Author Topic: Where's gynecomastia most common?  (Read 1489 times)

Offline Hlodlo

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Is gynecomastia as big as a problem in Asia,Middle East and Africa as in The US and Europe?? 
It seems to me like many more young men are experiencing this problem in US and Europe, can you think of any reason why that is? I know there are much more hormones in our foods especially meat and dairy and it's less organic but that can't be the only reason. I'm really interested in the geographical aspects regarding this problem. 

Offline calzone

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That could be true, you see we in more Developed countries tend to eat cattle or drink millk that's been produced from cattle that's been fed with antibiotics and growth hormones which end up in the milk and food itself, if you drink a lot of hormoned fed milk you could end up with elevated estrogen levels that can result in a gynecomastia "especially if you're in puberty" so somewhere in India or China where food is predominantly Organic and made on farms from locals etc etc, the food will be less processed and less likely to give you such a thing.
Now again in USA you have obesity issues so that can also be a result that many think they have gyno but in reality only need to lose the fat.

Offline imtakinemout

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I think it's becoming more common now in developing countries with all the junk food restaurant chains popping up over there.
I think people in their late 20's, early 30's now were the most strongly hit, as 20-30 years ago all that greedy business of giving animals estrogen to fatten them up started and nobody knew how bad that was. Not to mention how common "trans-fat" was. The term "organic" is a fairly recent term. Only a few years ago people started to question how terrible the average diet in the US is. Europe is much better; a lot of crappy estrogen-infested ingredients are banned there, while the FDA approve it here.

Offline Paa_Paw

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As a condition, I think it is equal in occurrence globally.
As a problem for which treatment is sought, it is more common in modern industrialized countries.  
When I was a boy and the condition was first identified by my mother in 1949, there was not a good treatment for it so the condition was mostly ignored.  No one was greatly troubled by it.   Fast forward to the 1980s and surgical methods to reduce male breasts have greatly improved. Suddenly it is a big deal.  Modern photo alteration and visual imagery have also changed the way we think about such things. Most people today want to look like the images they see in Magazines, on TV, and in the Cinema, The fact that those images are contrived does not bother them.   
Grandpa Dan


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