After posting on this forum, today I went to my GP to hopefully get the ball rolling.
My actual doctor is apparently on holiday, so I was told I could only see his temporary replacement. 'Fine' I thought. That wasn't a problem; mainly because I want to get things going ASAP, and I figured if the newbie doctor doesn't listen to me, I can see my GP next week anyway when he gets back from holiday.
I was fully briefed for the doc to go tell me to go to B&Q, get some duct tape and stop wasting tax-payers money. Despite this, I wanted to give it a try and rage against the machine, so I set off for the first appointment at 9am this morning.
Well, when I got to the doctor's office, it was strangely comforting to see that the replacement doc was quite an overweight gentleman, and actually had larger breasts than me!
When I sat down, I mentioned Gynecomastia and that I was very concerned. The doctor said he understood, and that "you're a young man and you can't even go swimming, or to the beach or anything", and I replied, "that's right". So I figured he fully understood the condition. "Wow" I thought, "this is a slam dunk!", the appointment was going better than I hoped. He then proceeded to imply I might be on some sort of supplements to do with my weight-lifting. I managed to convince him that cod liver oil was as adventurous as I got.
On examining me, he told me that I don't have gynecomastia, and my problem was just fat build up, that there was no 'growth' or anything. Any time I mentioned the 'G-word' he corrected me. I think he was playing good-cop, bad-cop, but didn't have a partner.
However, he did also start elaborating and said that he would refer me to a plastic surgeon that day, and wrote a letter out in front of me. I didn't even get the chance to ask myself.
Unfortunately (bad-cop again), he said I would be pushed to the back of the queue, as the surgery wasn't urgent. When I explained the torment and depression associated with the condition (I gave him my 'serious face'), he put that in the letter too and said that it would be dealt with much sooner, due to that (or words to that effect).
He then said I should ask the receptionist how long referrals normally take if I wanted to know, but my head was too foggy (was pre-lunchtime) and I was far too embarrassed to ask. So I walked home just assuming it's gonna take, well... forever. Knowing our NHS though, 'forever' may just be a conservative estimate.
So anyway, for 13 years (I'm 24) I've been putting off this doctor's visit, and it turned out to be no where as bad as expected, just more confusing. The doc was even mildly understanding, which was a good sign.
I'm happy that things are rolling and I'm crossing my fingers that the operation can go ahead on the NHS. There's even a small chance I might get seen by the surgeon before my hair goes grey. Knowing the British system though... I might get told to bugger off! Still, one can only hope.
To any other sufferers out there that haven't seen their doctor yet; go when you can. Get the problem looked at and get your life back.