Author Topic: Swelling reduction over time - pics wanted !!  (Read 5666 times)

Offline bfg2000

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Much is said about swelling and how it can take months to settle, so here's my challenge to the world - prove it!  8)

Let's see some real pics, from say 6 weeks, then 3 months, then 6 months, and let's see this mysterious swelling reduce. I firmly believe that after about a month, you've pretty much got what your going to end up with.

I'm 7 weeks on Friday, and i'm no different to 3 weeks.

Offline outertrial

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It depends what you mean by swelling. Im about a month post op and theres no way Ive healed, its still pretty painful in places to be honest and there are hard and swollen areas in my chest that have developed that werent here 10 days ago.

I imagine what you look like shortly after the op is probably a better indication. If theres still plenty there and there probably hasnt been enough time for a lot of swelling then thats prolly what youre going to get.


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Much is said about swelling and how it can take months to settle, so here's my challenge to the world - prove it!  8)

Let's see some real pics, from say 6 weeks, then 3 months, then 6 months, and let's see this mysterious swelling reduce. I firmly believe that after about a month, you've pretty much got what your going to end up with.

I'm 7 weeks on Friday, and i'm no different to 3 weeks.

Posting Standardized Before and After Pictures can help others better understand your concerns.

How tissues evolve after surgery depends on the problem treated, surgical technique, skill of the surgeon, after care, scar care, and how a patient heals.  I prefer my Dynamic Technique in which there is minimal bruising and swelling.  The biggest change happens on the operating table.  That is how I am able to post images the day after surgery.  However, further refinement happens over time as sculpted tissues evolves as they soften with scar care, compression, and healing.  As with any cut, tissues need to heal and soften.

You can see other examples of early resuts:

in this competition body builder here.

This one sided (unilateral) gynecomastia shows the swelling after surgery typical swelling after my gynecomastia surgery compaired to the side that had No Surgery

Here is another example of early healing after unilateral surgery typically seen with my techniques. 

Here is another example of typical minimal swelling and bruising in a 14 year old patient with more images images of tissue evolution and swelling here.

You can find many more examples on my website of primary gynecomastia tissue evoluation.

I perform many Revision Gynecomastia Male Chest Sculpture Operations on patients done by other doctors around the world. Each patient has told me how different their tissues were after my Dynamic Technique compaired to their previous surgery.  They all have commented how the swelling was much less, comfort better, and their expectation met, even at their first view of the tissues after surgery.  You can see typical tissue evolution after Revision Gynecomastia Surgery here.

However, even with these techniques, the tissue continue to evolve over time.  Here is another example of a patient revised after initial surgery done in Australia, early and 2 years after his operation.

This is real surgery and tissues do need to heal just like any other cut or injury.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Much is said about swelling and how it can take months to settle, so here's my challenge to the world - prove it!  8)

Let's see some real pics, from say 6 weeks, then 3 months, then 6 months, and let's see this mysterious swelling reduce. I firmly believe that after about a month, you've pretty much got what your going to end up with.

I'm 7 weeks on Friday, and i'm no different to 3 weeks.


I’m 6 months post op and although I have regularly updated my diary it was my choice from day one NOT to post pics.  Some people do and some don’t .. it is a personal preference.  During those 6 months I have had swelling that goes up and down (it's in the diary).  In fact this last week (and as I say I am nearly 6 months post op) I have had swelling come up again on one side.  :(  This could be normal tissue healing or it could be due to over vigorous massage, I don’t know, but all I can say to you is don’t panic ... give it time .. lots of time.

There was one of Levicks patients who posted regularly on here for whom it all came right around the 7 months stage.  For others it happens within a month or so, for a few it doesn’t happen at all.  We are all different and that’s why we are told to give it the full 12 months.

I have seen recent postings from patients of Levicks who have had revisions 2 years post surgery.  I’m not disheartened by this or by people saying for £4000 you should get it right first time every time.  Take IVF for women; it is a very expensive business and they don’t get it right first time every time.  For some it happens first time, for others it doesn’t happen at all.  It takes great care and I think to some degree luck as well.  That may seem a strange anaolgy but my point is that some types of surgery aren’t straightforward and I beleive ours is one of them.

