Author Topic: What is a good cover up story for the gyno surgery  (Read 5288 times)

Offline nickname

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Hi everyone!
I want to have my gyno surgery in September, the problem is I have to book time off from work to do it and have to give a reason I need the time off. I would be way too embarrassed to say I am having gyno surgery, so I was hoping you guys could help me with a good excuse. Any other minor chest surgery that could be a good cover story?


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I suppose it depends on the company you work for, but I would just say I'm having a minor surgical procedure, and if they want something from the Dr/surgeon, get a letter verifying your need for surgery without detailing the exact type of surgery it is. Good luck.

Offline igotum

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Just my 2 cents....the truth is the best path to follow. That is what I would do. The truth gets me in trouble with the wife once in a while but she does not doubt me, and I never have to wonder if I tell it right the next time!! She never asks "does this make my belly look big". She has learned what not to ask. I am 68 and have learned a little over the years. I do ask her when we go out "does this shirt show too much tittie?" or something similar.

Offline nb89

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If you lift weights or do any type of resistance training, you could say you tore your pec. It is a similar operation on the same area of the body. The bandage and compression vest makes more sense that way.

I am getting my surgery in a few months, and will probably have to say that if anyone asks.

Offline Tonyp1

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I told them I needed to have a growth removed from under my arm.  Since my man boob was off to the side a bit, I was telling the truth. The surgeon filled out the FMLA paperwork as removing a cystic nodule.  I assume that was accurate enough, but that's on them.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Having a growth removed.  Fortunately not malignant, Thanks for your concern.

The immediate advantage is that it is the truth.   It is intentionally misleading but that is OK.   Being the truth it will never come back to bite you the way a lie can. And since you have owned up to having surgery, the surgical vest and bandages are all easy to justify.  likewise the unlikely possibility of a leaking bandage. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline Alchemist

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Hi everyone!
I want to have my gyno surgery in September, the problem is I have to book time off from work to do it and have to give a reason I need the time off. I would be way too embarrassed to say I am having gyno surgery, so I was hoping you guys could help me with a good excuse. Any other minor chest surgery that could be a good cover story?

So how many years will you wait before you can take off your shirt and do all the things fear keeps you from now?  Scars are visible for a long time and I have seen enough sets of paired scars to know that anybody who pays attention will know what you did.   What are you looking for as satisfactory?  Be sure you are realistic or you could have yourself in the same fear for the rest of your life if the standard is "They will know" by seeing the scars. 

 I had to do a similar assessment and came to the realization that there was no way I could possibly be satisfied by surgery, starting from where I am at my age and size, even if the best possible outcome were guranteed.  The scars don't have 40 years to fade into the acquired maze of scars, wrinkles and folds and such as people get in a lifetime.

Good luck with what ever makes you happy.

Offline MammaryMan

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A cover up story is, in effect, a lie. So make it a good one: You have a (mild) case of breast cancer and decided to have a mastectomy (over other procedures) to fix the problem once and for all.

Offline maxk26

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I said I had a benign growth removed from the right side of my chest. My dad didn't believe me after the surgery and was questioning me to see if i was lying, I held my shirt up in a way as to only show one side of my chest, He saw the bandage there and then believed me. I said that the lump had been there for a while, but I'd been with a girl and she'd felt it and reacted weirdly to it, so it motivated me to get the surgery.


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