Alright. So I turned 19 in March. I am confused if the gyne is caused by puberty or other issues. I cant tell if its puberty because i have weighted 170-180 from 13-18 yrs and grew from about 5'11-6'2, always had low 7-11bf%. I am now 19, 6'3 ~205 lbs with ~10% bf. I noticed about a month and a half ago that my nipples hurt when I was lying down for bed. They definitely are puffy, although they aren't nearly as severe as many of the cases ive seen so far on this board. I looked it up about a week after I noticed it,, and was under the impression that there is a pretty good chance it will subside on its own without surgery based on my age and how long I think ive had it. I told my "Physician's Assistant" who said she didn't think anything was wrong, but obviously there is. What are the chances that this is puberty in its hormonal extravaganza? NOTE: I am not on drugs/steroids, Ive always been healthy, and rarely drink
PS:The last post on the link that I posted gave me some hope