The main reason I chose Levick is because by reading posts on here and by talking to the chap, I got the impression (rightly or wrongly) that he is in this game for the long term benefit of the patient and not the short term financial gain.  How many other surgeons have we read about on here who 2 years down the line are still trying to get the best results possible for NO extra charge?  Now don’t get me wrong, I'm 50 years of age, have been around a bit and no one walks over me with fancy words.  I expect the best for the money I pay; I was told up front that there will be times when things seem to go backwards, times when I will be disheartened, but I was also told that at the end of the day that he (Levick) will do the best he can.  I can't ask anyone for more than that.  I didn’t expect a perfect chest but I did expect to wait 12 months to judge the surgery.

I know it’s hard .. all that time hating your chest, living with the embarrassment etc etc (we have all been there) and then the surgery comes along and we think that the pain is all over and life will be great.  For a small minority I think they get the results they dream about in 2 months and that’s it.  I think for the rest of us it takes 12 months and more, and then sometimes we still don’t get that perfect chest we secretly dreamt of.

I firmly believe that patience is the key word here for any of us still less than 12 months post surgery.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 02:54:11 AM by Time_to_fix_it »
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline bfg2000

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Thanks everyone, and thats TTFI.

Its somewhat reassuring that TTFI is getting swelling at 6 months. I know i'n not healed fully by any stretch of the imagination and completely agree that time will tell. I've gone 20 years of mental anguish with these moobs, and its not going to change in 2 month.

I also agree that Mr Levicks approach to surgery and after care is one of the primary reasons I chose him to perform my procedure.

I started to hit the gym hard, and am steadily ramping up my weights and sets. In hind sight, I really should have done this BEFORE the surgery as I've only been back a few weeks, and whilst my weight hasn't changed any, my body shape is. I've noticed that the top of my abdomen has smoothed out and the chest feels firmer.

TTFI's attitude in the matter is bang on and I thank you for it, others should listen to the wise. Rome wasn't built in a things come to those that wait....and all those good sayings!

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Its somewhat reassuring that TTFI is getting swelling at 6 months.

Hi Bfg2000,

Well I’m glad you feel reassured that I’m still getting swelling  ;).

It does surprise me a little and hacks me off a little too, but such is life.  I’m sure I have acquired (some) patience in my latter years as I certainly didn’t have much in my youth.  I dare say if I was 30 now I would be pounding the boards if I was still getting swelling and wanting to hurry things up.  I will admit that I did secretly hope for one of those (rare) miracle results straight after surgery, but I’m destined to run the course it seems.

The one thing I did find it difficult to balance was the level of massage in the early days.  As soon as I was given the go ahead to start I really went for it, only to find that it made one side worse while the other side loved it.  Although I seem to be able to massage fully on both sides now I notice that one side is approximately 2 months behind the other on the scar tissue.  However I’m not alarmed, I look great in any shirt or T shirt and perfectly passable with my top off.

Good luck with your healing .... looking at your pics I would say you will do just fine .. you don’t appear to have any craters or any skin to muscle adhesion, whereas I have a little of both on one side.

Offline outertrial

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Offline bfg2000

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Mr Levick told me that massage wasn't really necessary unless you have adhesion or tightness, whilst others say it helps to break up scar tissue and speed up healing - how do you feel TTFI?

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
im also one of thos that decided from day 1 not to post photos.
alot of this is down to tattoos that would make me easily identied by anyone who knows me.
Im also 6 months post op and can assure you that some days are worse than others and im obviously still healing.
Diet is important also.
"bfg" if i was you id try to be patient and take advice from people on here.
It would be pointless stressing yourself over it.
But if you do feel your case is of no improvement then go back and see your surgeon!
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
ive edited my tattoos out just for you
as you can see im a fat guy and the pics are not too pretty but hey im on a healthy diet now so will look better in a few months when all the weight has gone :)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 04:15:24 AM by NotFedup »


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