Author Topic: Vagina  (Read 3966 times)

Offline Sentient

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I've been searching the forums for a good discussion on women.  So I thought I'd start a new one...
Im 21 and have had gyno since I was a kid.  I'm 2 years post op, but I had pretty bad gyno to begin with so the surgery helped but didn't fix the problem all the way.  From growing up with gyno, I've developed quite a phobia of taking my shirt off in front of strangers.  Now, that I'm of age, instead of being scared of guys in the locker room seeing me with my shirt off; this phobia has transitioned to beautiful young women and is putting quite a damper on my sex life. I don't mean to brag, but I'm a pretty cool guy (just like all of u),21, and in college; these are my prime years for maximizing my vagina intake.  But I can't help it and  seem to take my self out of any situation that would lead me to getting know a girl better, because I know that maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but at some point my shirt may be off in front of her, and my man boobs will have to say hello. 

Whats a guy to do?  Is their proper etiquette?  Should I let her know pre flop, or just go all in and let fate decide.  I also don't mean this in just a get in, get out situation.  So far I've had little girlfriend experience too because of "the fear".  When I do settle down with a girl, I'm quick to push them away because of my insecurities.  Right now I'm at a point were I feel if I cant be comfortable with my self, then how can I be comfortable with someone else.  But that sucks a whole bunch because girls are freaking awesome and every once in a while, I want to touch the hinny.

Im looking for some real top notch Dr. Drew advice here.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Just as you would only have a fleeting interest in a pretty girl with no character, most girls that you would really want to have a serious relationship with will not be put off by your gynecomastia.

Think about it, you know of some girls that may not be the prettiest girls on the block but their personality is totally magnetic. The girls look at the guys in a similar way.

What is going on between your ears is much more important than what is on your chest.

I am a great-grandfather, Gynecomastia was my issue but it was never a significant issue with the ladies in my life.

Good Luck!
Grandpa Dan

Offline rashdudes

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Don't tell them beforehand. That way you could loose your opportunity.
Let the flow of things get u to the point where u really need to take ur shirt off :D
Then its up to her! If she freaks out ... well you at least tried ;)

Offline what2do?

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From my experience, if a girl likes you, she likes you with or without the “MB’s” because most likely, she already noticed them in the beginning but just doesn’t care.  I know it’s hard but you really have to try and “suck it in” and just be confident.  Girls are attracted to confidence more than anything, if you don’t pay attention to your MB’s then most likely, they won’t either..well the good ones at least, the one’s worth keeping.. like what you said, just let fate take its course; if you really like a girl, you have to take the gamble and  “jump in the water”, just be confident.. Think of it this way, the reward out weight the risk. good luck..

Offline dcvet

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>>21, and in college; these are my prime years for maximizing my vagina intake.<<

Im 31 and my "vagina intake" has never been greater in my life than it has been in the last few years.

Regarding the insecurity... If you make a big deal out of it, it will be a big deal to her.  Play it cool bro, dont let her feel your weakness.  Really its not a big deal and like another posters similar response, girls are wayyy more attracted to "character" than anything else.  Tons of character will over shadow pretty much anything negative.

Offline elcrep

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working out builds up confidence - thats what girls really care about.

what do you have, puffy nipples or larger breasts?

just so you know i talked to a girl about my puffy nipples, she says girls dont judge sexyness on nipple size, they dont really care.

Offline gyne23

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Being self confident and smart goes such a long way... Having some personality and being able to make a girl laugh is huge as well...

Losing the breast does absolutely nothing to change you as a person... You may stand up straighter, you may feel better wearing a layer less of clothing in the summer, but if all you're bringing to the table is a flat chest and a toned body, you're still not going to get very far...

Offline what2do?

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i agree somewhat, it's true that having a great personality or making a girl laught etc comes a long way; it's hard however, to do those things if one is not comfortable with themselves.  for some people here, or most, the stress of having gynecomastia have come to a point that it dictates their outward personality.  i may be wrong but i can definately say it for myself; gynecomastia has changed me to something i'm not and it's a very sad thing ..  :-[

Offline Sentient

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Thanks for the replies.  Its awesome that people understand, I'm usually thinkin about this stuff to myself.  I know you guys are right, and I've been trying to talk myself into that way of thinking for awhile.  You  make it sound real easy, and it probably is; but I know for me its going to be really tough.  My entire life I've been hiding in the dark, and now I'm scared of the light.

>>21, and in college; these are my prime years for maximizing my vagina intake.<<

Im 31 and my "vagina intake" has never been greater in my life than it has been in the last few years.

All I have to say is that's freaking awesome. 

working out builds up confidence - thats what girls really care about.

what do you have, puffy nipples or larger breasts?

just so you know i talked to a girl about my puffy nipples, she says girls don't judge sexyness on nipple size, they dont really care.

I had pretty large breasts before surgery.  Since they were pretty big, the plastic surgeon removed both nipples and reattached them so I got scars going all the way around my nips.  Plus she didn't shrink the nips down at all so their the same size as pre op.  I'm not to happy with the results; but now I can where 1 shirt and run around with out lookin like I need a bra.   

Offline elcrep

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i have to say, it really is great to be able to talk about this to people.

and to the guy who started this thread:  go for it man, you seem like a great guy.

Offline Spleen

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Chicks never noticed in my case, and if they did they never said anything.  Honestly, most people of any size and age don't notice and it's frequently your insecurities that will amplify what you think your appearance is like.

Offline merle

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have you thought about therapy? You have a life long insecurity that you keep moving to things that make you anxious, that you are afraid that are going to judge you in some way. I would guess it is not about or at least completely about your chest.

Demystifying Gynecomastia: Men with Breasts
The first book on Gynecomastia

My newest book: Facing the Truth of Your Life is very relevant to members of this forum. It could save you a lot of unnecessary pain and time.

Book books are available on Amazon. FTTOYL is also available through your local bookstore or on Audible or iTunes.

Offline Sentient

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have you thought about therapy? You have a life long insecurity that you keep moving to things that make you anxious, that you are afraid that are going to judge you in some way. I would guess it is not about or at least completely about your chest.


Thanks for the reply.  That makes a lot of sense.  I am afraid of being judged.  Im a dude with breasts on my chest.  If I was a chick with a scrotum, I'd probably be afraid of bein judged too :P  Therapy prob could help, but it all comes down to me not being a sissy boy anymore.  Which is gonna suck, but not suck all at the same time.

To all you fellas that are getting action, kudos to you for not being a sissy.

Offline elcrep

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you're not a sissy. you've dealt with something extremely hard, that most guys have no idea about.

i'd say, just do it


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