It was hit on with another thread about gynecomastia and submissibeness and seeing if they were related, but I wanted to start a new topic and see how many of us guys with gynecomastia are more on the submissive instead of dominant side? I for sure am one. I function a lot better when being told what to do, and thrive on making people happy by trying to do all I can for them. This is included at home where I prefer for my wife to "call the shots" and tell me what she wants done, and at work where I struggle to make decisions, but if someone else make a call and says what needs done I am full steam ahead to make it happen.
Submission is well beyond the bedroom kink that society sees submissive men as. I'm wondering how many of us guys are just all around more submissive mindset and how do you express that in your everyday lifestyle? I try to get laundry done and the dishwasher going when I get home from work before my wife gets home as an example so she can be relieved when she gets home and doesn't have to worry about it. After folding and putting away my own laundry, I start folding hers without her asking. Just little things like that.