Author Topic: The Beauty of Gyne  (Read 2118 times)

Offline NH

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I know that you all clicked this because you were thinking, "what the hell is this guy talking about?" but this topic has nothing to do with the gyne itself; it's the mental change that takes place because of it.

If you look around these boards, what do you see? "Hey man, you're looking great" and "awesome improvements", stuff like that. You never see any of us ridiculing each other; why? Because this is hard to handle. Gyne is the hardest thing I think I've had to manage in my 14 years. We're all here for each other in a very odd way, very united simply because we've all had to fight through this. We've all had to fight through the insults, the nipple squeezing the self loathing, the confusion of why this happened to us.

However, look at yourself now. You've probably spent a significant amount of your life with low self esteem thanks to the ignorant and heartless bastards who harass us; how different would we all be without gyne, without something holding our egos back so far from everyone else's? How many of us would ever dare poke fun at someone over a physical aspect of their body, be it height, weight, etc. A lot of stupid fucking people think it's funny to harass us and to come squeeze our nipples, but after what we've been through, none of us would ever do something so terrible to anyone for any reason. Mentally, gyne has turned us into kinder people because we know how bad it feels to be picked on; some of us even could have turned out to be bullies if gyne hadn't held us back!

The moment we get our surgery or become comfortable with our gyne, we probably won't change. The things that people do to gyne victims are terrible, like the man, God bless his soul, who said his stepbrother raped him because of his gyne. We probably won't forget these terrible events, and thus we'll be better people in the long run. I never comment on someone's height, someone's weight, ANYTHING, even if they've taken a low blow towards me; that's why us gyne victims are different, and many times kinder, than the average person.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Awesome post NH!

I agree 100% with what you said...

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline DCBR78

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I see both sides. I dont think I'll ever pick on a guy with gyne.. Especially since he may not know he has it.,. or that it exists for that matter. There is a developed sensitivity when you can relate to someone. On the otherside of the coin. If I was making fun of "that" guy , then I wouldnt have had gyne in the first place.. So, would I prefer to be the prick that makes fun of people all through childhood (but happy) or have life the way it was for me? I don't know. I'd like to think I'm better than all that.... BUT, it would have been really nice to have gone to the beach more and not had to cover up all my life either.
Surgery Date: April 9, 2008.
Surgeon: Dr. J C Fielding. (Toronto)
Result: Life is getting better with every day.

irish lad

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brialliant post wel done.. really agreed in what you are saying

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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It all boils down to.... 'Do unto others, as you would have them u'.....  ;)


irish lad

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true granpa very true..its kind of like what goes around comes back around..  ;)

Offline Noseguard

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  • You t*t, what's he gonna do nibble your bum?

One of, if not the best, post I have read here in a long time.

Someone check his birth certificate, you are wise well beyond your 14yrs!

Best of luck.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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One of, if not the best, post I have read here in a long time.


Someone check his birth certificate, you are wise well beyond your 14yrs!

Yeah, not something the average 14 year-old would write...  ;)


Offline gabbyhey

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My first time back to these boards in quite a few months.  This is the first posting that I've read, and man.  You hit the nail on the head.  I've thought that many times.  I like to joke around, and tease in good fun.  But I never...... NEVER make fun of someone for the way they look, because for the most part, that's something you can't change.  I've been teased plenty for gyne.  And I want to make sure that everyone I meet can feel comfortable for the way they look.  Nice post sir.


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