Author Topic: It just got better?  (Read 2636 times)

Offline Danosaur

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I noticed that the past cupple of days, I havent been going to the gym, or eating right..anything like that.

and my chest has looked pretty good, the "gland", or lumps what ever it is, has seemed to be more compressed and less noticable.  Sure when I get really hot (its been very humid latly) I can see it.  But nonetheless its really not that bad

any explinations?  do you think better fitness and a perfect diet will make it go away?

Offline rocketrob

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did u get lipo only or did your p.s remove tissue from under the nipple?

Offline Danosaur

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whoops...I have not had surgery or lipo or anything.

My body plays tricks on me, sometimes it looks like its gone, sometimes it looks like its back full stregnth.

I still havent built up the courage to see a doctor, im working out now, im bulking, for probably 3 months, when school starts again ill cut, just because its hard to eat alot of food, and since Im not doing anything in the summer, I have time to eat.

Offline hiufung88319

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90% people,gyne will go away when you are finish the puberty
I promise when the gyne problem fixed,i will try my best on everything.I will study hard and become Sith Lord ;)

Offline Tired

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90% people,gyne will go away when you are finish the puberty

I'm sure you didn't pull that information out of your a s s  ;D

Offline hiufung88319

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I'm wrong?Most of gynecomastia case will dispear after puberty,english is my second language,i am a asia people,my english is very bad.

Offline hazzard623

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well im english and speak japanese as a second language. 8)

Offline hiufung88319

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I can read beacuse i can check the word that i am not understand by using Yahoo dictionary.Because in my places,99% people is use cantonese as a language, second language is Putonghua and English.I just share my advice in this board.In my view,i do not think there are many people really have gyne in this board,When you click on the User photo,many people is really a very mild case and they just give pressure by himself only.

Offline Ineedhelp123

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Well les see i am 15 years old and i believe  gynocomastia has just started for me, it started about 3 weeks ago when my left breast became super hard and and extremely painful, it has become mooshier since then and my dermetologist gave me antibiotics to try to cure it. well my left breast is already like 2-3 inches higher than the right one(DOES NOT HAVE GYNCOMASTIA). I NEED HELP!!!!! girls have already commented to me about it and its really embarrasing!!!!  guys please help me before this thing becomes really bad and I have Huge D CUPED LEFT BREAST!!!!!!

Offline hazzard623

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take a salt tablet hear those work


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