Author Topic: Bizarre Gynecomastia Like No Other  (Read 1874 times)

Offline marty_11

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I've been looking around I believe I have a truly unique case. I've always been in extremely good shape, ate very healthy and never taken steroids. When I was 21 suddenly my right nipple area began to feel uncomfortable and then I could feel excess fat deposit, only to realize I basically had a small man boob on my chest (but absolutely nothing on the other side). I saw a specialist in my area which isn't really saying much where I live (in the rural area), and he said it was common but unusual to only see one side. He went on to say it was breast tissue. He told me to leave it for a while so I did but then it started to bother me and I opted to have it removed. I had it removed and everything seemed fine.

It wasn't until roughly 2 years later that I felt the same sensation on it again at first on the one side then to a lesser extent on the left side. It's been going away and coming back for another 2 years as I'm basically 25.  The right side is getting close to what it was originally and the left side is barely noticeable but I can still feel a minimal amount of fat. Keep in mind I'm about 5'10 175 lbs. and in good shape muscle and body fat wise. The only things I've ever taken is creatine and protein shakes and my diet has always been steady. No weird things taken at all.

I don't have a huge problem like when I take off my shirt most people would not notice it unless they look a little closer. The fat deposit starts directly behind my nipple and moves up the muscle the outside of my armpit. I'm worried about a few things: this being associated with tumors (as I've read), why can I feel it (growing --- its true) for a week at a time then nothing for months or years, how am I supposed to remove it if it keeps producing more breast tissue? I guess I'm just looking for any kind of direction I can get at all. I went to my local doc and I could tell he had no clue. If anyone has any thoughts please post!

Offline MSJ108

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Go to endrocrinologist and get your hormones checked out. Also, may want to get a second opinion on the growths.

Offline Bigchest123

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marijuna use can lead to gynecomastia growth.... and excesssive alcohal use as well... thats all i have for u hope it helps


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