Author Topic: suicide..  (Read 15921 times)

Offline cyanide

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i have had enough and just need to vent as i think ill be dead soon.
iv had breasts for around 16 yrs now, I'm 31. i cant take it anymore it is the reason for practically everything shit in my life I constantly think about it, who's looking at my chest? what r ppl thinking and saying? i always look at my reflection whenever i can and nearly always burst into tears . I'm a normal weight good looking male so ppl think its freaky that i have moobs. my girl mate the other day said omg u have cleavage!! i did the usual and tried to brush off the comment but she went on to say omg your lying down and u have cleavage!! i calmy left and went into my room breaking down. I'm sick of not wanting to go out or go on vacation, i dread summer and have sore nipples all the time because i tape them down to make it as unnoticeable as possible. i recently lost my fingertip in a workplace accident and am getting a payout of roughly 7 and half thousand which will just cover the cost of surgery. once again money that i could really use elsewhere is dedicated to my problem. iv read so many stories on here and sadly alot of them that have had the procedure end up without results that they want. I cant even have sex without my top on, SO SICK of it. I'm contemplating suicide seriously this time to the point of knowing exactly how I'm going to do it. I dont know what i did to deserve this infliction and it seems to be getting worse, i have already wasted my entire adult life, shying away from sports and activities that i love doing, shying away from certain jobs because of the shirts they wear. Its too hard, so i wish all of you my DEEPEST sympathies as i feel ur pain, i really do. if i dont make any more posts then I couldnt take it anymore so let it be known that gyno killed me. at least if the word of this gets out maybe just maybe someone will listen and hopefully change these shithouse insurance companies policies for the better. 

Offline scrabble

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Hang in the bro, we're here for you. We've all been through this, the exact same as you have, but we all need to hang in there. If you want to talk to somebody, talk to Samaratans or other 24 hour emotional help groups, but if you really want someone who understands, talk to another guy you know with gyne - he will understand and be able to help more than anybody.

Look you said it yourself, you're getting $7500 - fantastic! [Barring the fingertip ofcourse...] What's the point in contemplating where else you could spend this money if you're thinking suicidal thoughts about your gyne? About 7 months ago, my uncle committed suicide from being overworked and stressed - it absolutely destroyed my family, my granny was devastated, but it taught me a valuable lesson: The only thing we as humans should ever be concerned about is doing what makes us happiest. Spend every penny of that $7.5k on surgery, the very best money can buy. Then your life can begin.

Offline och_77

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hi there,

i log in to drop a note with hope to encourage u. All is not lost. I believe all of us who experience this condition would have:

1. been laughed or teased by someone, myself included. During college days, my classmates would take turns to squeeze my nipples and say "boobs"
2. i will always buy a t-shirt with extra large size so that it can hide my condition
3. look for thick cotton shirts not those thin material
4. when the wind comes, i will be very conscious of the tee shirt wrapping my body
5. i slough so that i can hide the condition.
6. ppl thought i gain weigh over the past 2 years when they said" wow u put on weight in front"
7. i dare not strip in front of ppl, let alone in swimming pool.
8. i kept buying new tee shirts as the condition gets worse,
9. i dont exercise with friends as my front keeps bouncing esp when i run.
10. i tape the nipple to make it look flat.

and the list goes on where everyday we wake up hating our condition and feeling depressed.

BUT ALL IS NOT LOST! ;) This can be corrected by surgery. U only give up your life only when life does not mean anything to u - that is you are without HOPE.
But really, this can be done with a surgery and many of us who went thru it, myself included, am relieved that we took the step to go for it.

Personally, i am also 30 this year. I had this for nearly like since 15 years old. I tried everything, from running intensively, to taking slimming pills, to doing all the chest press etc etc, diet....I thought all was lost but until i went for the surgery.

And i didnt straight away go for it. I graduated for nearly 5 years, paid off my study loan. Settled some debts for my dad. And it took me nearly 2 years of saving few hundreds each mth to go for this. I never regretted.

And it gave me hope and now, joy. Dont be disheartened. Remb, if u should decide to end it all when the condition is not even terminal, it is not worth it.

Our condition can be corrected by a surgery. Dont despair and dont lose heart. I was there before, and many others as well. :)


Offline whatagreatlife

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     Just like scrabble said, we are here for you. And you came to the right place for support, camaraderie, and genuine people who listen and understand what you are going through. I am sure a lot of us have thought the same thing, including myself. We can stick it out together. Gyne doesn't have to win. I've had it since i was 14 and I am now 26. I am a firefighter and fire instructor that travels around my state training others. I am married to a wonderful wife that understands what I am going through with this. We are many things in life, but what I am not is, gynecomastia and I don't let that define what and who I am.  That is only a part of you and there are many parts of you that make you a whole, and a person that doesn't deserve that fate. Do you know how mentally strong you are? We have both lived half our lives with this and we keep going.
     Your girl mate, well that is sad that she doesn't see beyond that because like I said, there is more to you than that. She obviously saw something in you that she liked, and others will too. It's tough but you have to move on, lace up your boots and keep going.
     There are things you can do to minimize your "appearance" in that area like compression shirts/vests until the time you wish to have surgery are done. Life is life is tough, but it is a beautiful thing. Keep on trucking man, we are here for you.

