Author Topic: What about girls?  (Read 7405 times)

Offline Email

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Hi people!

What do girls think about gynecomastia?! I mean is do they like it/dislike it? or what?  ???

Offline Puffynip

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Depends on the girl... My wife thinks my puffy nip is no big deal... And.... It’s not that big of a deal but I still am going to get it "fixed".

Offline GodWasAngry

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Offline Worrier

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basically i don't really chat girls up unless Iam drunk ...really. But then i have always been like that even beforethe gyne.

I have to say when I get lucky I have never had a problem. They certainly don't appear to be bothered about my puffy nip.i have not met one yet who has problem but if I did they are probablythe type who are so self obsessed that putting on a pound would be a major catastrophie. And what guy would want to go there anyways?

I think it is luck of the draw.

Offline ruggedtoast

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I think it depends on the girl, and a load of other factors like what shape the rest of you is in, your personality etc - obviously if given a choice we'd all choose our partner to have  a perfect body perfect personality and a great job but in reality its just one of many factors.

Offline W0109021

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i donno it really bugs me but the chick i am currently seeing thinks nothing of it... for some messed up reason she keeps saying im perfect.. i donno.. again like some of the other guys have said if they  freak out about it then it's really their problem.  
thanks for time and help all, true great board and honest and helpful advise here

Offline BR_Guy

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Having Gyne doesn't make us appear repugnant.
At most, we are a little different, concerning our chests.
But, who is perfect?

I never meet a girl that reject me after look my naked chest.

Offline STILLgotIT

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I never had any problems with girls and plenty of them saw it. The only people that ever gave me flak were guy-friends... go figure.

Offline ItsOK

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I think it's pretty obvious that the guys are much more concerned about the gyne than the girls.  If you're so hung up on it that you make it a big deal, it will affect the way that your partner sees you.  The same thing can be said about things like crooked teeth, big nose, general body condition, even hair style.

If I found a woman who was upset by my chest size -- and I have not had that experience -- I would not be interested in being with her anyway.  Maybe women who have problems with "man boobs" don't approach me, as I make no particular efforts to hide them.

The reaction I get most often is one of curiosity, followed by exploration and generally treating my breasts like any other potential erogenous zone.

Offline silly_guy

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I think it depends on the severity of the gyne as well.

Puffy nips probably not too big a deal for many girls, my chest was always 'normal' according to my wife.  Not in my eyes though.

Full-blown breasts, I can't really speak for, but it would be harder to say that it's 'normal'.  

But like someone said above, if a girl is so superficial as to reject you cause of your gyne, she probably wasn't worth your time anyways.

Offline markashleigh1979

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Our lass thinks there is nothing wrong with me ,says  my chest looks fine and that i am being silly....... ???
And i shouldn't be hung up about that kind of stuff......but when i mention her fat arse she goes nuts.... 8)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2005, 09:08:12 AM by markashleigh1979 »

Offline alu

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I had a girlfriend once who was actually really turned on by the gyne (ripped my shirt right off, didn't want to take it off :p)...should've kept that one ;). With other girlfriends I never really dared to undress completely, meaning that I let my shirt on, which really bugs me a lot.
It's really more us than the girls...

Offline Snake

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My ex girlfriend didn't seem to mind too much but it bugged the crap out of me.

Offline Shattered_Nyte

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I have been teased alot by my friends g/f's.Its embearacing to have these things.I want them gone.But I can not afford to go under the knife.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2005, 12:11:41 AM by Shattered_Nyte »

Offline get_it_off

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Like wise, my ex would tell me she had seen many guys worse than me and compared to her other boyfriends I was NORMAL... she might have been saying it to make me feel better because I made a much bigger deal about it than she ever did and I dont think she would have ever brought it up if I hadnt, but non the less, up to the end, I was never comfortable shirtless around her so it really doesnt matter what girls think its how you feel about yourself!


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