Well after a consultation with a dr who stampeded into the room and at the top of his voice stated "so u think u have big boobs", i was told that i was completely natural and there was no problem there. However the fact that i feel the need to tape my nipples flat makes me think the contrary, my GP told me i had minor gyne and referred me. The dr i saw didnt have the time of day for me and said that he sees a 21 yr old like me everty 2 weeks (pompous ****). I have lost all faith in the NHS and realise that they dnt see gyne as a medical problem but a mental one. That reminds me, he said he thought it was all in my mind and referred me to a psychologist :/, any one else had bad experiences with the NHS in relation to gyne? Being a university student i find it very difficult to raise the 4000 ish i would need to get the op done privately. Its causing me terrible social issues and ive even had to turn girls down on dates because of the fear of having to take my top off in future. Any suggestions or advice please guys?