Author Topic: What's your worst gyne experience?  (Read 11033 times)

Offline Blitz

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To Blarneystoner,

You're only 3 weeks post op and you're freaking out?  I haven't even had my surgery and I'm going to wait out the entire year before I start making any rash decisions about the surgery.  In all fairness, I might feel different after my surgery and may want that fix to be instantaneous.  I guess it depends on how well your body can adapt.  

I know genetics play a major role in how our body adapts to life after surgery but I also believe that a healthy lifestyle can go a long way.    I've been eating healthy for the past few years and I don't get sick anymore.  It may have nothing to do with the after effects of surgery but I like to believe the healthier you are, the better your body adapts to trauma or in this case, a gynecomastia operation.  

What makes you think your surgery was unsuccessful?  Obviously, your gyne hasn't really decreased in size.  That is probably due to swelling.  I've read a lot of post and from what I gathered, it may take up to a year before you get the full effect.  Hang in there.

Who was your doctor?  Pics?  

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sorry about that, I accidentally posted early again.

Offline oleoze

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I can remember 3 times but the first time was the hardest. It was back when i recently got Gyne. I was going to school and it was time for gymnastic. We had it 2 times a week. We had two locker-rooms and I started to notice that my classmates picked the one i wasnt in, exept for one, my closest "friend". I didnt realise it at first that they choosed the other room because of me. One day after the gymnastic i was walking into the lockerroom and at the sametime i was taking my clothes off my friend sat there with the clothes on and told me that he was going to shower in the other room? Oh my god, did you know how i felt like? It felt like i was carrying some kind of desease. My mind went crazy. Maybe they did make funny of me in the other room? offcourse they did!?
 I can tell you that this so called my closest friend didnt like anyone of the other classmates, he never hang out with any of them and suddenly he did everytime after the gymnastic?  :-[ .  
  As the days did go by I notice it more and more. You know when people twist your nipples just for fun because of the pain, its a guy and guy thing, same thing as scratch the other guys hair and laugh. I notice that everytime I was around they did that on eachother and it end up that someone did it to me. I started to notice more and more of this kind o stuff when I was around, but i never cought anyone talking about it. Quite many classmates had alot of respect of me so maybe they didnt had the balls to.

That was the trigger for the pain ive had for years now.

I can aslo ad that on that period i could see people looking at my chest. For ex. when i took my shirt off people could walk past me with eyes down on floor and when they dint think i saw them they took a quick look at them. I could feel it in the air.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
« Last Edit: May 19, 2005, 01:49:45 PM by oleoze »

Offline kelley

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I had two bad expriences, when I was in the sixth grade my gyno started, but I thought it was great, because everyone else had flat crests and i thought I had a muscular crest, until a girl I liked said she would never date a guy with boobs, the moment it really got to me was in gym class, the way I got around changing in front of other guys was I'd where two shirts and only change the top one, and no one seemed the wiser, this may help some of you, but then I had to go to the pool, my plan was to hold the towel against my crest as causally as possible and then jump right in to the pool, one day this little jerk in my class said as loud as he could that I needed some bra size, I just looked at him and started swimming. Now my excuse for not swimming is that I have a fear of drowning, but I really love to swim and I'm making an appointment with a surgeon, hopfully some day I'll go back the pool. thanks for listening, it helps sometimes.

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And one more thing does it really take a year for the swelling to go down? because that seems extremely long and scary, and how long does the bruises and scars last? Is this surgery really worth a year of discomfort?

Offline Paa_Paw

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In my early teens, My Mother once said"if they get any bigger, I'm putting you in a Bra."  She never did, but all through my teens I worried that she might.  

Sometime, things said in jest by people close to us are the more hurtful than deliberate derision coming from a known bully.

I was in my 50's before I was able to talk to my Mom ablut Gynecomastia;  It turn out that Gynecomastia runs in the family.  Believe it or not, for some of us, Gynecomastia is actually 'normal.'
Grandpa Dan

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ah, there are many occasions that i've had.

when i was in middle school, guys used to grab my boobs and laugh. and people used to think i was a girl, but i had long hair which really didn't help the problem. i made it a point to keep my hair short. now there's no confusion that i'm a male, but damn did it hurt when i was younger. there was this one time at a mall, a jeweler was talking about piercing my sister's ears with my parents. the jeweler then turned to me and said to my dad "oh, she (me) hasn't gotten her ears done yet?"


it also doesn't help that i have a b-c cup. i hate having to tuck in my undershirts, it's so uncomfortable.

also, i would dread when people gave me purple nurples (nipple twists). they would grab what they thought was my nipple but was just skin above my nipple and twist. they had no idea about the man boobage, but oh man did it hurt mentally.

no one really says anything. it's just that i've developed such a hatred for how i look and i've become so self conscious. but i'm looking into getting help.
First Op- 10/5/05

Offline ibarumah

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i am 23 years old and thanks god never in my life my friends said anything about my breasts... even though i never take my shit off in fron of them, i never got o swim with them etc.
Only my girlfriend (we are together for 2 years) had seen me 100% naked and sometimes she is telling me funny "in a few years these will be bigger than mine" but i am pretending that i laugh so she doesn't know that she hurts me when she sais this.
but i know she doesnt say this for a bad reason and she loves me very much and yes she is so hot...

