Author Topic: what am i gonna do  (Read 6216 times)

Offline theysayitsnormal

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i got gyne when i was 14 (now im 15) everything i read online says that it goes away by 18...I CAN NOT LIVE LIKE THIS...what am i gonna do? i have swimming in P.E and i play sports and is embarrasment in locker rooms

Offline nothingworse

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I got some additional advice. Waiting till your 18 depends on many factors. I would though wait one more year before even considering surgery unless your case is very severe. Usually gyne resolves within 1-3 years but, usually the first year is when it happens. Some it takes longer, and some are in the middle. Anyways, I would go see your GP or doctor. They can provide you with some good advice but, sometimes be of no help. I understand it is hard to wait I did and nothing happened and I still had the gyne. I just hope that doesn't happen to you. I would wait it out. Monitor your gyne and see what is going on. If nothing is going on and it is kind of stablized at the point it is at now then in about another 6 months to a year see a PS as well. You don't have to wait your entire life but, it would be best to wait a while longer to see what happens. You are still young so there is still a good chance it will go away on its own. About age 16 plus the chances of it going away are going to slim down emmensly. So go see a doc for some advice if you need more. That will put you at ease and expand your knowledge as well.  At about 16 if nothing has happened and nothing is changing go see a PS or plastic surgeon as they will offer the best route of advice. They will tell you if you are a good candidate or not. The main thing is you have to monitor it and watch it. You will kinda know after a long while if it is going somewhere or not. The thing is don't wait around. Do what you can and find a solution. It may go away it may not. Hopefully it goes away for you though. If it bothers you and it hasn't gone away in about a year from now go seek the advice of a ps or another opinion from your doctor. Repeated visits to the doctor usually states you have a problem with something or need help with something. So they will help you. Don't worry man and I know it is tough. I am finally getting surgery after 8 years and I experience pain from my gyne. So give it time, go to your doctor, gather info, weight train, excercise, and do what you can for now and hopefully it will go on its own. If not seek more advice. Hopefully I was of some help. Good luck with everything and I hope it goes away for you asap. If not or if you need more info come back and we will assist you again. You can always come back here and find a helping hand. Good luck!

Offline mamah_187

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haha, well what i did..

i had perfect attendance in all units, except swimming..

which i skipped entirely..

Offline Spleen

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You've got to suck it up.  OK, it's embarrassing, but it's not life threatening and you will only feel as bd about as you allow yourself to feel.  90% of the time it will resolve itself.  Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your permission.

Offline 4tuneit1

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I can remember the exact same issues when i was your age...and psychologically the ramifications are stilll affecting my life.  I think gynecomastia is terribly debilitating to the developemental security, confidence, and motivation factors that would normally allow for higher levels of success in all areas of life, relationships..etc.  Gynecomastia is one of those conditions that is a neglected by serious psychiatric minds and the general health care community as a cosmetic issue and not a life altering medical abnormality.  

Get it taken care of while you are young at all costs...whatever the sacrifice.  You will thank me later when you haven't sacrificed all the fun things in life before its too late...

Offline theysayitsnormal

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my mom just says its normal and wont take me to the doctor. and if u skip swim in pe then all the kids will be suspicious of why ur never there on swim days and then they will find out sooner or later.

Offline 4tuneit1

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Educate your mom...take her to this site and show her the degrees of gyne and the users stories.... and if at minimum get her to take you to see your physician.  

If you have too..You can pretend you are ill...whatever..when you get to your General Practitioners office you can then bring up your gyne to the Dr in front of Mom...even though it will be a surprise to her.  You should explain the lengths you need to go to do going into the Drs office to have someone at least take you may open her eyes to the condition as a medical one, not a cosmetic annoyance.

Offline mamah_187

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You've got to suck it up.

disagree...if I would have just 'sucked it up' and went swimming, I would have been the laughing stock of my class, and even grade..

and subject to embarrasing rumors...

if u skip swim in pe then all the kids will be suspicious of why ur never there

disagree...i wouldnt have noticed, or cared for that matter if one kid in my class skipped the entire unit..

its easy to make excuses...

plus, whats more of a concern..people wondering why you werent there, or immature guys telling everyone about your problem.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2005, 12:42:57 PM by mamah_187 »

Offline headheldhigh01

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what you need to do for p.e. is talk to a counselor and get a medical exemption.  if the counselor is worth half his/her pay, he/she will be sympathetic to the psychological dimensions of the problem.  if they insist p.e. is part of health, tell them to find some other way to do it -- independent study cycling or whatever.  

for the rest of it, surgery is normally not done at that age because the hormones haven't restabilized, therefore the problem could recur.  some people will try to work around it, but it can't always be done.  yes it's a pain in the butt to put up with it anymore, but as i've told people before, the rest of us made what we could of it, and be thankful you've figured out what this is at 15.  i found out here in my late 30's, and i'd trade my left nut to have known at your age what i know today.  

get talking to that counselor and fight for your exemption.   they don't make claustrophobics crawl through tubes, and they don't make guys in wheelchairs run the 100 meters.  they can accommodate you for this.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline vr4nut

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what you need to do for p.e. is talk to a counselor and get a medical exemption.  if the counselor is worth half his/her pay, he/she will be sympathetic to the psychological dimensions of the problem.  if they insist p.e. is part of health, tell them to find some other way to do it -- independent study cycling or whatever.  

I second that.  It should really be that easy and reasonable to save you unquantifiable anxiety.  What I want to know is why they still do swimming in PE.  Is it mandatory?  It was just an elective class for my HS.  I cannot imagine what you are going through right now.  I couldn't stand changing in the locker room and that only lasted a few seconds.  You say you play sports.  That will be a great thing to keep you in shape in general.  All I can recommend on top of that is to make sure to eat healthy foods and not more than you need.  If you could stand to lose some weight then that would not hurt either.  Talk to your counselor.  As a last resort, is it too late to drop the course and take study hall?  Usually you can get plenty of credits towards graduation even if you take a couple of semesters of study hall.  Even if you get out of the swimming class, you will still have sports.  Always have a T-shirt on and try not to take any more than that off.  If you have to, go into a toilet stall.  Good luck; I hope it simply fades away for you.  


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