Author Topic: Question about the swelling and time length  (Read 2056 times)

Offline WackWack

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I am 11 day post op, how long did it take for the swelling to go completely down, mines is looking great so far but all the swelling has not gone down.

Also how long did it take for your chest to start feeling normal again, It still stings if something rubs in the nipple area where the incision was made.

Offline moobydo

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I'm asking the same question. I'm 4 weeks since surgery and I still feel that I have something going on there. I am not sure if it is swelling from fluid, fat that didn't get removed, scar tissue, or some combination of all of it.  A little discouraging, but I'm trying to stay patient.  Unfortunately most of the people who post on this forum are ones who no longer have any issues, so it is hard to concrete feedback on how long it took others to see something close to their "final" results. Anyone out there have some experiences to share?

Offline bmwman

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i have the same problem just did my surgery.. dont know whats going on my left side... i get that burining sensation also..


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