Author Topic: Will exercising and dieting decrease/improve the size of my gyno  (Read 1691 times)

Offline lockmore99

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I'm 17 years old, 5 ft 10 inches and weight arounf 14 stone. I was wondering if exercise and dieting would help reduce the size of my nipples as I am aware that I am overweight. However will me becoming thin make my nipples stand out more, or will the exercise be more beneficial?

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Exercise typically only helps gynecomastia when it is of the fatty variety (often referred to as "pseudo-gynecomastia").  In other words, if your gyne is mainly due to simply being overweight, and not to actual tissue development under the nipple, then exercise can certainly help the situation and is the thing to do. 

If you're not overweight, however, and you've got noticeable gyne, then it's more likely that it is due to the actual development of the breast tissue.  No amount of exercise or weight loss will make that go away, and surgery is the only answer. 

If you're young and your gyne is mild and has not been established for 2 years, or more, then there is still the possibility that it could reverse itself and go away.  The bigger your breast is and the longer you've had the condition, the less likely it is for the condition to spontaneously correct itself.


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