Author Topic: Tamoxifen or Raloxifene to reduce gyno  (Read 8002 times)

Offline deskjet444

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Anyone have exerience with these drugs or know of anybody that did? There are articles you can find online that show evidence these drugs can help reduce gyno. Anyone have any good/bad experience with these? or know of anybody that has?

Offline brm

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I would like  to hear about that as well. But there's a fierce argument about those two, plus rebound XT and arimidex  on some bodybuilding sites. The lab data are said to be the following: 65-75 % rate of success (in decreasing gyne) for Tamo. 35-40% for ralo. 75-80 for Arimidex. But some claim contradictory experiences, as ever... Can anyone  on this site  tell us his experience and mention if it was a recent case of gyno or a old one. Thanks.

Offline Paa_Paw

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These products show up here often.  The evidence of their effectiveness is almost always anecdotal.  Their "lab results"  are not from an impartial or third party Lab.  They seems to be touted only by people who stand to make money by the sale of these products.

I have seen nothing in the form of a double blind study subject to peer review.  In short, nothing that meets any kind of scientific standards.

The question boils down to how much money you have that you can afford to throw away?

There are some fine honest people who claim that their Gynecomastia was reduced while they used these products.  But lets get real, placebos reduce pain in some people too.

Some products even have a money back guarantee if you are not happy with the results in two weeks.  Further on they point out that you might start to notice results in as little as two months.  This is a very crude joke, If you didn't get it, read this paragraph over until you do.

Let the buyer beware!
Grandpa Dan


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Im using tamoxifen at the mo the pain in my gyne has gone 100% thats the biggest bonus!
plus i think the gland has reduced in size although i couldnt swear it.
I bought this because i was using steroids but the secondary benefits are making it well worth it and i ordered another box if you have painfull gyne i defo recomend it

Offline brm

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i had a recent and painful case. My regimen is 4xhalf a pill of Arimidex per week + One pill of Parlodel (against high prolactin) a day + massaging twice a day with Andractim. The pain is definitely gone. The gyno has slightly reduced but not a lot. After a month on those meds, I think the benefit I could expect is attained even if I hope some further improvement. my case is drug induced and exclusively glandular. I think  I'll give a try to  Nolvadex when my box of arimidex is finished.


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well nolva is alot cheaper and will relieve the pain so id go with that , my gland is feeling softer could that be a sign of anything??

aslo as above i have drug induced gyne
« Last Edit: December 24, 2005, 01:13:16 AM by kicka »

Offline deskjet444

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theres also some other articles that report about the effectiveness. anyone have any first hand experience with arimidex?

Offline Paa_Paw

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Check the thread:   "How long does it take?"

For another view of this subject.


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