Author Topic: What to tell girlfriend to avoid questions.  (Read 5209 times)

Offline qjohnny2000

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Been dating a girl and may go for surgery.  How to you handle coming back in bandages and have swelling and bruising.  What do you say... if it was my wife I would ofcourse tell the truth about it from the start.  But with a new girlfriend I don't really want to bring up subject of me having man boobs removed and all that.  May turn her off.  I was thinking maybe I could say doctor found a growth in my muscle and had to get it removed.

Any ideas ?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Yeah, just tell your gf that you had benign growths removed...   :P

But then, with a gf, she'll want to know more than that huh?

« Last Edit: April 08, 2008, 06:09:18 PM by Grandpa Bambu 111 »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline DCBR78

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Your surgeon can actually give you some good ideas. It's not uncommon for them to get those questions.. Man I'm taking time off work for this. In an office of construction people.. The truth will ruin me. Confidentiality in that environment is a myth. Generall, I've found people to be quite naive about any surgery. You could tell her that you've had chest pain and your doctor told you that you have a tear in a pectoral muscle that needs surgery to fix. There's a bunch of things. Ask the doctors here, what you can pass off as a reason.
Surgery Date: April 9, 2008.
Surgeon: Dr. J C Fielding. (Toronto)
Result: Life is getting better with every day.

Offline Twin Peaks

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Tell her that you've been having some pains in your chest and that you are going to go and see a doctor about it.  Use that excuse for your consultation visit to your surgeon.  When you get back from the doctor (surgeon), tell your girlfriend that the doctor said you have some tissue beneath your chest that needs to be removed or else it could become cancerous when you get older (breast cancer does actually happen in men).  That should pretty much put you in the clear for the surgery and the time following it.  This is pretty much the story I'm giving to my job. I told my girlfriend of 2 yrs straight up that I have man boobs, I hate them, and I'm getting them removed.  If your relationship is new, then I definitely understand keeping it hush hush.  Good luck man.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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If your relationship is new, then I definitely understand keeping it hush hush.  Good luck man.

However....  'if' she is not 'The One' (probably not), then there will be more women in your life. So why worry about it?  ;)


Offline dcvet

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The way a women will "take it" is totally dependant on how you present it, and more importantly how you feel about it.  If you make it a big deal, she will be freaked out.  If you dont, she wont care.  Keep in mind that women have must better "radars" then men and can read how you feel about something very easily by the way you are acting, body language, etc.

I was dating a very hot, smart woman who had her shit together when I got my surgery.  I told her about it and it went something like this:

Me:  Yeah Im going for a consult today
Her:  What for?
Me: I have a couple of lumps under my nipples that Im probably gonna have removed via surgery, see look (I pull up shirt)
Her: I cant notice anything
Me:  Here, feel it
Her: Oh, why do you want to get that removed? Is it bad?
Me: Nah, no big deal - I just think it distorts my physique a bit
Her: Oh, well I didnt even notice it.  But if you get the surgery do you want me to come take care of you?  I can drive you too if you want?
Me:  No Im cool
Her:  Ok, can we shag now?

Offline Paa_Paw

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I learned a long time ago that there are two kinds of people:

First of course is those who would like, but do not merit, any explanation and probably wouldn't believe it anyhow.

Second are those dear people who may be entitled to an explanation but who respect your privacy and do not expect one.

Either way, don't worry about it.
Grandpa Dan

Offline matthew1

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 my wife  of 15 years  still does not  see  the big deal with  gyne,  don't get me wrong she is supportive and  I am getting surgery before long,  but she  tells  me  she loves me the way I am and I look fine.
                Gyne  is one of those things that  is  much worse in the  mind of  the gyne sufferer more then anyone else.
                As far as your  girlfriend,  dont  show too much  insecurity, girls dont like that.
              Tell her you are taking a little off the  chest and adding it  to your johnson  just for her  :P


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The way a women will "take it" is totally dependant on how you present it, and more importantly how you feel about it.  If you make it a big deal, she will be freaked out.  If you dont, she wont care.  Keep in mind that women have must better "radars" then men and can read how you feel about something very easily by the way you are acting, body language, etc.

I was dating a very hot, smart woman who had her shit together when I got my surgery.  I told her about it and it went something like this:

Me:  Yeah Im going for a consult today
Her:  What for?
Me: I have a couple of lumps under my nipples that Im probably gonna have removed via surgery, see look (I pull up shirt)
Her: I cant notice anything
Me:  Here, feel it
Her: Oh, why do you want to get that removed? Is it bad?
Me: Nah, no big deal - I just think it distorts my physique a bit
Her: Oh, well I didnt even notice it.  But if you get the surgery do you want me to come take care of you?  I can drive you too if you want?
Me:  No Im cool
Her:  Ok, can we shag now?

lmao, nearly spat my tea on my laptop reading that ...

But yeah, i totally agree, it's all about the way you present it.

Would you believe ive told two of my mates, my uncle, my parents, my sister and brother about having my gyne removed ... they don't even care.

I had Stage 3 (severe gyne) but hid it so well and im generally the funniest person my mates and family know so when I told them, they thought whatever ...

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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my wife of 15 years still does not see the big deal with gyne, don't get me wrong she is supportive and tells me she loves me the way I am and I look fine. Gyne is one of those things that is much worse in the mind of the gyne sufferer more then anyone else.

Good post dude...


Offline Spleen

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dcvet is right.  It's really no big deal,  present it as such and it will be treated as such. 

Offline matt123

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Why not tell her something that may very well be exactly true...any inform her about gyno in the process.   "Im going to get something fixed.  When I was younger, my body produced excess testosterone, (manly sounding), which my body converted to estrogen and caused some tissue in my pecks which need to be removed.  Damn that manly testosterone....."  Sounds true and masculine enough to me.  Tell her it made your sex drive double and your tongue to grow.  G'luck. 

Offline Jackd

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I'm going with broken ribs when I get surgery......... will explain lack of mobility, even compression garments etc.... it's something that is very plausable in my opinion.

Offline monterojl

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I was in the same boat as you a couple months ago...didnt know if i should tell my GF, because im fairly lean and with clothes, you cant notice my Gyne, it looks like a muscular chest.....but i made the decition to tell her and she was very supportive although she said i didnt need anything done...She is the only person that knows i had the surgery and she was there to pick me up after the operation etc....I guess it all depends how serious you are with your GF, and how much you trust her.

Good luck.


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