Author Topic: What I've noticed  (Read 2551 times)


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I have read a lot of posts and done a lot of research on this curse, and I have come to some conclusions.

1) The vast majority of moobs are caused by being overweight or drugs.

2) Very few of the before pictures from surgeon's sites would be noticeable under a t-shirt.
   a) I see a lot of narcissism regarding this. Either it's a "perfect male      chest", or it's surgery.

3) Then there are the guys that no matter the cause, have accepted their "girls" and have gotten on with life.

I don't know where I fit. I never did anything to cause my gynecomastia, and there are no underlying medical issues - I'm just "blessed."

I can rule out narcissism, as I have never worked out, followed fashion trends, or gotten on the bandwagon with any societal 15 minute trend. So my appearance has always been a take it or leave it thing. This, however, ventures into new territory. Do I want to be thought of or questioned about going trans?

I'm in my 50's, normal weight, and short. I am currently a 34 B and am still growing - I am expecting a C-cup by the time summer is over.

I can see no way I can just accept the "girls", as my job entails a lot of interaction with fellow employees. I do not work in air conditioning, so hiding them is soon going to be impossible. Not only do I not like the thought of surgery, I cannot afford it ATM.

Are there any other non-narcissistic, normal weight folks here with very noticeable boobs that have/had jobs with a lot of interaction with other people? What have been the reactions if any? What about reactions from bosses or supervisors?

I am generally a behind the scenes kinda guy (introverted), so I do not relish attention for good or bad reasons, and a 34C is going to grab attention - the current B is just hide-able most of the time.

I guess I could always put on about 80lbs and blend in with the 67% of the population, but that just brings health issues that I currently have none of.

Thoughts? Comments? Ideas?


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You have to do what ever it is that makes you happy!

I'm 57, so not much older then you, but had gyne as a young man, went through the service with it, and all through life as well. I owned my own buisness and never let the fact that I had bigger breast then most men get in my way, in fact really never gave it much thought for the most part!

When I started going through all my health issues at the age of 32 or so starting with the lost of my testicals there was no stopping the growth of my breast, but all the other health issues became much more important!
With a total of 8 surgeries the last being my 3rd back two weeks ago yesterday!

There's an old saying, if you got your health, you've got everything! Well, in my case even having 46H breast does not affect my health with the exception of sore shoulders now and then, but a simple bra helps that problem!

For some people though, having breast does has an effect on their mental health! So for them it is best to seek help in the form of therapy or surgery.

You need to decide what is best for you, no one but you can do that!

Good luck,


Offline Alchemist

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Hi Bummed,

1) The vast majority of moobs are caused by being overweight or drugs.

This is wrong.

If you look at the poll about onset by age, the largest single age of onset group is 10-15 or so, puberty is the number one cause.  Some are overweight some are not.  Fat is contributory.  If I gain 30 pounds I gain a cup size.  At skin and bones I have a D+ cup and had been a C+ by 12 years old.  I performed in multiple plays and sang in many performances.  I worked insurance face to face with people all day, at 6'1" and 175 pounds and D-cup breasts under my suit.  A small percentage are caused by drugs.  Then there are complications of all sorts of problems from vasectomy gone wrong, treatment for cancers, hormonal changes largely due to age or nutritional problems and so on.  

Almost all of us did nothing to cause breasts.  So, you didn't cause your breasts to grow and neither did most of the guys.  So you are no different there.  

2) Very few of the before pictures from surgeon's sites would be noticeable under a t-shirt.
   a) I see a lot of narcissism regarding this. Either it's a "perfect male      chest", or it's surgery.

Yep, lot's of narcissism , Lots of body shame that is a curse of many cultures.  Quite possibly it is a body dysmorphic disorder like anorexia can be.

I don't know where I fit. I never did anything to cause my gynecomastia, and there are no underlying medical issues - I'm just "blessed."

And some are more blessed than others with no medical issues except edema which is a medical problem and can put a cup size on or off in a few days.

Are there any other non-narcissistic, normal weight folks here with very noticeable boobs that have/had jobs with a lot of interaction with other people? What have been the reactions if any? What about reactions from bosses or supervisors?

