Author Topic: Pec/Chest workouts for Gyno  (Read 12006 times)

Offline NateP

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Are there any excercise that users have seen success in trimming fat from the pecs?


Offline Fat-Elvis

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You don't trim fat from specific areas of your body.  That's impossible.

Offline NateP

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Good point, well, just as you workout and you get more muscle the same true for working the upper body/pec area?

Offline Fat-Elvis

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yeah, but that's entirely different from losing fat.  You can spot-train for gaining muscle, but not for burning fat.

Offline skyhawk

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Correct, You can not spot reduce fat on the human body. exercising your arms will not reduce fat from the breasts. It will however delevelop your pec muscle, thus causing the gyne to stick out more than before. Sorry, I wish I could tell ya otherwise.

Offline NateP

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sad face.

Is there any danger in working out and developing the pecs before looking at things like surgery?

Offline Fat-Elvis

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Don't let it discourage you from working your pecs, though.  It may make your gyne "stick out more", but it's not like it could be much worse.  Better to have some pec muscle than no pec muscle, and it'll make your chest look better once you get the surgery.

Offline Worrier

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Although users are quite right to say you cannot spot reduce fat (there have been studies that spot reduction is possible but the amount of fat loss is slight so therefore there are much better ways like overall fat loss from running/swimming /diet ) I think the type of exercises you do can have an effect on the shape of your chest. How successful exercise is with gyne depends on the ratio of fat/gland in the chest (you can't do anything about the gland) .Also even if it is mainly fat , some peoples skin doesn't tighten as well as others. You may be lucky, you may not.

I would stay away from decline bench presses , and ESP parallel bar dips. I found it made my chest bottom heavy and made it more noticeable. Incline bench presses, bench presses and yes even the good old pressup are the best exercises you can do. I personally did incline bench and pressups (I did circuits of pressups, situps,burpees and pullups on seperate days to weights) . In the weight room you should also focus on other muscles too esp your back and shoulders.As improving your posture will help hugely funnily enough. I only went to the gym twice a week and lifted heavy. The rest was cardio and circuits.

Another tip is swimming...... unfortunately swimming , breast stroke ;D ;D made a huge difference to my chest. I recommend it if you can do it. Try doing 30mins to an hour of lengths of front crawl and breast stroke twice a week.

Finallly watch your diet. Eat plenty of red meat and broccli. Don't treat the fat off the meat either . Stay away from soft drinks and junk food. Do that for six months and reevaluate.

Offline RyanMace

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actually spot reducing is not so far fetched.....let me explain when you work a particular muscle lets take abs for that matter you do say 20 sets of abs consisting of hitting them low hi and obliques, then you go and do cardio after your workout well it has been proven that by doing cardio after yourwork out the muslce that were worked will release the fat stored in that area easier. ie abs in this situation... ultimately though i i kid you not try eating a a clean diet (no supplements no fat burners by clean i mean eating lean protein, lean cuts of beef, fish chicken, slow glyclemic carbs sweet potato, oatmeal and grains and plenty of green veggies.... and yes eat fats but good fat like plain almonds, olive oil and eggs.....  the diet is important small meal 5-6 meal a day....if you guys have a y question about the diet feel free to aks..

Would u please provide that scientific data?

Offline manic91m9

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i think 90% of bodybuilders will tell you you can not spot reduce fat. every time i see a muscular chest with gyne it looks much better than a flabby weak chest with gyne, alot of big bodybuilders have a bit of gland and it looks normal. i would find exercises that work out your upper chest and go nuts. as for the result of gaining muscle on potential surgery. most doctors prefer to work on a bodybuilder as the job is easier and gets fantastic results.

Offline RyanMace

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Yea. Having a low BF increases the chances of a successfull surgery I think.

Offline skyhawk

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Several surgeons have stated on this site that body builders are easier to work on. Based upon the photos I can understand their point.


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