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I can remember 3 times but the first time was the hardest. It was back when i recently got Gyne. I was going to school and it was time for gymnastic. We had it 2 times a week. We had two locker-rooms and I started to notice that my classmates picked the one i wasnt in, exept for one, my closest "friend". I didnt realise it at first that they choosed the other room because of me. One day after the gymnastic i was walking into the lockerroom and at the sametime i was taking my clothes off my friend sat there with the clothes on and told me that he was going to shower in the other room? Oh my god, did you know how i felt like? It felt like i was carrying some kind of desease. My mind went crazy. Maybe they did make funny of me in the other room? offcourse they did!?

Why would they not want to be in the same room as you?  That's just weird.  Did they just seperate themselves from you for showering or did they do this all the time?

I don't know what to say to those of you who had people talking about your chest behind your backs.  People always said stuff straight to my face.  I'm sure they talked about me behind my back too...hell, people would talk about my chest when I was in the room and pretend like I wasn't there.  I'm sure you guys are familiar with the old "talk about the person like they're not there, but make sure they hear it" routine.

I've had lots and lots of bad experiences involving my chest (two years ago I recorded all the ones I could remember), and another particularly bad incident went like this...

My school was very small, and there was only one major intersection in the school where the two main halls met.  At the intersection there were a few benches as well as the water fountain.  One day I was getting a drink of a water, and I heard  this senior saying pretty loudly "Where's [user]?  Where's [user]?".  A friend of mine said, "He's over there."  And the senior softly said, "No, my picture of [user]."  I walked past the benches, and I could hear the senior talking to his girlfriend saying "Yeah, that guy used to have breasts."

From what I've pieced together this guy had a damn picture of me from back when I wasn't actively trying to hide my breasts (7th/8th grade).  After I left the school the following year, I told my parents everything that had happened regarding my chest (my Mom had remarked "No ones ever made fun of your chest!" so I had to set the record straight).  When she heard this story, she said that if she got the guy's name she'd try to press charges.

I can see that many of you guys also suffered the dreaded "tittie twister".  People did that to me, too, but other guys would actually fondle my breasts and touch them like a female's.  This one guy who hated me would come up to me and touch my chest like this (thank god nobody ever saw it).
Surgery date: February 8, 2006

Offline STILLgotIT

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but i know she doesnt say this for a bad reason and she loves me very much and yes she is so hot...

Post some pics.

Just kidding again!  ;D ;D ;D

Good story.

Offline ibarumah

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i don't know how many of you stand in front of stupid guys who laugh for your breasts in front of you.
If i would see someone do this in front of my face i would beat him till i brake his both legs

Offline oleoze

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Why would they not want to be in the same room as you?  That's just weird.  Did they just seperate themselves from you for showering or did they do this all the time?

They tried to stay away from me as much as they could.
But it was just 2-3 weeks left of the school time then  vacation and then college.

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i don't know how many of you stand in front of stupid guys who laugh for your breasts in front of you.
If i would see someone do this in front of my face i would beat him till i brake his both legs

If you're a passive person like myself, then it's nearly impossible not to.  Plus, if you went to a private school you'd run the risk of being expelled.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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One of my most hurtful Gyne expreriences was when I was 17 or so and I was delivering pizza as a part-time job after school and on weekends. Went to one house and a young girl answered the door to pay for the pizza. A man, probably the girls dad, said "Make sure you give the delivery girl a tip". I know that he wasn't trying to be nasty and mean. It was an honest mistake. However, it hurt bad!  :'( :-/ :'(

Another time was when I was going to college. I was on the bus and was wearing just a t-shirt. This woman kept on staring at me and I knew the reason why  :-/.

Another time was when I was in grades 7 and 8 in school. We were playing baseball. I was wearing a t-shirt and denim cover-alls. Even though the cover-alls covered most of my chest, the sides of my moobs could still be seen. A girl yelled out "He's got boobs like a girl" for everyone to hear. I felt like crawling under a rock and dieing.

Many, many times people have remarked that I need ( or should I say 'needed' ) a bra. Somehow, that is no where near as painfull as someone accidentally mistaking you for a girl.  :-[ :-/ :-[

Just a week prior to my surgery, I was at a union meeting for work. We were standing in line to make a vote on a contract proposal and a guy came up to me, grabbed my right moob and said "Look at the titties on this guy". I almost introduced my fist to his face.

« Last Edit: May 24, 2005, 11:06:07 AM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline aux513s

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I've had several bad experiences with gyno. I have overheard people making remarks, which is the most embarassing thing.

A few of my friends that are girls have jokingly said things, but I really don't think they meant to hurt my feelings or were aware of how serious a problem it is for me.

I guess I've been kind of lucky in that nobody has ever maliciously said something to my face about it. Nobody has ever really made fun of or picked on me, for any reason. I do look a bit intimidating so I think that's why.


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