Author Topic: Doctor suggestion for weight loss  (Read 2490 times)

Offline bennj51189

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Hey guys,
      I have heard so many times that loosing weight doesnt really help with making gynocemastia smaller, but is that true for people who have fat and gland making decent sized man boobs. I want to loose weight just to be healthy even though Im already at a healthy weight of 190 bls for 6''1, but also to make my boobs look smaller. My doctor said that it would help my case if i loose more weight, i recently just lost 20 lbs, because most of my boobs is fat and dont have that much gland about 2 cms, actually haven o idea i havent messured and not really sure how to. Does anyone care to comment? wow i was blabering there. Thanks ahead of time

Offline Paa_Paw

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According to a site I frequently use for weights and BMI calculations you are overweight, but just barely so.

Has your Dr. seen you since your recent weight loss?

You are so close to the ideal weight range for your height. I seriously doubt that further weight loss would make a significant difference.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Clandestine

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Looking at the range of "normal weight" used in the BMI calculator, dropping a few pounds could help. Don't get me wrong, it might not.

What I mean is, "Normal" is a result between 18.9 and 24.9. Inputting your weight, you come in at 25.1.

While that's not a bad place to be at, the range you are considdered normal in is a massive 40 lb + wide  :o I don't know about you, but dropping over 3 stonoe in weight would make a significant difference to every single part of my body, including my chest.

My weight has fluctuated over the years. I've been as slim (horribly skinny IMO) as 155 lb, I've been a muscular ~10-11% BF 185 lb, and my current podgy 220 lb.

The thing about body fat is, it follows one simple rule: First place ON, last place OFF. The first places I put on weight are my belly and my chest, followed by my "love-handles", then thighs etc. The last place that strts to look fat is my face, which takes on a kind of round "moon face" appearance when I go obver about 235 lb. By that I mean major deposits. I'm sure my body does deposit a thin layer in places out of this sequence but you get the idea.

Offline Copespo

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About 3 years ago I lost over 40lb, I basically reached a point where I was Skinny, not even average....At 6 feet tall my weight was 145lb after the weight loss. Did my fat on my chest decrease? Yes....Was it a huge decrease? No......I still had man breasts and it was noticable, but they decreased which means I lost some fat on my chest...I weight 170lb now...same height...recently lost 10lb, my goal is another 20....I am doing this so when I finally go for surgery I dont want the doc to tell me "Go lose weight and come back in 3 months" and secondly I am doing it for my health and because I am stick of having fat around my hips, stomach. etc.
Lose 10 (kg) by August... Achieved
Lose 5 (kg) by Mid-September.....Achieved
Gain 20 (lb) in Muscle by December.......Achieved, Gained 24lb in Muscle
Gynecomastia Consultation October 17, 08......Complete

Surgery Completed January 8th, 2009 with Dr. Elliot Jacobs in NYC!

Offline latediagnosis

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BMI is a horrible way to indicate whether you're overweight or not, I'm at 24.5 and i'm considered skinny..

it doesnt take into account your natural bone structure or muscle mass..

Offline Paa_Paw

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The BMI calculators take your height, weight, age, and gender then calculate or "estimate" your BMI.

There are obviously much more accurate methods, but for most purposes an estimate will suffice.


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