Me.  I put on 80 pounds of water due to a medical problem and my whole body just blew up. I had similar problems during puberty, and now at 67 finally have a diagnosis.  Your breasts will be intimidating.  They won't say a word.  If they do put on Bart Simpson for a minute and tell them "Eat my shorts".  They will never say anything again. Or say to men "So you REALLY LIKE men's breasts?" publicly in front of everybody and laugh. However women might give you offers of "You can feel mine if I can feel yours".

How they react is entirely up to you.  If you wear them as if meaningless, they are.  If you wear a kick me sign they will or at least it will seem as if they do no matter what they say or do.

Then there is the grab the bull by the boobs method.  Go join a nudist club and learn to accept your body and get rid of all the body shame.  At that point you then have a perfect comeback.  Invite them out to the nudist club so that the whole truth can come out. This puts them on the fearful defensive instantly. When you put them on the defensive they will no longer be willing to do that to you.  It's a full blown reverse.  Most will never mention things again otherwise you will bring up their fears.  And you will accept yourself and be at peace with your body.  And you will likely have a lot of fun doing it.  At the last dance I was at last year, there was body painting beforehand.  Then the ladies wanted to get my paint imprinted on them so we did a lot of energetic close dancing.  It wasn't sexual.  It was simply playing.  

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Mine always feel swollen and sore. They really hurt if they get bumped. That's the main reason I want to get rid of them. But yes, they were caused mainly by prescription drugs that I am still taking.


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Alchemist said:

 I worked insurance face to face with people all day, at 6'1" and 175 pounds and D-cup breasts under my suit.

Right there is a huge difference. I cannot wear a suit, nor even a 2nd layer during the warmer months. The best I can do is a polo with no undershirt, as most of my job is where there is no air conditioning. They have not been an issue over the winter months, but midwest humid summers will put an end to multiple layers.

 A small percentage are caused by drugs.  Then there are complications of all sorts of problems from vasectomy gone wrong, treatment for cancers, hormonal changes largely due to age or nutritional problems and so on. 

Yes, sorry, what I really meant was medical issues - not just drugs. In my case, there is truly no known cause.

Go join a nudist club and learn to accept your body and get rid of all the body shame.

LOL, you're funny - in the midwest??? Besides, I really don't want to see all the overweight people naked. I am very tolerant of body types, as we come in all shapes and sizes, but being very overweight or obese is generally a lifestyle choice - not a body type.

I have an average build with a BMI of 23. Very low fat % for my age, and I have only gained 5 lbs since my 20s. My chest used to always be a 34-36, and my waist has never exceeded 30 - it's probably around 28 right now. I figure if I could make the calorie adjustment in my early 30s (when my metabolism tanked), other people should be able to as well. As for younger people being obese, it's terribly sad - American youth makes me think of the passengers on the spaceship in Wall-E.

But I digress. My point is, I would not mind being in the company of naked people, be they thin, average, stocky, old, young, hairy, stretch marks, etc., as long as they were all in the bodies they were genetically given. I am far less tolerant of unhealthy bodies by choice. I honestly do not know what I would think of a healthy weight male sporting C+ boobs being topless - conversation starter maybe? lol

I suppose that gets to the root of my issue. If I don't know how I would react to a guy with boobs, how would I know how to react to my own?

And as a side issue, when it comes to true gynecomastia, I think "boobs" is the correct term, since they are female mammaries. I think "moobs" is more appropriate for pseudo-gynecomastia, since they tend to be more fat than gland.


Offline Alchemist

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Hi Bummed,
I’m trying to give you a realistic view of this whole business

Right there is a huge difference. I cannot wear a suit, nor even a 2nd layer during the warmer months. The best I can do is a  polo with no undershirt, as most of my job is where there is no air conditioning. They have not been an issue over the winter months, but midwest humid summers will put an end to multiple layers.

I was in Ohio in the 60s and 70s  in high humidty hot summers.  When I had to wear suits I had tropical weight suites.  Before insurance I was selling medium to expensive photo or stereo gear in a white shirt with tie, pocket protector with pens and screwdrivers.  Boy did that pocket protector stick out.  And it was not much of a second layer nor was the tie.  The light weight white shirts of those days were a single very lightweight.  A second full layer would have been unbelievably sweaty.  I moved to the much drier west in the mid 70s.
“Yes, sorry, what I really meant was medical issues - not just drugs. In my case, there is truly no known cause.”

No cause known to you or your doctor at the time.  In many puberty cases like mine, I suspect that it comes from a specific metabolic defect linked to nutritional problems triggered by puberty itself.

