Author Topic: Teen with Gyno: Can i make this connection?  (Read 2901 times)

Offline Youngboi

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Ok so im 16 and ive had gyno for a couple of years or so. Ive been hoping it will go away by itself but i have no problem having surgery if it doesnt. Anyway I was thinking a couple of weeks ago and I came up with a comparison of sorts.

Most teens have acne during puberty. The cause of acne, from what ive read, is a rising of androgen levels. One of the causes of gyno is also a rise in androgen levels. Would it be safe to assume that if my gyno is going to go away it will go away at the same time my acne becomes less severe (Its not that bad now but I have frequent breakouts).

Tell me what you guys think. Or maybe this has been brought up before. Thanks!

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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I see no one has been back to you with a reply so maybe this will help.  I’m no doctor and there may be something in what you say about Acne and Androgen (testosterone) levels .. I really don’t know.

However what I do know is that gynecomastia is caused by an imbalance in one of the androgens (testosterone) and one of the oestrogens (oestradiol) in favour of oestradiol.  There is either too much oestradiol or not enough testosterone in your body.  Now that may sound all very straightforward, but of course it is more complicated than that.  If a person develops large levels of testosterone for whatever reason (and puberty is one of them), the body will sometimes convert that testosterone into oestradiol causing the imbalance which may lead to gyne.

Most gyne developed during the wild fluctuations of hormone levels in puberty disappears of its own accord within a year or so.  Talk to your doctor is my advice.

Good luck.
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline Paa_Paw

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I agree with the above with one exception. The time required for Gynecomastia to shrink normally can take three years or more in some cases.

Keep in mind that I was told by the family Doctor when I was about 12 that it would go away in a year or so. I was 69 years old on my last birthday and yes I still have it. The condition runs im my family and I had some hormonal problems when I was much younger. A double whammy--Ouch.
Grandpa Dan


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I'm 18 I have had Gyno since I was 12.  It hasn't gone away for me.  I do not have acne.  There could be a connection but I would not know.  Ok to what severity is it and how heavy are you?  Mine is quite severe also I weigh about 280.  I wasn't exceedingly fat when I started to develop it when I was 12 I was maybe 150-175. But also my father had it to an extent but it was no where as severe.


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