Author Topic: Newbie - Rate My Gyno  (Read 3765 times)

Offline JerzyJoe

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Hi guys! I found this site searching google. I didn't know so many other men had this problem too. I feel at home!  ;)
I am now 45 y/o and in my 30's - my chest look normal.

Here are my photos. I was taking Propecia for a year and one day a friend grabbed my pec. He said, "you've got breasts - that happens to you when you get older!" Ever since then I have been very embarrassed to wear tight shirts. This stuff hurts too...

Please tell me what you guys think!
Thanks, JerzyJoe

Offline Mind.tfk

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I think if they bother you to the point where you can't take your shirt off at the beach or pool. Or if it bothers you in any way. - Get surgery. There are plenty of people that have the same case you have and got excellent results after the surgery.

Offline PhillyPUFF

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I'd kill for those nips! (lol) No but seriously, Mind.tfk said it best. If you are bothered by it - get the surgery. Your chest doesn't look bad IMO though.

Offline Mind.tfk

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I'd kill for those nips! (lol) No but seriously, Mind.tfk said it best. If you are bothered by it - get the surgery. Your chest doesn't look bad IMO though.

Like Philly said... I would kill to have those nips man. I have it only on my left chest and my right is normal - Imagine that. Really sucks to go to the beach. I'm not saying you don't have gland in there. But people at the beach and stuff won't be able to notice it. IMO* - Now on my case I only have one - So imagine having a huge puffy nip with lots of gland in there weighing 144 wet* 6" tall. You see the gland perfectly. Bro - All I can say is... Enjoy the beach pool and all the good stuff while you can. I'm 20 years old and I've been thinking about it alot and speaking to my parents about it. I don't want to live the rest of my life with stress on my shoulders because of it and not being able to go to the pool and beach. I HAVE MY OWN UNDERGROUND POOL! and still don't go in it with the family =[

I hope you make a decision and everything turns out fine. - Mind.tfk

Offline JerzyJoe

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I'd kill for those nips! (lol) No but seriously, Mind.tfk said it best. If you are bothered by it - get the surgery. Your chest doesn't look bad IMO though.

Like Philly said... I would kill to have those nips man. I have it only on my left chest and my right is normal - Imagine that. Really sucks to go to the beach. I'm not saying you don't have gland in there. But people at the beach and stuff won't be able to notice it. IMO* - Now on my case I only have one - So imagine having a huge puffy nip with lots of gland in there weighing 144 wet* 6" tall. You see the gland perfectly. Bro - All I can say is... Enjoy the beach pool and all the good stuff while you can. I'm 20 years old and I've been thinking about it alot and speaking to my parents about it. I don't want to live the rest of my life with stress on my shoulders because of it and not being able to go to the pool and beach. I HAVE MY OWN UNDERGROUND POOL! and still don't go in it with the family =[

I hope you make a decision and everything turns out fine. - Mind.tfk
Thanks Philly! Mind.tfk Thanks too.
But guys, look at my top photo, left side. Do you see the cone shape?
I also feel a little pain and my nips are always sensitive and standing up... I want the surgery I just don't have the money. I was thinking of traveling abroad to have mine done...

Offline Mind.tfk

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Yea I can tell that your left one is a little bigger then the right. Therefor I think you have gland... Just for the fact that your saying it's sensitive in that area. Best bet is surgery but then again that's $$$$

Offline JerzyJoe

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I found a guy that had his surgery done in Peru... Check out his story...

Offline Mind.tfk

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Yea I tried Personal Messaging him when I first registered to the site but no answer back. He lives in Miami and I'm in Palm beach - Maybe an Hour away. It would help if he could give me some info on that. Because the prices around here are up there. I should just give them my arm and my leg for the surgery lol. No lie though - His surgeon in Peru did a great job for the price.

Offline JerzyJoe

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It looks like he did a good job period.

Offline Mind.tfk

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Very true. My girlfriend is Colombian and she said that in Colombia the Surgeons do great jobs and are very cheap.

Offline baron

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I dont think they look bad, but I can see how they bother you, as its bigger than what a man of your build would have in my opinion.

Think you're one of the better off ones tho


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