Author Topic: Acceptance and being prepared  (Read 3900 times)

Offline Tiffany

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  As I have posted, I am not sure that I have gyne but I do believe in preparing for all that I do and all I see coming my way in day to day life.
  I know that for some who accept gyne it is still an embarrassing predicament to go to a store and buy a bra. Maybe not for all but for some.
  Online purchases help with avoiding the embarrassment of purchasing these items somewhat but I have an idea for the guys that sew or have a wife that sews.
  My wife has a Dritz My Double dress form that she purchased to make her own skirts and dresses.
  She took my measurements and adjusted it to my build.
  From there if need arises she will take my old denim shirts and tailor them to hold my breasts up. It won't take much to cut them right under the bust and remove the sleeves and collar sort of like the halter top style girls wore.
  The top will button in front making it easy to put on or take off. The denim will be sturdy enough to hold the weight of the breasts.
  I don't know if it will work yet as the need hasn't arisen but I figured I would throw the idea out and see what you guys think.

It's too easy to get on a "woe is me" kick.
Life is too good in other ways.
If I can't poke fun of myself I sure would be pathetic.

Offline Tiffany

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  Actually, Tiffany is a screen name that I acquired a few years back.
  As a man that does not have his male ego threatened by having rather feminine features I use it in a sense to poke fun of myself.
  Back in the day when I was bodybuilding and going to college for law enforcement anything that threatened my manhood or ego got me rather hot. Those days are long gone with age and a body that has gotten more fem looking.
  I do feel sorry for those guys that take their male ego so seriously that gynecomastia gives them thoughts of self destuction. I do believe that vanity and what is considered manly has become so over rated that society and that which is considered the norm has robbed many of the joys of day to day life.
  The answer is that I don't mind having girly looking breasts if that is the way things have to be. There is too much in life to enjoy without dwelling on the bad.
  Hope this answers your question.

Offline moobydo

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Bravo, Tiff.  You've got guts and a good attitude. Too many of us (myself included) are here because we're too damn worried about adhering to cosmetic standards of manliness and what others think.


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