Author Topic: Tamoxifen?  (Read 3866 times)


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Yo 5'11 150 lbs im actually pretty cut and totally happy with my body except for the damn gyne. Had it about 4 years. Smoked pot a while but I had already had it when i did, definitely makes it worse for a while but then recedes, anyway i've just got the puffy nips no extra fat on the breast and im freaking out and depressed Ive read about several studies where gyne guys have been given tamoxifen, a breast cancer estrogen antagonist or something and also body builders using steroids take it and it says it has really good results, especially for just the "lump" gyne which i believe i have. I'm surprised i haven't seen more stuff on here about it but i think im gonna try it. Any advice? It seems easy to get ahold of illegally (wihtout a prescription) online-can i get in much trouble doin that?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 01:12:50 AM by sadboy89 »

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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If you did a search on here you would see a lot has been posted about Anti Oestrogens like Tamoxifen, what they do and why it should only be taken under medical supervision.  Self medicating with a prescription drug like Tamoxifen is not a good idea.  Messing with your hormones is something best left to an Endocrinologist.  Go and see one if you think your gyne is growing.

There are studies that show that Anti Oestrogens like Tamoxifen and Aromatase Inhibitors like Arimidex can have limited success with reducing gyne but only in the early stages of growthGenerally speaking if you have had your gyne for more than a year, they don’t work.  Surgery is often the only option for removing gyne after that.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 01:21:04 AM by Time_to_fix_it »
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006


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arrrgh :-\ yeah  your probably right man-if i go to an endocrinologist i can get a blood test pretty easily to see if its due to a hormone imbalamce right?


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Yo 5'11 150 lbs im actually pretty cut and totally happy with my body except for the damn gyne. Had it about 4 years. Smoked pot a while but I had already had it when i did, definitely makes it worse for a while but then recedes, anyway i've just got the puffy nips no extra fat on the breast and im freaking out and depressed because ive found the perfect girl and everything has been good because she's never been ready to have sex, weve been dating about 18 months now and were definitely getting close and i dont want her to know! Ive read about several studies where gyne guys have been given tamoxifen, a breast cancer estrogen antagonist or something and also body builders using steroids take it and it says it has really good results, especially for just the "lump" gyne which i believe i have. I'm surprised i haven't seen more stuff on here about it but i think im gonna try it. Any advice? It seems easy to get ahold of illegally (wihtout a prescription) online-can i get in much trouble doin that?

Self medication can be dangerous.  The literature claims success with some problems and medical treatment. The publications are lacking in decent before / after documentation.  I have seen many men who have tried medical management.  However as a surgeon, I do not get the chance to see the successes - just the failures.  Typically what has grown does not go away. 

I take care of many competition and non-competition bodybuilders from around the world.

Here - Gyno and BodyBuilding

Puffy Nipples and Bodybuilding

Here - Gynecomastia and BodyBuilding

Here - Gynecomastia Treatment


Here - Gynecomastia BodyBuilding.

I would suggest looking beyond each link's first page at all of the views for each patient to better understand the difference in the look before / after surgery.  There are other examples of lean patients, but thought this would be a good start.

Recovery after surgery depends on the original problem, what was done, injury during surgery, bruising, skill of your surgeon, after care, how you heal and other factors.  Although I do not tear the muscle, the recovery is sort of like a sprain you can get back when your body lets you, not before.  The body does not heal on a time schedule.  Push it too far too soon and you will set yourself back.  My patients are typically walking around comfortably with very little to no pain medication the day after surgery.  The walking is fine, bouncing is not comfortable. Putting the arms up over the head, now that is putting injured tissues under strain. 

I prefer to individualize the recovery plan for each of my patients.  Such issues are best explored during a consultation with the doctor with who you are planning surgery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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