Author Topic: Rate my gyno  (Read 3778 times)

Offline tott

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Offline Merangue

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Dude, titmouse... those are some serious problems there.

Are you close to getting surgery?

To the op: Those are some moderate moobs. And the only thing you can do is get surgery unfortunately.

Good luck to both of you.

Offline dbphil

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Hey Tot, yours looks similar to mine. From the photos it like mostly muscle. I am considering surgery. The Dr rated me a 1 on the Gyne scale. good luck with what ever you do

Offline tott

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thanks very much for your answers. i`ve got my gyno after using steroids (sustanon and decaduraboline). I just finished the cycle. after a lot of googleing i`ve found some guys with similar problems, they resolved their problem with novaldex(tamoxifen) - moderate anti-estrogen or arimidex - powerful anti-estrogen or letrozole.

did any of you guys used these substances ?

Offline mrpower33

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Interesting, doesn't look serious.  If it has not been too long, you could try AIFM or aromasin (exemestane) plus cabaser.  Pretty easy to get online.  They are also really safe if you take the correct dosage.  Try to find Kraftydog on the bodybuilding forums, he makes a great case for it and after reading the research on it, I believe him.  Follow his protocol and please come back and let us know whether it worked for you. 

Tamoxifen is not ideal, not really shown to work, although obviously some people have had success with it.  Letro is really powerful and may have greater side-effects.  Aromasin is better than arimidex.  AIFM is an aromotase inhibitor, works the same way and is over the counter, I would start with that and see how it goes, although some people are allergic to it (like me, got really bad rashes).  Just make sure you alternate application sites per their instructions.  Oh, and if it's not obvious, stop taking the steriods.

Offline thetodd

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Seriously bad move. steroids will stay in your blood for life

try this

30mg of tamoxifen per day (get some 10mg tabs)
1 0.5mg of letzerole per day
2 0.5mg pills of cabergoline every three days

get a tube of "sustain alpha" and apply to your groin and chest

youve got a year before it turns into breast tissue and needs surgery. you need these drugs ASAP! What country do you live in?

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline tott

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thanks again for your posts. I`m from Romania.

I went to see an endocrinologist today, for a prescription for those drugs. It was kind of weird, i was tho only male patient  :-[. She said it`s the first time she has seen a gyno from steroids and woudn`t prescribe the drugs, only after she sees my testosterone analysis, so I went and made them, now  i`m waiting for the results. She only gave me something for the pain (when i  touch my nipples they hurt)

Offline mrpower33

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That should be a red flag for you.  Don't assume doctors know what they are doing.  This is a common occurrence among bodybuilders, but unfortunately, the medical community doesn't seem to be really plugged into it.  I would go on pubmed and look up the literature.  You should encourage your doctor to do the same, don't assume that she has read the studies regarding gyne, though there are numerous articles out there. 

Offline tott

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mrpower33 i guess you are right. got my analysis, testosterone and estrogen levels are over the roof. i went with them to the save doctor, she said that she cannot prescribe me an anti-estrogen, so i went to another doctor. The second doctor said si had a lot of bodybuilders as customers, and the gyno heals itself in a couple of weeks, and diden`t want to prescribe me anti-estrogen, she reprogramed me in 3 weeks (for another analysis test and a consultation) so i guess I`ll wait until then, or what should i do ?

i heard letzerole has some nasty side-efects


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