” LOL, you're funny - in the midwest??? Besides, I really don't want to see all the overweight people naked. I am very tolerant of body types, as we come in all shapes and sizes, but being very overweight or obese is generally a lifestyle choice - not a body type.”

Of course there are nudist clubs in the Midwest.  With nearly 200 clubs there are one or more clubs in most states.  The hot humid Midwest is far more comfy without clothing, a good 10-15 degrees more comfortable.  Being genuinely obese as a result of compulsive eating is the same kind of choice as being an alcoholic or tobacco addict.  Being overweight can happen at 50-100 calories a day too much to gain 10 pounds a year.  Then there is a consideration that at least 50% of people in the USA have potential metabolic problems like mine.   Before figuring out my problems I could gain 3 pounds a day on zero calories.  I had 85 pounds of water on me and it was killing me with congestive heart failure.  This is NOT a lifestyle choice.  So at 285 pounds or more you would have judged me for the lifestyle choice of a metabolic problem caused by some of the artificial vitamins you can buy in vitamin pills and added to our foods.

“Besides, I really don't want to see all the overweight people naked.”
Now that is certainly in the top 10 excuses for avoiding a nudist club because of body shame and fear.

”I have an average build with a BMI of 23. Very low fat % for my age, and I have only gained 5 lbs since my 20s. My chest used to always be a 34-36, and my waist has never exceeded 30 - it's probably around 28 right now. I figure if I could make the calorie adjustment in my early 30s (when my metabolism tanked), other people should be able to as well. As for younger people being obese, it's terribly sad - American youth makes me think of the passengers on the spaceship in Wall-E.”

My build has never been average.  At skin and bones weight my chest was 46” and my waist 34”.  My waist hasn’t been 30” since I was a 10 year old.  Working out a little my chest gets up to 52 with the same 34 waist.  And you wouldn’t believe how much that makes my breasts fuller and more outstanding, literally, putting on muscle underneath.  So your body type is ectomorphic and I am a major mesomorph.   I’ve put on 100 pounds without changing what I ate and then took it off again without changing my diet.  85 pounds was water but judgmental people say all sorts of things  When next I showed up at the club, nobody recognized me.  Nobody decides that they want to be obese and despised as a life style.

“But I digress. My point is, I would not mind being in the company of naked people, be they thin, average, stocky, old, young, hairy, stretch marks, etc., as long as they were all in the bodies they were genetically given. I am far less tolerant of unhealthy bodies by choice. I honestly do not know what I would think of a healthy weight male sporting C+ boobs being topless - conversation starter maybe? Lol”

What you will see at a nudist clubs are a whole lot of guys with gyne, at an average incidence.  There are even some post surgical young guys that joined after the surgery.   Maybe 5% are flat as aboard, and 30-60% with some noticeable gyne ranging from puffy nipples and A- cups all the way out to occasional D to DD like me depending on age and other factors.  I’ve never seen an H cup male in person.  That is way out on the tail, statistically.  At a nudist club C-cup breasts on men are not unusual.  You rarely see anybody extremely obese.   Most bodies are a combination of genetic endowment along with modifications by circumstances, wear and tear, nutrition and exercise.  I walk a good 5 miles a day at the club where I summer, with 2000 vertical feet up and down every day just getting around from my site to the courts, wash house, facilities, pool, etc.  The walking everywhere is discouraging to the obese.   If you ran into me or somebody else at C cup or more at a nudist club it would be a realization of “Oh, him too”.  It doesn’t usually qualify as a conversation starter unless the ladies are comparing under the breast tan free areas and you are qualified to join the conversation.

You will also find out that you can’t control people who eat too much, drink too much, smoke, are too sedentary and have poor food choices and judging them just makes you a bore.
“I suppose that gets to the root of my issue. If I don't know how I would react to a guy with boobs, how would I know how to react to my own?”

Going to the nudist club will give you a chance to lose the judgementalness and accept others bodies as well as your own.   You can lose the body shame and fear.  One becomes educated as to what real actual bodies look like.  They don’t look like body doubles and digitally altered bodies.  And yes, lots of men have some degree of gyne made up of a mix of tissues and it doesn’t matter to anybody.  I get my share of hugs, and then some, from the ladies.  You can go to the AANR site and search by zip code where the clubs are.  Many are landed, others are not and rent pools, go out on boats on the water, go to nude beaches and have house parties.  AANR clubs are family clubs with children, and sexual behavior is private to your RV or room or whatever.  There are adult only clubs, many fewer of them, if that is your preference.

