Author Topic: What the hell am I suppose to do?  (Read 3525 times)

Offline Rifleman

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 Im 19 and feel, actually I know, that ive missed out alot of the good things in life. I have to say that im amazed with the amount of people having operations done in their 30's and 40's. I simply couldnt live that long with gyne. I dont even have breasts, i have fat nippels but am effected by them much more than others who have severe gyne. I dont have alot going for me in my life right now. After struggling through high-school I am at a very important crossroad in my life and feel very lost. I want to go college but just cant figure out exactly what i want to study. I was just laid off from my part time job and am quite depressed. I wake up at night , sit in front of my computer for hours, play video games , listen to music and go to sleep when the sun comes up. I want a girlfriend but dismiss the idea everytime i think of my gyne. What am i suppose to do? I live with my mother, have no  social  life what so-ever, and have no money to have a surgery. I live in Canada which means the surgery is even more expensive. I think. Ive been thinking about talking my life lately. Theres no  point in living like this. I need advice.  :'( :-/ :-X >:(

Offline UKgyne

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There is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel.  You may not realise it now but in a few years time when you look back this may prove to be a pivotal point in your life.  You have to get this low to appreciate what you do have, instead of what you don't, and also so you can look to the future and the hope that it can bring.  

Re the college thing - about 99% of people I went to Uni with had no idea what they wanted to study.  And when we'd graduated, 99% of us had no idea what job we wanted.  You're by no means alone!  And being in college will bring a social life, so don't worry about that either.  But if you don't know what to study, why not study whatever will enable you to earn the most and to save to pay for the op?  Or whatever will look the most respectable on a bank loan application form?  

Also, If you just have puffy nipples, that would imply you have glandular gyne rather than fatty.  Did I not read somewhere that Canadian healthcare will pay for glandular gyne removal, but not fatty gyne?  I don't mean to get your hopes up if I'm wrong but it may be worth checking.........

Good luck.

No breasts, just those puffy nips! Gone now though.......bilateral excision 16/9/2002.

Offline Rifleman

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REALLY!!! Canadian government might pay for glandular gyne!!! Thx UKGyne!!!. Your the best. Your the only one who replies me. I got some research to do. Maybe I could live on.

Offline UKgyne

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I've been where you are now - I hit rock bottom.  Which is how I know that the smallest encouragement can make a huge difference and that life is always worth fighting for.

Take care of yourself.


Offline Mike_83

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Hey, trust me, i was in your same shoes months ago, i too thought about taking my life.  But the more i thought about it the more i was turned off.  Just think of all the things you will be able to do in the future.  Now that you found this board you are one step closer to having a normal life.  Loosing your job can really hit you hard, but if you work at it, you will find another job that you may even enjoy.  Once you get it, then set a goal in mind.  If insurance wont cover it then start setting money away.  Even if it does take you a while to save up, everyday you will have something to look forward to, that you will be able to have surgery.  And you are right, this condition really prevents you from having a social life.  I thought everytime in HS when I asked a girl out and she turned me down was because of my gyne, i just wanted to kill myself or at least chop this shit off.   But the more i realized she was not deserving of me and everything i have to offer.  I know its difficult right now trying to cope with gyne and figuring out yourself and your future but dont let up.
There is light at the end of the tunnel ~(UKgyne)  
Hope all of this helped.  And if you feel that you cant physically talk to anyone, we are here for ya.  

Bilateral Excision, and Lipo.  6/5/02

Offline rocker

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Hey rifleman, I live in Ontario and I have my operation booked for Wednesday, OHIP is covering almost the whole cost. I just have to pay $500 for some lypo.  It wasn't nessesary but my Dr. Recomended it.

If you need more info let me know.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2002, 10:03:45 AM by rocker »

Offline joebugandi

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hey rifleman... i just read ur situation and its a coincedince that we have almost the exact same situation ... same lifestyle, same age, same gyno situation, i dont know what im going to do with my life, no girlfriend, no job ... anyways im curious to how ur dealing with ur gyno or did u seek doctor or plastic surgeon yet.. is ur life getting better yet?


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