Author Topic: surgery question (pseudo gyno)  (Read 1905 times)

Offline helloHELLO

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the doc checked my chest for any glands and she said that there is no gland, just breast tissue. she started talkin about gyno and recommended dr. fieldman or somethin like that (if any of u guys know him let me know wht u think), im most likely havin jacobs do it though.
any she was mentioning how he would probably do lipo to get rid of it. 
my question is, since i dont have any gland and just breast tissue, should i still tell them i want an excission??
links to my pics are in my sig...

Offline Paa_Paw

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Do not, Repeat DO NOT go a consultation with any preconceived idea of what kind of surgery you might have. Let your concerns be known and ask what the surgeon recommends. If what the surgeon recommends seems appropriate and the Surgeon is well qualified Go for it. If you are uncomfortable in any way with the Surgeon or his plan of action at that point, Get another opinion. No one is more concerned with your surgical outcome than you are.
Grandpa Dan


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