Author Topic: Wow does this guy have GYNE  (Read 2714 times)

Offline KAG

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I was just watching this show Worlds Strictest Parents on CMT and WOW does the host parent have GYNE. Its getting more and more common! that is link to the show.

Offline Paa_Paw

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It certainly looks like it. But as an old man who has seen people with the condition all my life I reject the idea that it is any more common now than ever. While I do not believe the condition is necessarily more common, it is obviously much more recognized than before. One would hope that with the common recognition of the condition it would be better accepted but the reverse seems to be true.

Of greater importance is the fact that he is a well adjusted person who copes well with his condition. He is very much in charge of his own life and not a victim of his condition. There is a lesson here for any who are willing to learn.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 04:52:51 PM by Paa_Paw »
Grandpa Dan

Offline KAG

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Well honestly the reaction i get to mine from strangers can be down right rude and almost border on starting a fight at times. I recently had some young people approch me at a fair as i was walking by, they loudly asked if i had a tampon in my pocket! I just kept walking and ignored them.

I also had a a guy in line in frt of me overhear me and my wife talking about getting a sausage sandwich. He turned and said don't bother because they are lousy here. I said hey thanks alot for telling me. His wife turned and looked at me with the nastiest stare i've ever recieved in all my life. I was almost ready to tell her to darn OFF but i didn't want to spoil my wifes day with anger. The woman actually stared at me like i was some sort of freak until i was OUT OF HER site walking away from her.

The reason i posted up this guys gyne is because people need to get over this bs. I'm ready to start doing onto others as they do to me. From now on if someone staes me down i'm returning the favor!

Offline MEND1

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Your better off taking the high road chief, don't degrade yourself by repaying garbage behavior w/ garbage. I'm a bit of a brute, and in the old days I wouldn't hesitate to jump on a fella for looking at me wrong. Being violent or confrontational rarely or the receiving party. In fact I was impressed with how you handled the first two instances you mentioned. Takes a strong man to be humble. Just my opinion.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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The woman actually stared at me like i was some sort of freak until i was OUT OF HER site walking away from her.

You did the right thing there dude....  People like that are low-life bottom feeders.

Your better off taking the high road chief, don't degrade yourself by repaying garbage behavior w/ garbage.

You're right there dude...  Two wrongs don't make a right;)

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Offline Spleen

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If it don't bother him, it don't bother me.  Clearly is hasn't impacted his self-confidence.


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