Author Topic: Testosterone/hormone level check  (Read 4069 times)

Offline KL

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Is it better to go to a urologist or an endo for this? I have been looking at urology departments who indicate they specialize in low testosterone and testosterone replacement.  I know the difference between the specializations but I wonder if I could just go to a urologist.

Offline rowdy99

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go to your family doctor and have the bloodwork done before you go paying for a specialist.
your family doctor will give you a list of what type of tests need to be done.
go and get your blood tested by a lab, your doctor will give you the results.
then if you have messed up levels of testosterone or hormones or estrogen, then ask your doctor to be refered to a specialist endo...

Offline KL

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Thanks for your input.  I am also having ED issues, so that's why I was just going to bring it up with the urologist. My family DR already told me to see one re:the ED.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2008, 01:35:41 PM by KL »

Offline skyhawk

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KL, what is your age? Are you taking cholesterol lowering drugs like lipitor? Lipid lowering drugs are widely prescribed and can induce ED as a side effect, as well as gynecomastia. 

Offline KL

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I am 37, taking Caduet for BP and cholesterol.  I mentioned this to my GP (they go through new DRs all the time so the DR I am seeing now didn't put me on the drug a year ago) and she discounted that was the reason for the ED.  She sent me to a sleep specialist and that came back normal, no sleep apnea which can cause ED.  I went on Caduet about a year ago, the ED started maybe 4 months ago.

I've had chest issues since I was in about 6th grade.........I used to be very very skinny and had it and now weigh about double and still have it. I'm also concerned though about Kleinfelter's issues/testosterone since I seem to have gyno and a lot of other symptoms that I've read about.

Thanks for the reply I appreciate the help and support of this board and I can't talk to anyone in my life about this.

Offline skyhawk

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Bingo! Caduet has Lipitor in it. Keep in mind that a physician will more than likely say the drug they prescribe has nothing to do with your ED, however reasearch shows otherwise. More Later.....

Offline matthew1

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 your doctor is an idiot to send  you to a sleep  specialist with the  history and symptoms you have.

          doctors  should do  themselves a favour and read whats on these and other boards

Offline skyhawk

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KL, All your steroid hormones are manufactured in your body from cholesterol. Any drug that blocks your body's ability to make cholesterol presents an added risk, one of which is sexual dysfunction.

Lipitor, which is in the drug Caduet, has many complaints of ED associated with it. (Its also important to note that weak aching muscles and poor memory are side effects of lipitor.)  When you take Caduet, you are taking Lipitor.

Blood lipids are regulated through hormones. Therefore, if a person has unusualy high cholesterol or triglycerides, it is an endocrine issue, most likely related to low thyroid funtion. Correct the low thyroid problem and cholesterol goes down. Blood pressure may correct itself as well.

Its a drug rep's job to sweep side effects under the rug and sell his product. They lie to the doctor, the doctor is oblivious, and the patient gets told its not the drug inducing the ED. It happens every day to thousands of patients. Welcome to the real world.

Offline KL

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Thanks everyone.....

So =

Find a new general doctor first.......or go to the urologist? Sorry I sound dumb I am very depressed and don't know where to turn.

Offline skyhawk

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KL, Based on what you shared about when you started the Caduet and the onset of the ED, odds are that the ED is related to the lipitor in the Caduet.

I would never tell anyone to stop a cholesterol lowering drug. Thats for each individual to decide on their own. But I can tell you that others who have stopped lipitor report restored sexual function.

There are other causes of ED. But I would put my money on the Lipitor in your case.

If you are depressed about it and don't know where to turn, I would encourage you to continue to research statins and low libido. Knowledge is power. Make informed decisions. When it comes to taking prescription drugs like lipitor, consumer awareness is vital.

GP, Urologist?  Depends on the doctor himself. Some will just prescribe viagra. Others may try to find the root problem. You have take charge of your own health. 

Offline KL

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Thanks.  Between my gynecomastia and now the ED, I am trying to get a handle on my health and body. Thank you for everyone's input.

Offline KL

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I saw a urologist and he had a total testosterone test done.

The range is something like 248 to 800 something, and my score was 308. I asked whether that was too low and he said it's still within normal range.

However, I'm thinking I should go see an endo for a second opinion?  Thanks in advance for any input or suggestions.

Offline Badgene

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now what about prolactin levels? is that important for him to look at too?

Offline KL

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I don't know anything about this -

Thanks for explaining.


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