Author Topic: NHS  (Read 5831 times)

Offline gettingridofit_uk

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Hi, this is my first post and I just want to say I'm glad I found this website.  You all seem helpful and hopefully know more about this procedure than me.  

I'm 21 and after going to my doctor at the end of august last year (after seeing the c4 documentary) I got a consultation last week with a surgeon in the Endocrine department at my local hospital.  I have a few questions that are worrying me and I want to make sure I know everything I have to know before I call the hospital and speak to them about my worries:  

1. The consultant I spoke with explained that the procedure used involves two cuts along what would be the natural pectoral line (where the wire of a bra would be on a woman was how they described it) most people on here seem to talk about surgery with a small cut around half of the areola, and I don't understand why they wouldn't take that approach with me as I dont have what could be described as an extreme or even above average case of gynecomastia??  

Secondly, in the last year I've been doing alot of weightlifting in an attempt to disguise.  The consultant said that because the muscle and tissue are very hard to tell apart I may be left with an unusual contour where the lower half of my chest is flat instead of a gradual curve.  I said I'd rather have that than boobs.  Has anyone with muscle in that area had this operation and if so how were the results?  Are there any photos?  

Lastly, sorry to go on, nothing was mentioned about a compression vest.  Should I ask them about it or even get one myself for after the op?  

Thanks to anyone that can help.  All in all they said it was a very simple procedure with the consultants only concern being the muscle thing, however I don't want them doing the completely wrong operation and from reading other stories here it sounds like that.  Also they say that they see alot of cases, but only treat a small percentage.  

« Last Edit: February 02, 2005, 04:30:33 AM by gettingridofit_uk »

Offline gettingridofit_uk

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Good advice but I can't find a website for him, do you know of any directories of surgeons?  


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