Author Topic: R there women who like to MOOBS? as far as anyone knows?  (Read 5779 times)

Offline ThatMethD1guy

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It occured to me that most of the negative comments I have ever gotten were as a teenager when kids at the pool would exclaim that i need a bra (or whatever).....once a buddy asked if i was doing steroids...but in my recolection no women have said anything bad or good to me.

Are there women who like the gyno? (in the way that some men like skninny women and others like women with massive breasts)

It is a crazy question ....but it occured to me as i begin to have second thoughts about my sheduled surgery this month....

I am beggining to feel quite vien and quite weird now that it is sheduled. I was fine when i was in the discovery phase interviwing doctors and whatnot. NOw i am having second thoughts......

Offline outertrial

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Bullies, both adolescent and adult, will pick on "undesirable" physical attributes and blow them out of all proportion, though adults tend to be more subtle.

The fact is that most people arent bullies, have no desire to make others feel bad about themselves, and are well enough aware of their own imperfections not to spend a lot of time noticing them in others.

i.e the majority of people you meet will neither notice nor care much about your gyne. Yes some women apparently like it, and a few men like having it. Some people  have thinning hair and its the end of the world, others are totally bald and dont give it a second thought. Its how you feel about it yourself that matters.

Surgery can be scary and theres a natural tendency before surgery to try and talk yourself out of, however the chances are that if it bothered you enough to schedule an op the first time, it probably will again. So if you really think you were hasty arranging surgery and its not for you, by all means cancel it, otherwise you may as well get it out of the way now and start getting on with your life.

Try focusing more on what it would be like after the op, how youd fee mentally and emotionally about the change in your body versus the costs of surgery in time, money and recovery. This should  give you a more objective idea of whether its worth it or not.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 08:28:53 PM by outertrial »

Offline kirribilli

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I've been around the block a few times, as they say, a few hundred times, actually. (I'm 52.) And I can say that a woman has never made a derisive comment about my gyne that I have heard, not even during a fight. Occasionally, maybe once or twice, there has been a comment of surprise but nothing beyond that, really. It's the guys that are the bullies in this realm. Gyne, by itself, will never cause you to lose a girlfriend or not get laid. You're just going to have to trust me on that one. Variety of reasons: women aren't that obsessed with looks or build. And their physical quirks are more toward, sorry short guys, tall men. Trust me a guy with gyne who is 6'1 is gonna do much better with the ladies if he had no gyne and was 5'7. Hair may also be important. Color as much as having it. But physique? It's icing on the cake for women, not something they seek or must have, in most cases. Charm, kindness, attentiveness and that good old American bitch-goddess, success, are what women seek out. Do women have a gyne fetish, like a predicltion for Italian guys or tall guys or big d-cks or something? Can't imagine that, to be honest.

Offline Paa_Paw

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At 71, I may be the oldest regular here.

The boys from Jr. High School through High School teased a lot until I turned to wrestling as a sport and stopped being such a good victim.

As an adult, surrounded by other adults who were self confident the teasing stopped.

I cannot recall a single negative event relating to a contact with a girl while in my youth or a woman since I became an adult.

As far as the ladies are concerned, What in going on in your head is much more important than a bit of surplus tissue on your chest.

In retrospect, I think we tend, for the most part, to victimize ourselves.
Grandpa Dan

Offline CodySockeye

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I rarely took my shirt off, but I can recall 5 major incidents. 3 of which were from guys, 2 from girls. So I can't really say it's just one sex that is the bully.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Are there women who like the gyno?

I have read that some women like gynecomastia...

I am beggining to feel quite vien and quite weird now that it is sheduled. I was fine when i was in the discovery phase interviwing doctors and whatnot. NOw i am having second thoughts......

The 'finality' of it has sunken in. It is very understandable to think 'Am I doing the right thing here?'. However, think about it dude... why did you seek out medical help in the first place? Could it be that you have G and you want it gone? IMO, if you have G and it bothers you, you'll never be happy in life.

Git'er done dude and be free!

« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 08:27:08 AM by Grandpa Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Paa_Paw

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I think it is wise to wait until one reaches adulthood prior to surgery. Once you have reached that point and have come to the brink of surgery, Don't back down. No time is ever going to be better than right now.

Good, reliable, esthetically acceptable surgery was not common until I had reached the age of 50. By that time I had other, higher, priorities, In truth though I must also admit that by that time I had health problems that made me less than an ideal candidate for elective surgery.

Get it behind you!

Offline elcrep

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You wouldn't believe... there are fetishists for absolutely anything you can imagine.

I wouldn't let it give you second thoughts about surgery, though. Surgery will make your life better in my opinion.

Offline senos

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Some women (and dudes) think mild cases of gyno are "developed pecs".

Obvious moobs not, but mild cases that we can detect by us confuse some people

Offline Paa_Paw

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If it causes you grief, low self worth, depression, then take action to get rid of it.

If it does not particularly bother you, Then ignore it.

The only person you need to please is yourself. Either course of action could be right or wrong. You need to do what is right for you.


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