Author Topic: is tehre a chance?  (Read 3635 times)

Offline lifeplay5

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heyy guys, id like 2 start by saying thank you to all of the fellow sufferers on this website who have helped me feel better about my condition. but recently, i decided that there has been a strange correlation between weight and nippple size. i kno its a contributing factor and that people are saying that losing weight wont fix anything, but most of the people who have Gyne are around 150lbs., and dont consider themselves overweight as i do not either, however i went on a diet just in case and lost about 7 lbs in a week by just eating rite and exercise and noticed that my Gyne became less noticable. as of now i weigh around 140-145 and am hoping to lower that weight to 135 as i am near 16 an dby my research 150 lbs is techniically overweight but not a terrible issue. i would like to hear some opinons on my thesis here of weither r not Gyne can be reduced or elimiunated byt weight loss, thanx.

Offline headheldhigh01

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my theory is coincidence.  you're at an age when it can still fluctuate.  if it kept tracking the weight over time it'd be more interesting.  more likely is the possibility that the fat is influencing your estro levels. 

the main thing with weight is people think that because there's fat content in gyne tissue that it can go away.  the body however treats it like a woman's tatas and says i have to keep this on for biological use, so any fat loss will come off somewhere else.  lots of posters here have lost big poundage and been disappointed because of this. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Right on the money HHH... ;)

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline Paa_Paw

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Your weight is only part of the picture.

Your height and build should be factored into this as well. Muscle is heavier than fat.

As previously well stated, weight loss may not make a significant difference. In fact, you specifically mentioned nipple size and weight has almost nothing to do with that. Excessive weight would give a rounder overall contour to the breast but not have a significant impact on nipple size. Nipple size would seem to be more a function of glandular development.

At your age, I think you should see a Dr. prior to undertaking any serious weight loss.
Grandpa Dan

Offline mrpower33

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This is another question that is asked a lot.  Look, getting in shape is NEVER a bad thing.  I would advise anyone thinking about getting gyne surgery to get to 10% body fat and then make a decision.  YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE.  I don't understand why people are so concerned about getting in to shape.  Seriously, you will be healthier and feel better about yourself.  It's not going to make you gyne worse, and even if it does, it beats being a fat slob.  Just don't think about, get on a weight lifting program, eat lots of protein and try to get as lean as you can.  I think for most people it will make a big difference.  If it doesn't, or you're still not happy about it, then you can look to surgery. 

BTW, I don't know what headheldhigh is talking about, I think it's pretty clear that in women, you do lose some breast size when you lose weight, I think this is pretty well established. 

Offline headheldhigh01

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i think it's a pretty evident phenomenon.  if a woman loses 50% of her body weight, she doesn't lose 50% of her boob volume, nature designed her to hang onto it more tightly than that.  if she's starving nature will dip into the reserves, but not before.  it's a different fat management system than the one hanging on the hips. 
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 04:28:01 AM by headheldhigh01 »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Shaaaa...  I've seen some 'very' skinny girls at the gym who have some very big knockers...

Sure, when a woman goes on a weight-loss program, her breasts more than likely will get a tad smaller. However, that's the extent of it.... just a tad! It's the same with us guys... for those of us with more than an a cup, if we loose weight, we will probably see a slight reduction in size, but nothing more than that... BTDT!!!  ;)


Offline iwannabefree

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Here is my experience:

My gyne was HUUUGE and I was overweight. I lost 30 lbs and my gyne got a bit smaller and i added muscle mass all over my body and the overall appearance became better. As Bampu said, the gyne reduced a TAD bit, but that was good enough - b/c of a better shaped body and smaller gyne - i am now able to wear more types of clothes (still no T shirts etc, but still more than before) and have a better life.

At my age (21), my hormones are stable and gyne will not naturally go away. I have 2 options: surgery or no surgery. If i dont chose to get surgery, I would wanna lose as much weight as possible and reduce the fat component as my gyne to make the appearance better.
If I DO choose surgery, I would STILL NEED TO CONTINUE losing weight and adding muscle to have best after surgery results.

So the way I see it, losing weight is very important either way (most people on this form dont seem to fully agree on this)

At your age (16), it is possible that your gyne can be naturally resolved. I'm no doctor, but I would imagine that having more testostrone compared to estrogen in your system help. Losing fat, gaining muscle lowers estrogen and increases testostrone. So, you should keep losing weight and this process MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT help in naturally resolving gyne.

Even if your gyne doesnt resolve naturally, you'll look better and your gyne will be smaller than what it would have been if you were obese.

Having said all of that 150lbs doesnt sound like fat (unless you are really short). Check you Body Mass Index and Body Fat index. Try to mearsure your ideal body weight and hover around that.

Hope that helps.

Offline headheldhigh01

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most people on this form dont seem to fully agree on this
actually almost everyone does.  we just try to remind people not to imagine that their gyne will go away as a result. 


  • Guest
heyy guys, id like 2 start by saying thank you to all of the fellow sufferers on this website who have helped me feel better about my condition. but recently, i decided that there has been a strange correlation between weight and nippple size. i kno its a contributing factor and that people are saying that losing weight wont fix anything, but most of the people who have Gyne are around 150lbs., and dont consider themselves overweight as i do not either, however i went on a diet just in case and lost about 7 lbs in a week by just eating rite and exercise and noticed that my Gyne became less noticable. as of now i weigh around 140-145 and am hoping to lower that weight to 135 as i am near 16 an dby my research 150 lbs is techniically overweight but not a terrible issue. i would like to hear some opinons on my thesis here of weither r not Gyne can be reduced or elimiunated byt weight loss, thanx.

Weight Loss can make a major difference in the fat component of the male breast, it will not help with remaining gland. Loose skin can become a factor After Major Weight Loss.  I see many patients who have told me they felt much better after losing weight.  Some have even been able to be comfortable with the result without any surgery!

Body Shaping Garments can offer a temporary contour solution while waiting for tissues to stabilize.  I call them an "emotional band-aide" since they seem to permit my patients to have a nice contour while they continue getting off the weight they did not like. 

It is not just the weight, but also the body fat.  A Body Fat Analyzers can help better understand what is fat. They are valuable to better understand progress as fat is replaced by muscle and the scale stays the same.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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