“And as a side issue, when it comes to true gynecomastia, I think "boobs" is the correct term, since they are female mammaries. I think "moobs" is more appropriate for pseudo-gynecomastia, since they tend to be more fat than gland.”
And so you can BLAME somebody with mostly fat for doing it to themselves and then feel thankful that you are not as they are or something like that?    Why does it matter?  It’s the same psychologically for those having them in any mix.  Would you feel better or worse if your breasts were a C cup from fat?  Would it not matter to you then?  I think “breasts” is the right word all the way around.  Like cooking they are measured in cups, whatever is contained inside that skin is the stuffing and not visible directly.

The only thing you can change is yourself.  If you want to change your genetically (and/or God) given body by cutting pieces off because of fear of what a few other people might think or heaven forbid say, then run your life that way.  Do what makes you happy. A book you might want to read, THERAPY, NUDITY AND JOY.  I have an advantage of retrospect, like Hammer and others of us old guys. Don’t run your life for fear of what other people MIGHT think. Don’t run your life thinking that having surgery will stop the bullies.  They will find something to get you on if you are vulnerable, otherwise they don’t give a damn about your body or you.  They go after any vulnerability.  You won’t like living your life in fear no matter what bullies might think about anything.  The breast issues for us old guys came out to zero as soon as health problems became the issue.  They are more difficult and time consuming to shave than a board flat chest which you will never have.  If they get big enough and are such that they become uncomfortable to live with and you need a bra for comfort, there is ample advice to be had.  Get a professional fitting.  Those ladies have seen it all over and over.   They know how common it is. 

THE AMERICAN SEXUAL TRAGEDY was written in the 50s by Dr Albert Elllis.  He was a psychotherapist who worked with women.  The more depressed they were, the more complaints they had about their bodies, trying to achieve a standard of beauty even possible to only 1% of the population for a few years of their life.   After treatment for depression they had half as many complaints about their body.  Just remember, of the 75,000,000 or so men in the USA with gynecomastia, about 20,000 have surgery each year, 1 in  3750  or so.  A typical surgery will buy you 10 years more or less of membership at a nudist club.  And you will have a lot more fun.  The way it’s talked about here, as you mentioned is either get surgery or suffer.  I’m offering you a genuinely different approach.     A very attractive single woman I met vacationing at a club in California told me “Once you have vacationed nude, there is no going back”.  She found it a joy to experience.  And I’ve got to tell you, when you meet and socialize nude, there is no fear about “when I take off my shirt she will freak out”.

Good luck and have fun.


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Alchemist said:

Then there is a consideration that at least 50% of people in the USA have potential metabolic problems like mine.

OK, I have never seen any data supporting this. The only data I have seen regarding uncontrolled weight gain was regarding a small percentage of untreatable conditions (2-3% of the overweight population). If you can provide links to such data, I will definitely read up on it, as I like to be as informed as I can be.

 So at 285 pounds or more you would have judged me for the lifestyle choice of a metabolic problem caused by some of the artificial vitamins you can buy in vitamin pills and added to our foods.

I did not judge you, as I had no idea of your height or weight (if it's posted somewhere, I haven't seen it). And as above, I have not seen data on this.

 Nobody decides that they want to be obese and despised as a life style.

True enough, but the majority of obese people choose (by inaction) to be that way. No different than an alcoholic or smoker choosing (through inaction) to continue their behavior.

Had I not taken action in my early 30s and cut my caloric intake WAY down, I would be obese today. I took action when I noticed I was suddenly 10 lbs heavier than I was 8-10 years prior. It takes action to be within 5 lbs of body weight from 30 years prior.

Would you feel better or worse if your breasts were a C cup from fat?

Either I wouldn't have them (because I do try not to gain weight), or they would just be another flabby part of my body. I have seen plenty of flabby guys that probably had B or C cups breasts, but they had overall flab, so the breasts really didn't stand out. I have seen some guys (clothed) with huge moobs, but they still did not stick out past their rather large bellies.

On me, breasts are the ONLY part that doesn't fit - they are already quite a standout feature, and they are still growing.