Offline pharmerjoe

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please mate, hang in there. Look at that money as your ticket to getting rid of those moobs, not as wasted money that could go elsewhere, what are material posessions when you're not happy? All those assholes and ignoramases who made comments will win if you let this get the better of you. Just get the surgery done from a reputable surgeon and finally live your life. I am 6 years younger than you, but I have experienced those exact same things as you, believe me.

Offline puffycurse

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We've all been there dude. I feel the exact same way as you sometimes. I get headaches from just thinking about it every single day. It depresses me to no end. I'm only 19, but I am still hopeful for the future. I know I am young and my words may not seem like much, but you only have one life and once it's gone, it's gone for good. Just try to live life as best you can and one day, you will get the surgery and you will feel amazing.

Offline jojo82

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i have had enough and just need to vent as i think ill be dead soon.
iv had breasts for around 16 yrs now, I'm 31. i cant take it anymore it is the reason for practically everything shit in my life I constantly think about it, who's looking at my chest? what r ppl thinking and saying? i always look at my reflection whenever i can and nearly always burst into tears . I'm a normal weight good looking male so ppl think its freaky that i have moobs. my girl mate the other day said omg u have cleavage!! i did the usual and tried to brush off the comment but she went on to say omg your lying down and u have cleavage!! i calmy left and went into my room breaking down. I'm sick of not wanting to go out or go on vacation, i dread summer and have sore nipples all the time because i tape them down to make it as unnoticeable as possible. i recently lost my fingertip in a workplace accident and am getting a payout of roughly 7 and half thousand which will just cover the cost of surgery. once again money that i could really use elsewhere is dedicated to my problem. iv read so many stories on here and sadly alot of them that have had the procedure end up without results that they want. I cant even have sex without my top on, SO SICK of it. I'm contemplating suicide seriously this time to the point of knowing exactly how I'm going to do it. I dont know what i did to deserve this infliction and it seems to be getting worse, i have already wasted my entire adult life, shying away from sports and activities that i love doing, shying away from certain jobs because of the shirts they wear. Its too hard, so i wish all of you my DEEPEST sympathies as i feel ur pain, i really do. if i dont make any more posts then I couldnt take it anymore so let it be known that gyno killed me. at least if the word of this gets out maybe just maybe someone will listen and hopefully change these shithouse insurance companies policies for the better. 

It gets better, I promise. There are low cost surgical solutions out there. I suggest that you get in contact with me so you can get some help. And spend that $7000 on your workplace issue, not gynecomastia surgery.

I've suffered from gynecomastia for the past 13 years, so I know your pain. It's a daily struggle. Please hang in there.

Offline Dave_8

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Dude, the pain you must be going through must be immense. If you read past posts, you will find even more horrible stories from teens and adults, who are in terrible situations that get in the way of surgery. At least you have a job so save up as much as you can. I was in the same boat as you a couple years ago, but then I bought a compression garment, and it helped ALOT! I was so depressed I tried killing myself 5 times but always fell short because my cousins would stop me. They didnt know why I was like that. All because of gyne. I once read a story of a boy, on here, that he was raped several times because of his gyne by his own STEP BROTHER! So please, cheer up, save up, and for now buy a compression vest. It works wonders and replaces the stress of gyne till your ready for surgery. I bought my vest 2 years ago, still wearing the same vests everyday. During school, and after I graduated im working and still wearing em. Im having surgery pretty soon, so there is hope. Life can be so cruel and unforgiving, but we must become resilient at all times of adversity. You are in a dark and low state of mind, but once you get this disease solved, you'll look back and realize you've been through hell, and see that you can handle any obstacle that comes your way. Hang in there, and dont lose hope. Screw the haters.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline hatemymoobs

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I know the feeling. While I'm not suicidal I am growing depressed and overly obsessed with the condition. It's distracting me at work, at home, and everywhere else. I know exactly how you feel, as do many people on here.
Don't let this end your life when a relatively simple operation that you have the money for can erase. Just do your homework and make sure you go to a plastic surgeon who has done this kind of procedure many times.

In the mean time- get some compression shirts. It really sucks to have to wear them, not sure if I'm more depressed or less- but when I wear them I feel more confident and I can stand up tall without slouching. Hang in there bro, it is not worth it.
You're a young dude and have the rest of your life with you. Get the surgery. Just do it right.
Wish you the best and hope to see a post from you soon.

