Author Topic: testosterone  (Read 8061 times)

Offline nitrix17

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ok thanks dav, that was really helpful actually.


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have you seen my thread on what i did with steroids?? i did manage to conceal it alot

But at 15! your are still growing and taking test can seal your growth plates so you wont grow any more not good!

As explained earlier what happens when you use test is your body stops producing it naturaly so when you come of course you get a big build up of estrogens which causes gyne (main reason i got it!)

You can combat this by taking nolva (tamoxifen) and,or clomid

However simply for the fact that you are 15 rules out the posibility of it being worth risking test.

try something like tribulus that will increase your natural test and wont shut down your hpta system so you wont get a reflux of estrogen. It can naturaly increase your test by 30%. At your age a good diet and the gym are all you need to grow. Building up the muscle imo makes things alot better plus the extra muscle mass makes you feel alot more masculine which is good if u have breasts!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2006, 06:48:12 AM by kicka »


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heres a thread i found on a sililar subject i find these guys usually no what there talking about

Offline moobius

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at 15-19ish your body is a raging testosterone factory... using any of these supps that target your hormonal axis are not going to help you. if anything you'll disrupt your natural hormonal production. that'll be fun, 16 and not able to get your soldier to stand at attention... i can see it now, i'm sure that'll impress the ladies

at your age, the ONLY things i'd recommend in addition to a good daily multivitamin would be a quality protein powder and creatine. work hard and learn how your body reacts to dieting and training.

Offline jeremyj

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what is tribulus?

Where can you get this?  Thanks.

Offline moobius

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tribulus is a waste of money if you are trying to increase your natural test output... you can get it at any  supplement shop

Offline jeremyj

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yeah, I googled it after I posted.  Then I realized it was just another Test boosting supplement.  Thanks for your reply though.  J


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