmymanboobs dot com/pills/ acutally rates various out there
-Supplement: Neogenix Regenesen, Havoc (Or one of the many clones)
Aromatase Inhibitor: Letrozole (Femara)
-Actual published study on improved gyno with tamoxifen
3w dot ncbi.nlm dot nih dot gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=15998589&ordinalpos=15&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
-Preparation H? Known to tighten skin and used by pre-competition bodybuilders.
See I know some doctors like the fast solutions and western medicine philosophy, but my dad cured his prostate cancer going homeopathy and
has lived 15+ years after first being diagnosed with Prostate cancer(so don't go there)
I would resort to surgery but also would contemplate traveling outside the US for ULTRASOUND LIPOSUCTION, VASER, where the fat is loosened off the direct area without cutting.
3w dot vaser dot com/patients/
what do you guys think?
Other than that I am going to post some pictures later.
Anyone please willing to answer each or any question please help