Author Topic: Need your help guys.... will make this nice and short  (Read 3567 times)

Offline Gyno 44

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- surgery 3 months ago (6'1 / 171 ibs)
- last 1 month been lifting and drink protien- gained 13 ibs (184ibs)
- thought it had regrowth, doc said no but will run test. said he was 99.9 % sure it was due to weight gain, due to there is minmal gland left.

Since i have only have minimal gland, is it possible to loose the fat in my chest thru wieghts? Basically turn it into muscle?
or are some guys just have fatty chest?

MY doc concerned me becasue he told that some guys just have fat chest, but i dont wanna believe that

Offline PhillyPUFF

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- surgery 3 months ago (6'1 / 171 ibs)
- last 1 month been lifting and drink protien- gained 13 ibs (184ibs)
- thought it had regrowth, doc said no but will run test. said he was 99.9 % sure it was due to weight gain, due to there is minmal gland left.

Since i have only have minimal gland, is it possible to loose the fat in my chest thru wieghts? Basically turn it into muscle?
or are some guys just have fatty chest?

MY doc concerned me becasue he told that some guys just have fat chest, but i dont wanna believe that

13 pounds in a month sounds a little high. You probably added decent amount of fat in that time. (is this correct?) You might want to consider increasing your cardio work, or possibly dropping calories a bit.

You can't turn fat into muscle. They are two different things. You can burn the fat and the build new muscle tho.

When you got your surgery, did you get lipo + excision, or just excision?

Offline Gyno 44

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lipo and excision, i was always told u  turn fat into muscle?

- i drink 3 protien shakes a day and even bought a cow (to slaughter for the meat) and have been eating all protiens to gain wieght.....
so yah 13 ibs in a month is what i did, so what do i do know ?

I thought u had to get fat inorder to get muscle

Offline Paa_Paw

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The chest, esp the breast area is a normal place for fat deposits even in men.
Grandpa Dan

Offline skyhawk

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No, you don't have to get fat to gain muscle. Fat never turns into muscle.... So what type of protien shakes are you drinking?

Offline Gyno 44

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ive been drinking whey. 2 -3 times a day. ontop of that i eat atleast a 9oz filet a day too to get my protien in...

Offline PhillyPUFF

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thats good your getting your protein in...thats important for muscle growth. If your putting on a noticeable amount of fat tho, you may be taking in too many calories, or not expending enough calories. You should shoot for a gain of only 1-2 pounds per week. This will ensure your  gains will mostly be in the form of muscle. Putting on SOME fat is pretty much inevitable when trying to gain mass, but 13 pounds in a month sounds like a bit much. Can you post a sample of your diet on a typical day? Also what does your workout routine look like? (no need to be super specific, just say what muscles on what days, and the rep range and amount of sets)

Offline Gyno 44

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i eat anyhting, chicken sandwichs steaks  eggs ect ect, i eat 5 times a day.

Im gonna cut back to 3 -4 big meals a day and only protien after i workout

no more steaks

I had gynecomastia and recently had a fat weight gain, thats why i think;
Bench press- targets the general chest
dips- targets lower chest
machine flies- targets outter chest

Chin ups
seated rows

Agility ladder

Back Squats
Front Sqats
Hack Squats
Leg Curls
Calve Raises
Hamstring curls

Agility ladder
2 mile runn



Military Press in Rack
Standing Lateral Raises

Triceps :

tricep pushdowns.
Floor presses

Biceps :

Hammer Curls :
preacher curls
inverted barbell curls
Agility ladder

Seated leg press
One leg squats
Hamstring curls
Calf raises

Saturdau / Sunday

2 mile run on either day
Sled work
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 02:18:20 AM by Gyno 44 »

Offline MSJ108

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- surgery 3 months ago (6'1 / 171 ibs)
- last 1 month been lifting and drink protien- gained 13 ibs (184ibs)
- thought it had regrowth, doc said no but will run test. said he was 99.9 % sure it was due to weight gain, due to there is minmal gland left.

Since i have only have minimal gland, is it possible to loose the fat in my chest thru wieghts? Basically turn it into muscle?
or are some guys just have fatty chest?

MY doc concerned me becasue he told that some guys just have fat chest, but i dont wanna believe that

13 pounds in a month sounds a little high. You probably added decent amount of fat in that time. (is this correct?) You might want to consider increasing your cardio work, or possibly dropping calories a bit.

You can't turn fat into muscle. They are two different things. You can burn the fat and the build new muscle tho.

When you got your surgery, did you get lipo + excision, or just excision?

Excellent post

Offline MSJ108

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Putting on SOME fat is pretty much inevitable when trying to gain mass,



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