Honestly, in your experience at nudist areas, how many otherwise fit/thin men, have you seen with C-cup breasts?

Just remember, of the 75,000,000 or so men in the USA with gynecomastia, about 20,000 have surgery each year, 1 in  3750  or so

Out of those 75 million (which I think is a really too high a number), how many are A-cup or less and would only ever need surgery because they are narcissistic?

And, honestly, I am not intending to insult or judge anyone here, I am merely throwing my honest, current thoughts out there and paying attention to the responses. I did look, and there is one nudist area kinda near us, but it's $350 a year plus $100 night, plus expenses. On top of that, I'm not sure my wife would even be willing to go - maybe that will change, we will see.

I appreciate any and all responses and opinions, as the more information I have, the more confident I will feel with whatever decision I end up making.


Offline Alchemist

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Hi Bummer,

”Either I wouldn't have them (because I do try not to gain weight), or they would just be another flabby part of my body. I have seen plenty of flabby guys that probably had B or C cups breasts, but they had overall flab, so the breasts really didn't stand out. I have seen some guys (clothed) with huge moobs, but they still did not stick out past their rather large bellies.”

Quite true about the stomach sticking out further.  Even with a large hernia, which looks like a fat belly but no longer sticks out making my breasts real standup  standouts.  When I was 285 pounds I was dying from congestive heart failure.  I found the seemingly miraculous vitamins that dumped 40+ pounds of water in a month and then about a year later when I started another nutrient, the rest came off, another 40+ pounds in a month.  So the point I was trying to make was that many bodies that look fat are actually loaded with water which the people and their doctors can’t get off.  To try to save their life the doctor gives Spironolactone which is added to other diuretics and is potassium sparing.  BUT a major side effect is gynecomastia.  Appearances can be deceiving.

Also, in reading peoples stories here for some years I notice that the ones that are severely affected psychologically are of all sizes and causes.  And a lot of the fat guys HATE having the breasts whatever the percentage of fat and whether they stick out past their stomach or not.  They feel it both ways, hate their bodies for fat and for breasts.  Getting rid of the breasts doesn’t even begin to get rid of the problem and a lot of docs won’t do the surgery until they lose the weight.   Most of a woman’s breast is fat also. 

” Out of those 75 million (which I think is a really too high a number), how many are A-cup or less and would only ever need surgery because they are narcissistic?”

The percentages I see statistically say that total lifelong incidence is in the 50-60% range, from all causes and medical problems like tumors are a fraction of 1%.  Male population of the USA is about 150 million, half of those is 75 million.   At a large nude gathering, and some of the pictures of mass nudity by that photographer are suitable, you can get a good visual count on male breasts with the help of shadowing.  As far as surgery goes, look around here.  I would think that the large majority getting surgery are less than A-cup or are puffy nipples.  They FEEL like they are every bit as visible as you or me or others and feel total shame about it.  And you won’t see most of them even considering getting rid of body shame as an alternative way of living their life.   Seeing the guys looking for surgery that don’t have anything I can see as gynecomastia seems pretty weird to me.

”And, honestly, I am not intending to insult or judge anyone here, I am merely throwing my honest, current thoughts out there and paying attention to the responses. I did look, and there is one nudist area kinda near us, but it's $350 a year plus $100 night, plus expenses. On top of that, I'm not sure my wife would even be willing to go - maybe that will change, we will see.”

You appear to have a hard drive to be recognized as not having caused your breasts for whatever your own reasons.  I don’t think most people think that deeply when they see an outstanding pair of breasts on a guy.   Most clubs have a way for people to visit a few times before joining.  For non-members there is usually a daily grounds fee, discounted for AANR members.  There are often rooms or cabins for rent which can be expensive.  Most also have tent camping and RV areas for visitors.  A camping fee is much less than renting a room or cabin.  A typical day grounds fee might be $10-50 depending upon weekday poor weekend, sometimes, young adult discounts, some even have first visit free offers.   I don’t know what club you are looking at.  Most try to make it easy for new visitors because that is how new potential members walk in the door.  It’s a business.   And the activities are all about being social from pot luck dinners to horse shoes, tennis, volley ball and other games and sports, dances on some weekends, various special events.  Some people just sit in the sun or shade and read or nap.   Generally people are polite and friendly.  Generally there is very little politics discussed because everybody is sick of that.   Interestingly, while women are a bit more reluctant to make the first visit, they are far more likely to keep coming.  They experience a liberation and safety not felt at a public beach.  In any case tell her why you want to go.  I would say one reason is to experience a place where you are normal.  You can feel that liberation too.  The AANR’s slogan “EXPERIENCE THE FREEDOM”. 

