Author Topic: Small testicles/Testosterone therapy...  (Read 13374 times)

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I have small testicles, about the size of small grapes. That's probably the main reason why I had Gyencomastia. I have read that testosterone is produced by the testicles. Since I have small testicles, would that be an indication that my testosterone levels would be low? And if so, should I see my GP for testosterone shots (or whatever they do)?

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline skyhawk

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Yes, low T and small testicles go hand and hand. The GP would probably refer you to a specialist  ( endo or urologist)

Getting Testosterone therapy will only make the testis smaller since you would be shutting down their ability to produce T with the supplementation. And you would risk recurrence of Gyne.

Varicocele can cause small testis. About 15% of the male population has varicocele, and it presents no problems for most. Most give no symptoms, BUT for some it can cause infertility and low T. A varicocele can go unnoticed for life. It alters the temperature of the testis, thus creating the infertility and low T problems.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Thanks for the info skyhawk...


Offline dcvet

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Have you ever had your T levels checked?

Small testes dont neccessarily cause low T levels, BUT smaller than normal can...  So if for some reason your test levels drop and test production is supressed, they will likely get smaller (ie steroid use or trt)

I have found that there are a few supplements that actually increase natural test production.  ZMA (zonc magnesium) is probably the best.  I have tried it for a few months at a time and within a couple of weeks my testes feel larger and my lift go up in the gym.  Combined with tribulus, the results are absolutely amazing (for natural supplements ofcourse)

I would get T levels checked first though:)

Offline donnieosmond

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How do you know if you have small testicles? Like, how small is small?

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Small testicles are more likely to reflect poor steroli cells and be more indicative of a poor sperm counbt that they are likely to be indicative of poor testosterone levels, at least within certain considerations.

Steroli cells make up the majority of the testicles, with the testosterone based leydig cells accounting for a smaller part of each testicle.

Also SHBG an enzyme in the liver significantly controls both total testosterone production, the amount of testosterone produced by the testicles and the potentially the size of the testicles as well.

For example;

A man with a total testosterone of 300ng/ml might have small testicles, but if they have an SHBG of 10nmol/l, then they might have a high free testosterone level and perhaps require less testosterone production than other men due to a higher free percentage of testosterone.

Another man may have a total testosterone of 800ng/ml but an SHBG level of 36nmol/l.  That may in turn result in a similar level of free testosterone.

If both men are eqully well in health there would be no reason to suspect either of low testosterone and as long as both men had no prior issue with fertility one would expect good fertility in both men, but the man with the high output production of higher total testosterone might have larger testicles.

Testicle size is an issue if abnormal with regards to fertility or in consideration of testosterone levels.   Sometimes these issues are FAR from straightforward and SHBG, free testosterone, estradiol, prolactin and other hormones require analyisis.

More than anything physical AND crucially symptomatic pointers are KEY.

GB...nice to see you all the best my friend :)

Offline skyhawk

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Good to hear from you Hypo. I myself have smaller testicles with low Testosterone, and more recently, exertion induced testicular pain which dominates on the left side. All this combined with sexual dysfunction, and gyno.

Ultrasound report reveals a varicocele on the left, and hydroceles on both sides. The Urologist says the report is "normal" and no problems found.

But I went to the endo journals and found a case history report of 10 guys with varicocele, low T, and sexual dysfunction. Repair of the varicocele restored testosterone to normal levels. I had this bookmarked and it got deleted. But i bet I could find it again.

Meanwhile I am in considerable discomfort.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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SHBG an enzyme in the liver significantly controls both total testosterone production, the amount of testosterone produced by the testicles and the potentially the size of the testicles as well.

Could alcohol use during adolescence/puberty cause Gynecomastia? Liver/alcohol/SHBG....

Hmmm, however, I had gyne before having my first sip.

GB...nice to see you all the best my friend :)

Thanks mate.... same to you!  :)


Offline MSJ108

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Yes, low T and small testicles go hand and hand. The GP would probably refer you to a specialist  ( endo or urologist)

Getting Testosterone therapy will only make the testis smaller since you would be shutting down their ability to produce T with the supplementation. And you would risk recurrence of Gyne.

Yes exactly. Good posting


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