Author Topic: 12 days post op and still no great change in chest shape..should i be concerned?  (Read 3681 times)

Offline damnit

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Whats up everyone.  So I had surgery (excision and lipo) back on August 23 with Dr. Fielding.  Now I am 12 days post op and I see no great change in my chest shape, is this a cause for concern?

Immediately following the surgery, I decided to take a little sneak peak down the vest (with the pads still on) and I noticed that there still was separation in my moobs.  But being that it was the day of the surgery I didn't think much of it.  Then 7 days post op, when I took of the vest I noticed that I still had the same problem with my chest, in that my left side was bigger than the right side and that there was some flab there making it look like i had boobs.  The little care pamphlet he gave me suggested that the first time I would take off the vest I would see great change in the chest contour, however that was not the case with me.

I know there is still some swelling there and what not but as it stands, the only thing surgery fixed for me was my puffy nipples, but to me it still looks like I have moobs.

Anyways here are some pics..... does anyone have any opinions.... sorry i don't have any pre-op pics

Offline binap

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I think your chest looks good. I can see the difference between each breast, but it may just be swelling. Your chest is not totally flat, but given your body type that looksmight not suit you/be natural looking. Give yourself more time and I am sure the swelling will go down and you will be happier with your results.

I had my surgery about 10 days ago and I still have a little bit of swelling. Each day I look at my chest I am feeling better and better. Yesterday I tried on all the t-shirts I used to feel uncomfortable wearing. Now they all look great! I can't wait to lose this vest and really start enjoying my new chest.


Offline PeterBateman

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your chest looks really good, and its 12 days.  count on swelling going down for the first month.  i think he did a good job.  ur lucky. 


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Fella, he basically done the op on your current weight/size .. if it was too flat it would look offkey!

Basically, give it a lot of time, and you'll be happy with it.

Offline damnit

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Well I guess I', concerned because this is how my chest looked like before and now that I am 19 days post op it still looks like its made no improvement.  In fact, if I shake my arms I can still see a lot of fat jiggling on my chest.  Also, I had this assymetry before the suregery and post op my left side is still much bigger than the right.  Therefore, I am a bit concerned that he may not have gotten the gland completely or that he didn't do enough lipo.  In fact my left nipple is still 6 inches away from the middle of my chest so I am not even close to a flat chest.

Lastly, the first time I took the vest off the doctor suggested I would see a significant change.  However, I saw no such change. 

Hopefully, you all are right and its just swelling and what not because I really don't want to have a revision.


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