So, last year I told everyone that I was allergic to chlorine to try to avoid the pool and it was a disaster. It was Summer, and that was all my circle of friends wanted to do, every fucking day, and everyone knew I was full of shit and just didn't want to take my shirt off, and they probably all knew why, because I had bought one of those piece of shit compression shirts that was extremely noticeable every time anyone touched me. When Summer was finally over, and the trips to the pool finally stopped, I really felt like my troubles were over for a few blissful months, but unfortunately, it is that time of year again, and again all I fucking hear is "let's go to the pool! We're going to have a pool party! I got a new bathing suit! Bleeeeeaaaaauuuughh!" So, this year I have actually lost a whole bunch of weight recently, and have been hitting the weights, and even stopped wearing the retarded compression shirt, and I'm not looking nearly as repulsive as I did the previous year, although, as we all know, this shit doesn't ever really go away once you've had it for a while. I've been invited to go to the pool this Wednesday, and I have been racking my brain trying to think of legitimate excuses to get out of it. I was thinking of maybe jumping in front of a moving vehicle, or eating a bunch of raw chicken or something in an attempt to arrange a convenient trip to the emergency room on the day of so that nobody has to know my shameful, horrible secret. However, it's becoming increasingly obvious that every single person I know is already well aware that I intentionally avoided going to the pool or taking my shirt off last year, and I've been encountering a bit of ridicule already. I've been wondering if maybe my chest doesn't look as bad as I think it does since I've lost a bunch of weight, and I've been contemplating just going to the pool, taking my shirt off, and lying in a lawnchair on my back until a strategic moment in which I can throw a shirt on quickly while nobody's looking. I'm really fucking nervous about it, and I really don't want to be humiliated by everyone I know about this. I'm very secretive about it, and I've never actually discussed it with anyone outside of this forum. I'm wondering what peoples' thoughts might be on this subject, and I want to post some pictures of how I look now so that I can possibly receive some feedback regarding whether or not I should do this. I'm going to post this text, and then take a couple minutes to try to figure out how to post a picture..............