Author Topic: Gyno/fat or both... endocrine issues..  (Read 2261 times)

Offline bigsofty

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I'm 35 yrs old and have had multiple endocrine disorders. It started w/ thyroid autoimmune, then adrenal and then test was issue. At one point my test was low normal and estrogen was high. Used Finasteride for 10 yrs and think this may have contributed.

Anyway, I put on 50lbs or so over last 2 yrs. I know it's hard to tell w/ my weight gain and I would want to drop that before trying any treatment, but I wonder if it looks like Gyno as well. I think my chest has changed from when I was at this weight previously. I've also had nipple issues here and there.(itchy,sensitive, little pain)
Anyway any help advice is appreciated..

Offline mezwell

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you might lose that with lossing weight as the real stuborn gynecomastia usualy comes on at an early age and wont go away no matter what you do,although your endocrine system is out of kilter,and if it wont repair and is the main cause of your chest expansion then maybe some accupuncture would help ,i have heard it works wonders on bodys that are out of sync.

Offline bigsofty

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Thanks for the response. Are you talking about accupunture to balance the hormones or for treatment of Gyno... always was interested in accupuncture.

Also to add, i feel some fibrous tissue directly under aereola and it seems they had changed shape at one point in weight gain( not a perfect circle). But it seems that may have resolved perhaps because of more weight gain. With loss of body fat might this hard glandular tissue, (if that's what it is) become more apparent again a push the nipple forward making it more pronounced??    thanks

Offline mezwell

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To balance the flow of energy your body uses to make its variouse chemicals ,maybe theres a link ,who knows ,if say your pituitory gland is sending a signal to your liver saying its ok to produce x amount of x and then your thyroids act to compensate etc,i think the accupuncture would be a process of elimination,if it works at all ,iv never tried accupuncture personaly,
 weight loss would make it more pronounced if it doesnt eliminate it,drying myself after showering today i noticed one of my nipples were hard and the other one was soft so both sides definately act independantly,and the glands under the nipples have days where they change maybe becoming active or inactive for some reason unknown to me.


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