Author Topic: Surgery for minor casses  (Read 1495 times)

Offline Codogg

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            I have a mild case of gyne, a scale of 1-2 at the most. Everyone I know says they cant see a thing and its nothing to worry about. They are right that it is not blattantly obvious that I have lumps on my chest. But it wasnt that long that I was in shape and had a normally contured chest, 1 year or less ago. So, while it is not obvious that I have little man-boobs the whole gyne curse has seriously changed the way I look and It really starts to bother me when I think that I will never look and feel the way I did before I became afflicted.
           I'll get to the point, I want to make my chest look like it did 1.5 years ago before I got this shit. To get rid of that shit I need to excise it out with surgery. Here is my delima, If I go under the knife to get out the small glands will that return my chest to its normal shape? Or will all the mutilated flesh and scar tissue keep my chest from returning to normal? Does surgery go better when the patient has less fat so that they can just run the blade along the skin and muscle? Does the gland deform the muscle underneath?
           I am sorry that this post isnt very coherent but my fears and questions about surgery are hard for me to articulate. If anyone else ,who has gotten surgery on small glands that stick out a little and pretty much just mess with the shape of your chest, doesnt mind I would like to discuss their experneces. Its also late at night so my writing skills are slacking.

Offline Hux

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Got any before and after pictures?
Do you suffer from puffy nipples or just fat?

How old are you?
Did you get a blood test to see if your hormones are in tact?

Offline Codogg

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I deffinaly got some gland in there, I can feel it and a doctor confirmed it to be gyne. I am probably overwieght by 8 pounds but I could lose that and get back into shape in 3 weeks.
I just turned 23. About 2 years ago I was stupid and thought, "oh shit, I am gonna get big off some steriods. That will be cool". So I took 4 cc out of a 10 cc bottle. After taking the 4 i said this shit aint for me and got rid of the rest. I am not sure but I think about 5-6 months after I stopped with the juice they started to grow. But a year later i deffinaly noticed them and started to hate it. So about a year ago I deffinalty know that I have gyne but at that time I was still lifting alot of weights and playing soccer everyday. About 8-9 months ago the fact that I had some lumps on my chest that I could not get rid of, that really changed the way I looked, made me stop working out and playing soccer and I gradually got out of shape. To me they look and feel slightly bigger than they did 1 year ago when I was in shape but I think that is just because they are not being firmly held against my muscle anymore.
I have not got my hormones checked out. Based on what I said above, should I?

Offline Hux

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I'm no expert but I still think you should get a hormones test just in case..
You don't want to end up having surgery and then having your gyne come back because your hormones aren't even or w/e..
I'm actually gonna be getting my hormones checked soon and then I'm gonna have the surgery.


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