Author Topic: Too much testosterone?  (Read 3323 times)

Offline IHELP

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Ok well i have heard that to much testosterone can create estrogen which may lead to gyno. Well some foods like Milk are good for boosting testosterone levels and i have driken milk a lot before so maybe is it that reason that my gyno has come? Should i stop drinking a good amount of milk? And other foods like meat? Or maybe my levels are so low thats why i have gyno so maybe i should drink and eat more meat?

Offline IHELP

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I dunno so u recommend i drink more milk? Cuz i shudnt have low testosterone since ive been eating meat and milk a lot in my life but i never did steroids. U recommend i countinue drinking milk and stuff? Im 15 maybe its just cuz im goign through puberty that i have gyno?

Offline PhillyPUFF

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I'm no doc, but IMO I don't think eating certain foods would have that big of an impact on your hormone levels. Sure, certain foods may slightly increase or decrease testosterone or estrogen, but I don't think it's enough to either cause or cure gyne.

Just my .02 cents.

Offline IHELP

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umm john ur saying that i shouldnt do it bux milk contains estrogen? i thought it cointains testosterone? But would increasing my testosterone levels by eatings meats and milk reduce my estrogen levels?

Offline Paa_Paw

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. "Sure, certain foods may slightly increase or decrease testosterone or estrogen, but I don't think it's enough to either cause or cure gyne."

Well said. The changes in hormone levels due to dietary factors would be minute, possibly even very difficult to quantify with usual laboratory testing methods. The normal variations in hormone levels over the period of a day may be greater than those caused by dietary factors.

The problem with excess testosterone usually exists only in those who take some form of testosterone as a muscle booster in large doses. My understanding is excess Testosterone can actually be toxic, that the body responds by converting the excess to estrogen then the liver can neutralize it.

Attempting to lower the estrogen level can also be a problem as we men actually need a small amount of estrogen for our bodies to function normally.

None of the hormones work alone, they interact with each other. The result being less like a solo and more like a concert.

Grandpa Dan

Offline IHELP

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Offline tunapuff

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Normal milk found in the supermarket will most likely actually increase estrogen....try using diindolylmethane (or DIM) to help lower estrogen levels more naturally. (DIM is found in veggies like broccoli).....I also just ordered The Anti-Estrogenic Diet: How Estrogenic Foods and Chemicals Are Making You Fat and Sick BY: Ori Hofmekler and find the book full of some good material on how to avoid estrogen with your diet.


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