Author Topic: 17 Yr Old - Bilateral Gynecomastia - July 1  (Read 9672 times)

Offline Jack17

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Hey guys. I found these threads really helpful, so I thought I'd post one myself.  I'm 17 years old. I've had gyne for maybe 3 or 4 years. Now I'm not going to claim that it's the worst case in the world, but it's something that has bothered me, and I have the money to do it, so I went for it.

My BMI is a healthy 20.5 and I have 14.6% body fat. I live in the Boston area. My surgery cost a total of about $5800 ($4,200 Physician's fee, $701 hospital fee, $440 anesthesia fee, and $82 pathology fee). He is doing direct excision of the gland, and tumescent liposuction (he doesn't expect a lot of fat, but he does it for everyone because it makes the result more uniform and any fat there might be resistant to diet and exercise). He says that he usually has his patients wear the compression garment for a week, and then lets them wear underarmor. He doesn't use drains. He performs about 3 or 4 of these operations a month.

My pose (fist clenched like that) is because it flexes the pecs.

Let me know if you have any questions. I'll keep you all abreast (pun very much intended) of my (hopefully) progress.

Offline fortslap

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I look very similar to you, albeit with a bit more gland (I even have the slight hip fat which I notice in your pictures). Where do you live and who is your doctor? Also, I think we have the same boxers, lol.

Offline Jack17

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I forgot to add, general anesthesia.

I live about a half an hour south of Boston. The doctor is Rick Silverman. He seems like the best around, from my research.

Offline nipplevision

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Your case looks similar to mine too.
I'm getting the surgery July 8th!
Will post pics in my topic (pre-operation section).

grtz and best of luck with your operation

Offline Jack17

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Just got home from the hospital. Feel a little sore, but not in pain.

Doctor said the glands were about golf ball size each, and he also took out about a "stick and a half of butter" worth of gunk too.

The vest is pretty uncomfortable, probably but I also have gauze piled up on my chest underneath it, so that might be contributing to it.

I can't shower for another 46 hours. That'll suck. After that I still have to wear the vest except for showering until next Thursday. After that, I meet with my doctor again, and he'll most likely say that I can wear underarmor instead of the vest from then on.

I don't know how it looks yet. I'll know Friday morning.  ;D

Offline theman234

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Mine looks similar to yours also. I have the same hard gland part on my nipple too...and it "protrudes out" like the one in your pic does. Although i think i have a little bit more breast tissue. I'm getting mine done July 7th! I'm really really nervous because idk when my chest will be fully healed. The worst part is, my family is going on a cruise, and i wont be able to do a bunch of things besides walk around and chill because i'll still be healing.  :-\
Surgery Date: July 7, 2009!

Offline Jack17

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theman, I sent you a private message.


Sleeping on your back is a bitch if you aren't used to it at all. lol

The doctor didn't tell me I had to sleep on my back, but laying down on my stomach hurt (at least the first night).

I hope I don't have to do that for too long! (it's 4:30am here). haha

Offline Jack17

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The itchiness of the wounds underneath this vest is absolutely maddening.

Be prepared for that.

Offline theman234

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So does the surgery actually fix puffy nipples? because i have that too (when it isn't cold)

Offline Jack17

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Well it's too early for me to know my results very well, but I'm told that it will.

My doctor described it as being kind of like a balloon. When you have the gland there, it's as if the balloon is blown up. If you take out the gland, you're basically deflating the balloon. And when you deflate a balloon, it gets smaller and darker. It's supposed to be the same thing for areola.

Early post-op pics coming soon.

Offline theman234

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Does everyone have the gland?? like, people without gyne

Offline Jack17

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Yes, to some extent. And when you get the surgery, they won't take it all out. They'll leave a little bit to support you're areola (it'll die without a little gland).

It's too big in people with gyne. It's enlarged like the breasts on women (gynecomastia is latin for "woman breast").

Offline nipplevision

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Am looking forward to seeing those post op pics.
Since your case is similar to mine, I might get an idea of what to expect.
5 more days and I'm having surgery!

Offline Jack17

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Today was the first day I could take the vest off to shower. It's still very early, and I'm pretty bruised, but overall, looks pretty good for 48 hours after, I think.  ;D

Now the one thing that tempered my excitement a little was the fact that I have a pretty large crease on my left areola. I posted about it here, and Dr. Jacobs says to give it a little more time to heal before jumping to conclusions, because sometimes it will go away while healing. We'll see. :-\


Offline kingboob

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Your overall results are fantastic, you can go shirtless anywhere you like now without any problems....... no need for embarrassment with girls etc etc.

Give it a LONG time to heal before judging the final results, many people have seen large craters fill out over time (including myself).

That crease may well correct itself, and even if it doesn't I doubt anyone would notice - if they do you can always make up some excuse -  say you had a nipple piercing that got infected or something? (im sure you can do better than that anyway)

Don't start obsessing about your chest now either, you are totally flat and have nothing to worry about.


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