Author Topic: Ultimate 'diet aid of questionable value'/'diet aid of questionable value'  (Read 3379 times)

Offline PJBoy24

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Hi, I'm new here and I suffer from gynecomastia. It seems like everyone here is pretty much pro-surgery and I was wondering if anyone has tried the chest fat burners like Ultimate 'diet aid of questionable value' or 'diet aid of questionable value'? I can't seem to find anyone who has tried this here or find actual testimonials that are not trying to sell the product.

I'm not ready to go under the knife and I just wanted to know whether these alternatives would work and if there are any users out there who could give a review on it.


Offline Paa_Paw

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Those products are of no benefit except for the profits they generate for the people who sell them.

It would be easier to find people who have been scammed by these worthless products.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Noseguard

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  • You t*t, what's he gonna do nibble your bum?
Take the $50 you would spend on them and go start a G surgery savings account at your local bank.

With 3% interest it will take about 100 years to accrue enough money to have surgery.  Even that will be faster than taking those pills.

Offline johnnybot

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man all that stuff if you read whats in them its just a scam and im sure you dont read about it to often because people are ashamed that they fell for it

Offline Dr. Cruise

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Diet and exercise is always the first choice with gynecomastia if you are on the heavy side. True gyno, however, will not respond adequately to this alone. I have not heard or seen any favorable outcomes with OTC treatments.
Dr. Cruise
Dr. Cruise
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Offline Pragmatic

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Hey good luck with your regimen of exercise and eating right. Hold off on the supplements and do whatever you can to become disciplined. If you can lower your fat levels you'll have a better surgery later should you chose to. Your skin will tighten from doing calesthenics and fat burning interval training on the cardio machines. As you lose body fat, your skin will get loose unless you keep stimulating the suspensory ligaments supporting your chest. Try to lose weight slowly and safely, no more than ten lbs per month. Much of the body weight that is initially lost is muscle being torn down for remodeling. You need to boost your protein and cut bad fat from your diet.

I took one of the products you are talking about, and I feel that it has contributed to my success. Each little thing that I do addes up to an improvement. I know that the product I took made me feel strange. It's umpleasant, but does seem to help. There are no miracle pills, but it does seem to have reduced the glandular tissue.

Offline afroman28

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personally tried it along with diet and exercise for 4 months.  To me seemed just like your average diet pill.  It will somewhat help you weight wise but if you have gland under no circumstances will it get rid of it.  Really the only thing you need is diet and exercise, maybe a better diet pill but even that won't help without proper diet and exercise.


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