Author Topic: Is this a symptom?  (Read 1278 times)

Offline DannyBoy76

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I haven’t seemed to find information on gyno signs/symptoms that resembles what I’m experiencing.  Maybe it's obviously a sign and I'm only misinterpreting what I've read.     

I’m 35 and am receiving a moderate dose of weekly testosterone injections.  During week four I noticed an irregular shaped (half moon) growth around my nipple. It is slightly lighter colored then my nipple and areola.  It is not as raised as my nipple, in other words my nipple itself is still slightly higher then the new growth.  The growth measures ½ inch across at its widest point, this includes my nipple.  A few weeks have passed and there is no new growth that I can readily identify. Also, it came on quick; I noted it out of the blue.   

As far as I can tell, I have no tenderness, itching, puffy nipple, pain, lumps, etc. 

Is this a symptom of gyno?   
Your advice is greatly appreciated.  Thanks,

Offline Paa_Paw

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There is a very simple explanation for the reason you cannot find sign and symptoms of Gynecomastia. The condition is not a disease.

While it is true that it is a source of embarrassment and concern for many men, It is not usually abnormal in itself but it could be a sign or symptom of other problems involving glands. It could come on as a reaction to some medications as well.

I have no idea what may be causing your condition, but the fact that you are on hormone treatment means that you already have a hormonal problem. I'd suggest you contact the Doctor who prescribed your testosterone treatment. Obviously something is going on and you should get a handle on this right away.
Grandpa Dan


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