Offline looseSHIRT

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Mate, I've been also in the same boat before, been teased alot, bullied.. missed a lot of things, didnt learn how to swim, wasnt able to do a lot of sports. But there is hope, there is surgery that you can save up after your workplace accident. I know Perth is an expensive city, I've consulted doctors there before and the cheapest that I got was 9k. You can opt to Asian countries that have experienced surgeons as well. My surgery here in the Philippines cost me only 70k Pesos (approx 1600 AUD). There is Hope... After my surgery I felt good.. I can remove my shirt in public, Im now learning how to swim, I can head wind now. I dont need to slouch anymore. Dont give up mate.. Will be looking forward on your next post...

Offline cyanide

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you guys are so amazing. you gave me strength, It feels good to have ppl like you to understand me and my crippling condition. i dont feel like living but reading your replies has left me with some warmth in my heart so ill keep going i guess, I need this procedure so badly its just really confusing trying to find a good cheap surgeon especially in Perth. I give you all a cyber hug and a big thankyou I was and still am in a real dark place but i feel a little lifted just knowing someone else actually understands and cares, even tho your faceless friends who i may never meet i love you guys, thankyou so much

Offline kwl04

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We all understand how you feel because we are there or have been there with you.  Any human would feel what you're feeling after the emotional things you've been through.  It's normal to feel that way because we've all felt it to some degree or another.

Listen to what I'm about to tell you closely.

This condition is curable.  You can do something about it.  You can do something about it. It would be different if you just had this and that was that, but this isn't the case.

I used to dream of a day that I woke up in the morning and didn't have to worry about my condition anymore.  Guess what, I don't worry anymore b/c I had the surgery and my life is different now.

You've put yourself through enough emotional pain so now it's time to do something about it and defeat this. 

-Go buy you some Nike tight shirts (the Under Armour style) and wear it under your clothes. If anyone asks why you're wearing them now, it's because you like how they feel and they stay dry in hotter weather. I say Nike b/c the bottoms are longer and you can tuck them in easier.  This will help your appearance until the rest of your plan comes full circle.

-Start eating healthier and start working out.  We've got to build you some muscle so your chest will look even better after the surgery.

-Pick a doctor you like, no matter where they are and start talking to them about pricing and the procedure. DO NOT go with the cheapest Dr. when it comes to this surgery. If they do a bad job on you, you'll still be depressed b/c your body will not be right.  Please be selective on the Dr. you use.  This is ultra important.  You want a pro that knows what they're doing. There is no cost to your happiness.

-Start working your rear off to earn money to get the surgery. I don't care, work 3 jobs if you have to and save every penny you can. It's only a temporary sacrifice for a lifetime of joy.

-Pick a surgery date that is realistic and gives you enough time to save the money.  Write it on your calender and look at it frequently so you remember why you're doing what you're doing.

-Last of all, you've suffered enough. Your last day of suffering was yesterday. You're on a mission to destroy this gyne and NOTHING will stop you from your goal, NOTHING!  You're changing your life right now. You've felt sorry for yourself long enough. That was the past and you're moving forward with your plan.

It's going to be hard at times, but well worth it in the end.  Just come on here for the support any time you need it when things get tough and you feel like your big day will never get here, it will!

Last of all, I want you to post about your experience so someone else that is in your shoes can see that you overcame this and it will give them the hope and strength to do the same. 

We're behind you brother and keep us posted!

Offline looseSHIRT

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KWL04, good advice! kudos to you..

Cyanide, we're all here for you even if we dont know each other personally.. Perth is an expensive city, but in Perth as well I was able to save up for my surgery.. you can do it as well.. We'll be waiting.... keep us posted..

Offline Dave_8

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Yea man you got this. So does everyone else on here who feels like there is no hope. Gyne may seem like a disease, but in a way its a gift. Living with gyne is terrible, but after getting rid of it, your perspective on life changes and you end up enjoying the little things most guys take for granted like swimming, working out with a normal sized shirt, or even taking a walk to the park. Ive been in your position, and I've manned up and started taking action on my own since my full supporter of this surgery, my Father, walked out on me and my Mom. He basically gave me $2000, and said "sorry son, but your on your own for the surgery" He walked away right when he recieved a $12000 loan that he promised me for the surgery. Guess he had his own secret plans. Now im close to my goal and I am ready to live life. I just gotta suffer a little more for now. Remember, it is always darkest before dawn.

Offline hatemymoobs

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We all understand how you feel.....
We're behind you brother and keep us posted!

Excellent post kwl04... Even though it was directed at someone else I read it like you were talking to me! lol
I'm depressed from this as well and you guys truly are awesome.
Can't wait to get the ball rolling and see a couple surgeons...


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