Honestly, in your experience at nudist areas, how many otherwise fit/thin men, have you seen with C-cup breasts?”

A few.  And I have never seen anybody else with D-DD or larger breasts like Hammer, myself, Carlos and some others here.  We are rather far out along the toe of the curve.  At C cup you are much closer in.   And people notice the breasts and think “hormone problem” or something of the sort.  You will see some of that size from time to time, and people will notice that you are not fat as opposed to the breasts are not caused by fat.   Nobody gives a damn about that.  Everybody cares about fat.  Everybody with it wants to have less of it.  Nobody wants it.  And you know what?  It doesn’t matter.  Depending upon the luck of the day you will see what you will see.  I have sat around with groups of men ranging from 100% with gyne to only a few. 

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I have had the condition since I was a skinny kid of 12. 

The facts that I now am overweight and have metabolic problems does not change that.

I am also 77 years of age and have chronic kidney failure which can be a possible cause of Gynecomastia,  but nothing has changed.

The fact that you are the age you are and actually have active growth is worrisome. Unless your breast growth can be accounted for,  You should be seeing an Endocrinologist.   

The growth could be due to medications, as you have noted. The medications used to treat prostate problems or testicular tumors are the first things that come to mind as possible causes for breast growth in a man your age.  Some medications used for Control of blood pressure might be a problem.  Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, and Chronic Kidney Failure might be causes.  In any case, you need to get this checked out. It should also be noted that some tumors also cause the hormones to do odd things.

Like I said, If you do not know what is causing your breast enlargement, You should be having this checked out. 

You are right that many of us simply ignore the condition, I do.  But it is one thing to ignore a stabilized condition and something totally different to ignore unexplained breast growth.
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And would you please share exactly what miraculous vitamin caused you to dump forty pounds?


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Hi Alchemist

As far as surgery goes, look around here.  I would think that the large majority getting surgery are less than A-cup or are puffy nipples.  They FEEL like they are every bit as visible as you or me or others and feel total shame about it.  And you won’t see most of them even considering getting rid of body shame as an alternative way of living their life.   Seeing the guys looking for surgery that don’t have anything I can see as gynecomastia seems pretty weird to me.

I agree, from what I have seen here and at surgery sites. I can't imagine going through a major surgery for a minor cosmetic problem that most people would never even notice.

You appear to have a hard drive to be recognized as not having caused your breasts for whatever your own reasons.

Well, yes. I don't want to be judged as having made my bed, and now complaining about lying in it. If I did meth and all my teeth fell out, oh well, I asked for it - see what I mean? I know it's something I have to deal with :(

A few.  And I have never seen anybody else with D-DD or larger breasts like Hammer, myself, Carlos and some others here.  We are rather far out along the toe of the curve.  At C cup you are much closer in.

Since we already kinda agreed that most gyne is A-cup or less, a C-cup on a thin guy is closer to the extreme end than the "barely noticeable" end.

I would say one reason is to experience a place where you are normal.  You can feel that liberation too.

To be honest, I would have to see such a place fully clothed or through photos/video. I cannot imagine a place where gynecomastia is "normal".

And hey, thanks for sharing, I do appreciate it.



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Hi Paa_Paw,

The fact that you are the age you are and actually have active growth is worrisome. Unless your breast growth can be accounted for,  You should be seeing an Endocrinologist. 

Been there, done that. Diagnosis was idiopathic gynecomastia. :-(

The growth could be due to medications, as you have noted. The medications used to treat prostate problems or testicular tumors are the first things that come to mind as possible causes for breast growth in a man your age.  Some medications used for Control of blood pressure might be a problem.  Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, and Chronic Kidney Failure might be causes.  In any case, you need to get this checked out. It should also be noted that some tumors also cause the hormones to do odd things.

I am on ZERO meds, and never have taken any of the "old people" (lol) drugs. Cholesterol is great, BP hovers around 110/72, liver, kidney, pituitary, and glucose levels are all fine.



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