I have had man boobs probably since my freshman year of highschool and i'm now 19 and in college. I always think about them, i fear that they are going to get bigger sometimes, but i think all that shit is in my head. I don't think i'm like you all. I don't have a lump or anything under my nipples, i just basically have the girl like moobs. Sometimes people are judge mental but i have come to a certain level of respect with people that it's only really a personal problem for me.
The most important thing i can think of is to not let shit shit get in the way of life. I'm a descent looking guy, i just have slight boobs (for some reason the left one is bigger, i don't get it) but i alwyas think about what i'm gunna wear and all that jazz. But i have come to realize that if you are a sweet, engaging, provacative boy, girls will find you attractive and you can even get you male thingy sucked like last week, shit was so cash. but i'm not gunna lie, i almoust never have my coat off in these cold months, i just wouldn't feel comfortable. I have been my self my whole life and i have had girl friends, both bangin as hell, and they where able to look past my moobs because i was a good guy who made them feel special and fingered the shit out of them on occasion (no sex yet
so i must say, i am an overall happy person, getting my first girlfriend back in like junior year really gave me more confidance. My only problem is that i fear the first impression girls get when they see me, it's not noticeable from the front, but from the side it is. But i have come to learn that all those girls are skanks anyways and are not for me.
if i wasn't going to be covered in debt from college, i would get the surgery now, i'm not gunna lie, but i can wait. i will have it done, but it won't matter anyway, because how i see it, i will be a fucking civil engineer, making bank, driving a beamer, bangin my cute/hawt wife anytime i wanted, but then, i will not have boobs, and i will feel like i really fucking made it.
i do sometimes let them get the better of me, but it's all in my head.
not a troll btw, i just had to say this.